Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 266 Rulans’ Countermeasures

Chapter 267 Rulans’ Countermeasures

"My lord, Warwick is missing!"

Haldane, the deputy leader of the Poland Thieves Group, reported seriously.

Amycus frowned and paced back and forth in the room, "What's going on? What do you mean missing?"

"It's just missing."

Haldane was also surprised, "The captain who transported iron ore at night came to see Warwick for something, but he could not be found. According to reports from people at the iron ore mine, Warwick left before dark in the evening. "

"Didn't he find several lovers in Chishan Town? Did he go there to have a look?"

"I looked all over, but couldn't find it."

Haldane's expression was a little solemn. He didn't take this matter to heart at first, thinking that Warwick was just going somewhere to have fun, but after arranging for people to search for several hours, no one was found.

As a newly promoted core member, Warwick would check and compile statistics on the day's excavation every night. It was really abnormal that he didn't even see anyone today.

"Do you think Warwick will betray us?"

Haldane was a little worried. Although Warwick had not been promoted for a long time, he still knew some things.

Amycus thought for a while and then shook his head: "This guy is timid and does not have a complicated mind. It is impossible for him to deliberately betray."

As he spoke, he stopped, stood still and said decisively: "Look, arrange for more people to search, and there must be a result before dawn!"

If it was normal, let alone disappearing for a few hours, even if it disappeared for a day or two, they might not pay much attention.

But now is a critical moment. The coalition of nobles from Wushan Ridge is stationed at Big Rock Ridge. Although they have Baron Kerien as an internal agent, they cannot be careless.

At this time, Warwick, one of the new senior executives, suddenly disappeared, which was enough to attract their attention.

It was already half past midnight, and it was extremely quiet inside Wushan Fort.

On the back mountain, the Thunder Wind Chaser was resting comfortably in its den. Suddenly it noticed an uneasy pressure falling from the sky, and then a huge black shadow appeared in front of its hut.

It suddenly jumped up and looked at the ferocious dragon head outside in fear.

Carlos groaned and didn't know what he was talking about, and finally spread his paws and dropped something like a purse.

The Thunder Wind Chaser seemed to be able to understand what Carlos said. He immediately picked up his purse and ran down the mountain, and soon appeared outside Rulans' yard.

The guards waiting here were startled by the uninvited Thunder Chaser, and immediately became alert as if facing a formidable enemy.

Some of these guards were not from the First Knights stationed in Wushan City. Although they had heard that the Marquis had a powerful Warcraft mount, they had never seen it.

However, a majestic figure immediately appeared, dispersing the tense atmosphere.

"It's the contracted monster of Lord Marquis, so don't be nervous."

This person can be called a strong-backed man. Even if he is not wearing armor, he still gives people a sense of stability.

Melonica, the leader of the Third Knights of Wushan Castle, now guards Wushan Castle.

He frowned and looked at the monster in front of him, wondering what he was doing here at night, and what was even more strange was that he had something in his mouth.

Melonica didn't care whether the Thunder Chaser could understand it or not, and said: "You wait here, I will inform Lord Rulans."


Lulans' figure walked out of the house at some point. He slowly walked to the side of the Thunder Chaser on crutches and took out the purse from the opponent's mouth.

"I sense it coming."

He seemed to be explaining to Melonica, as he opened his wallet and read the letters inside.

This was naturally written by Luo Ning, who reported the situation on the Western Front to Rulans and asked him to remind Kabir and other personnel fighting on the Eastern Front to be careful of any conspiracy.


Lulans's face showed anger for the first time. He looked around and said, "Follow me."

Melonica is a little confused. When will the Marquis's magical beast be able to deliver letters?

Logically speaking, it cannot be faster than a letter bird.

The two came to the study, and Rulans placed the letter on the table, "Korien has rebelled."


Melonica thought she had heard wrongly, and picked up the letter in shock. After reading it in a hurry, she still looked in disbelief.

"Sir, how reliable is this letter?"

There was no identifying word in the letter, and only Rulans knew who wrote it.

"This is Luo Ning's letter. There is no problem with its credibility."

Melonica was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He knew that the Marquis now had great optimism and trust in his grandson, and Luo Ning's current performance had indeed lived up to this trust.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

Rulans thought for a while, then picked up a pen and started writing on a piece of parchment.

"Luo Ning said that he is confident in dealing with the situation in Chishan Town, so leave it to him. As for the east side, I am ready to let you pass."

He glanced at the leader of the Knights: "You have the highest strength among all the people, and you are also about to become a meteor star. If you go there, you can shock Barrington."

Melonica frowned: "Isn't this inappropriate? After I leave, what will happen to Wushan Fort's defense force?"

Nowadays, several knights are divided into two lines, and there are only three knight squads that come together to guard Wushan Fort.

Although it is enough to deal with ordinary assassins, it lacks high-end combat power.

Originally, there was no problem with Melonika here, but if he left, the only remaining strongest combat power would be one silver and one bronze.

Oh, and there is also the Thunder Wind Chaser, a level five monster.

"I will live in Wushan Fortress, even if a golden knight comes, it won't be a problem."

Lu Lansi was confident: "As for the Meteor Star, they will not take risks easily without sufficient profit motivation because of Orson's experience."

Although Orson was not dead, he was crippled by Lulans in a strange way, which was even more uncomfortable than death.

If those meteor stars want to assassinate Lulans, they will risk being destroyed.

Without enough interest and assurance, they will not try it easily.

"Maybe, but I still think we can just let someone notify them."

Rulans shook his head and insisted on his own approach.

"The strength of Kabir and Sandro is similar to that of the Golden Knights, but there is still a gap between them and decent Golden Knights like Barrington and Negan. You can't do it unless you go."

Rulans folded the parchment and put it in his purse, and handed it to Melonica, "Give it to the Thunder Chaser. You should also prepare to rush to the front line as soon as possible. Kabir and the others probably haven't arrived yet."

"I understand, sir."

Melonica took the purse, bowed and left the room.

Rulans leaned back in his chair and sighed.

He was saddened by Corian's betrayal.

The other party was once the young man he was most optimistic about, but he didn't expect that it would eventually turn into this.

He had also wondered whether Luo Ning had made a mistake, but thinking about the sudden loss of Chishan Town and the death of Knight Hahn in battle, he also felt that something was fishy.

"I'm really old. If I were in better shape, I would have noticed something was wrong with Kerien."

As people get older, they will have extra trust in people or things they once thought highly of, just like first impressions have a great influence on people.

Rulans has known about the intrigue between Corian, Hahn and Wiggins over the years and has been too lazy to take care of it.

But he didn't expect that Corian would betray him.

"Fortunately, Luo Ning discovered it in time and avoided a disaster."

He was also lucky that Luo Ning went to the battlefield this time.

"Most, get ready and let Wiggins, Diane and Brayton move into Oshan Fortress tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

That night, a lot of things happened in Chishan Town and Wushan Fort, but the camp of the Boulder Leader Noble Alliance was as quiet as usual, and nothing special seemed to happen.

Early the next morning, Ronin summoned a knight who was staying in the camp at Stone Castle and asked him to notify Corian to come to the camp as soon as possible to discuss a new battle plan.

Since Toru, Marvin, and others did not make any move, Corian's people took the order and passed on the message without any notice.

This will not make the latter suspicious.

Redal, Talen and others began to arrange manpower to set up defenses to prevent the knight team of Stone Castle from rioting.

Everything was ready, waiting for Corian to arrive.

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