Chapter 268 Variables

Stone Castle, as the nobles all evacuated to the camp outside, the place returned to its former tranquility.

Baron Corian slept until he woke up naturally as usual, then hummed a tune of unknown tune and enjoyed an exquisite breakfast under the service of a group of servants.

He was not indifferent to this war, but very concerned about it.

After all, this is a big gamble for him.

Although Luo Ning rejected his immediate attack plan, this did not affect the overall situation.

In his opinion, it was just a matter of staying in the camp for a few more days. As the food was consumed, they would eventually take action.

And as long as the aristocratic coalition goes to war with the Polish thieves in Chishan Town, the knight team of his Stone Castle will become a sharp dagger, completely piercing the battle line and changing the situation of the war.

"Sir, the knights who stayed in the camp have returned, saying they have orders from the commander, Viscount Ronin."

The steward of Stone Castle reported respectfully.

After what happened before, Kerien's impression of Luo Ning had changed, but after a good sleep, that change seemed to be washed away, and he began to disdain Luo Ning again.

He wiped the grease from his hands and said, "Let the knight come to me."

Soon, in the small hall, he met the knight who sent the message and learned that Luo Ning had informed him to go to the camp to discuss the battle plan.

"Haha, our commander really likes to find things to do for himself. We just made preliminary arrangements yesterday, and today we have to discuss a new battle plan."

"It's been less than a day, and I'd like to see what new ideas he has."

Before the war officially started, Kerien was a defeated general. Naturally, he would not do anything that obviously violated the commander's arrangements in these small things. That would undoubtedly cause trouble for himself.

So after receiving the order, he immediately started preparing to go to the coalition camp.

"Did anything special happen in the camp last night?" he asked casually.

"Last night, Luo Ning summoned Tolu and others to discuss something, and also came to see you, but you happened to be away. Maybe it was late at night, so we didn't let us come to Stone Castle to inform you."

Corian couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, secretly thinking that he was lucky to go back to Stone Castle to rest, otherwise he would have to be dragged out for a meeting in the middle of the night.

Young commander, I really love to show off and toss.

"Go and notify Brissot and ask him to take the knight team to the coalition camp with me."

Brissot is a new knight who joined Stone Castle. He is very powerful and is undoubtedly the most respected person of Baron Corian.

If Jushi has its own knighthood in the future, this Knight of Brissot will definitely serve as the leader.

But this is the opinion of the members of the Knight Squad.

In fact, Brissot was not a follower of Corian.

The other party is here purely to help him complete this huge gamble.

Soon, the team of knights from the Rock Castle was assembled, Corian mounted the war horse, and Brissot also arrived.

"Let's go," Corian said.

More than two knight squads, a total of more than 200 people, began to set off towards the camp of the noble coalition.

Seeing that Luo Ning's plan of luring the snake out of its hole and catching the turtle in the urn was about to succeed, a figure ran out from the path on the west side of the castle and quickly came to the front of the team.

"My Lord Baron, My Lord Baron!"

Corian reined in the reins and looked back. It was the birdkeeper of the Rock Castle.

"What's going on?" he asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, I have an urgent letter from you!"

Corian frowned. What urgent letter would there be at this time?

Could it be from Wushanbao?

He quickly took it and opened it, and his expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Brissot noticed something was wrong and asked curiously.

Kerien looked at the other person with a very complicated look, which seemed to contain regret, anger, and a hint of madness.

"Stand where you are!"

He turned around and shouted to the knight squad: "Brissot, come with me!"

The two of them walked to the side away from the team, one behind the other.

"What's wrong, Corian? I think your face doesn't look right."

Corian handed the letter to the other party, "This is a letter written by Amycus. They did not find Warwick after a night of searching, and they suspect that something happened to the other party, or that he was captured by the people from Ushanbao!"


Brissot was confused by the explosive message. He quickly read the letter and found that it really said so.

"Is there anyone in Wushanbao who has the strength to sneak into Chishan Town and capture Warwick without any trace?"

He said in disbelief: "It's unlikely. Although Warwick is not very strong, he is still silver. If you want to capture him, there will be no movement at all."

"Someone can do it!"

Kerian has no doubt about the possibility of this matter: "The leader of the Third Knights of Wushanbao, Melonica Taylor, I have never been able to figure out his strength, but he is very strong! If it is him , it should be possible!”

"Didn't this person say he would stay at Wushanpu to protect Rulans' safety?"

"These are all superficial remarks. From beginning to end, Melonica never showed up. Who knows where he is?"

Kerien's mood now is like an ant on a hot pot, extremely anxious and panicked.

This was a huge gamble, and he had a high probability of winning, but an unexpected accident happened.

If Melonica learns about his betrayal, then...

He immediately thought of Luo Ning summoning him to the camp for a meeting, and at the same time he thought of Luo Ning summoning Tolu, Marvin and others last night, and a chill ran down his back.

"Meronika definitely learned about our plan from Warwick and told Ronin about it!"

Kerien's thinking was brighter than ever before, "We can't go to the coalition camp. Luo Ning must know about this. He asked me to go there and definitely wanted to capture me directly!"

Brissot also recovered from the shock, and he was very scared when he thought about this situation.

Although he is a Golden Knight, if he and Corian are besieged by Tolu and others, they will only be caught.

"You're right, if we go to the camp again, we're looking for death!"

Brissot cursed: "This Melonica and this Ronin are so insidious!"

Corian couldn't care less about the curse, he only thought about the solution.

Fortunately, he has sent all his family members away in advance. Even if he loses the bet, the Hansen family will not die.

He has a successor.

What's more, he hasn't lost this battle yet.

As long as everyone including Melonica is killed and Wushan Castle suffers heavy damage, he will disappear for a while and wait until Barrington takes control of Wushan Territory and then take the opportunity to come back.

"Brissot, command all the knight squads in Stonehenge Castle and ask them to close the castle gate immediately, arrange the defense facilities, and be ready to defend the castle!"

"I immediately wrote to Amycus and asked him to mobilize his manpower to prepare for an active attack on the noble coalition."

Corian's eyes flashed with madness: "As long as we join forces, the noble coalition will still be attacked by us from the front and back!"


Brissot nodded solemnly, he fully agreed with this arrangement.

Their original plan was to defect at the beginning of the battle and catch the noble coalition by surprise.

Now the chance to defect on the battlefield is gone, but the advantage of attacking from both front and back is still there. After all, the camp of the noble coalition is between Stone Castle and Chishan Town.

The balance of victory still tips to their side.

As for worrying about whether the Polish Thieves Group will send troops?

If it were a normal alliance, Amycus might hesitate or even bargain.

But the alliance between Corian and the other party is not simple, and Jesus is behind it.

After Amycus received the letter, not only would he not hesitate, he would probably take immediate action in order to prevent the plan from failing.

"Come on, let's have a head-on battle! Even if we suffer heavy losses, as long as the final victory belongs to us, everything will be worth it!"

Kerien whipped the horse's butt and galloped towards the Bird Building.

Brissot drove his horses to the team of knights and began to direct everyone to defend the castle.

The wall of the Stone Fortress is more than ten meters high and seven or eight meters thick. It cannot be easily destroyed by ordinary attacks.

At the same time, there are enough food and supplies stored in the castle, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Brissot believed that relying on the Rock Castle, it would not be a problem for them to survive for several days.

In the past few days, it was enough for Chishan Town to take action.

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