Time passed by minute by minute, and the postures set up in the coalition camp looked like no one was paying attention.

"what happened?"

Marvin looked at the entrance of the camp, "Even if Corian goes out to dress up like a woman, she should be here soon!"

"Don't worry, Phillip should be back soon."

After the words fell, Philip quickly walked into the tent: "Oh no, Corian has closed the castle door. Now even the castle servants who go out to do business are not allowed in, and no one comes out!"

Hearing such news, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Fuck, who leaked the news!"

Marvin roared: "Is there a traitor among us?"

Corian stayed behind closed doors, obviously he had learned the news, and it was normal for Marvin to have such suspicions.

For a moment, the people in the tent looked at me and me, a little wary.

Yesterday, apart from Ronin and his people, there were only four people present, Tolu, Marvin, Philip, and Thorstein. Even Talen didn't know the inside story.

If there is a traitor, it is among these four men.

The coalition is already loose. If the top leaders no longer trust each other, this will be a terrible thing.

Luo Ning said at the right time: "Everyone does not need to doubt each other. In my opinion, the person who passed the message to Kerien is not one of ours. Amycus of Chishan Town is also possible. After all, a core figure is missing. It is worth it." Something they’re alert to.”

Even though he said that, he still didn't expect that the other party would detect it so quickly and report the information to Kerien so quickly, which showed a high degree of mutual trust and communication between them.

Luo Ning had to lament the rapid changes in the situation, and his plan to catch a turtle in a jar was in vain.

"Luo Ning makes sense."

The tense atmosphere in the big tent relaxed a lot.

They also increasingly admired the young man's adaptability. If it had been Wiggins, no, if it had been them, they wouldn't be able to think as fast as him.

"Luo Ning, what should we do next?"

Tolu asked: "With the material reserves of an ordinary castle, even if Corian hides in the Stone Castle for ten days and a half, he will not worry about food. But we can't. In this expedition, the Stone Castle will bear the responsibility of the Wushan Fort knights." The food consumption of the squad and the Wubei Territory Knight Squad.”

To put it simply, if Korien does not provide food, the coalition forces will have nothing to eat.

Being hungry will not only make it impossible to fight, it will definitely bring panic.

"The food problem is easy to solve."

Before Luo Ning could speak, Marvin gave a suggestion: "Boulder City is so big and there are so many people. If it doesn't work, just requisition their food."

Expropriation sounds nice, but in reality it is robbery.

"The food storage in the camp should be enough to last four or five days. If not, let other nobles balance the food and promise to return it to them after the war is won. The most important thing at the moment is to consider how to respond to the enemy."

Luo Ning said: "Boulder City is cooperating with the Boland Thieves. Since they have exchanged information, Amycus must also know about Corian's situation. As a key ally in victory or defeat, Amycus will definitely send troops to support , we need to prevent being attacked from both sides.”

Everyone nodded slightly.

Thorstein couldn't help but ask: "Are we going to divide our forces to resist?"

Luo Ning pondered for a long time and finally shook his head.

Standing still is not a good idea, nor is it a good idea to divide our forces to fight.

"Last night we were short of time and it was not suitable to attack the Rock Castle, but now we can try."

Luo Ning said: "If we can capture the Stone Castle before the enemies in Chishan Town arrive, then we will not only have food, but we will only have to deal with one enemy."

Marvin looked worried, and then continued what Luo Ning said: "But the defense of Stone Castle is very strong."

"I have a way to deal with it."

Luo Ning said: "Your Majesty the Marquis gave me a level six magic cannon, which may be able to blast open the door of the Stone Castle."

"Magic cannon? Is the Marquis willing to give you this thing?"

Marvin glared, and he tried hard to buy a magic cannon at a slightly cheaper price, but Lulans didn't even agree.

Fortunately now, the other party directly gave Luo Ning one.

Sure enough, the apprentice is closer to the grandson than the grandson.

The eyes of the others also lit up. With the assistance of the magic cannon, it would be much easier to break into the castle.

"We are relatively close to the Stone Castle. Even if the thieves from Chishan Town arrive, it will take a day."

Marching at full speed would naturally not take that long, but in the face of a battle that could break out at any time, they needed to maintain their physical strength and it was impossible to move at full speed.

"Within one day, we tried to blast open the door of the Stone Castle. Even if we couldn't blast it open, we still had to block them inside the castle and prevent them from getting out."

"At the same time, on the way to support the Stone Castle, the Polite Thieves Group will rely on the surrounding houses and other favorable terrain to prepare traps and ambush."

Since luring the snake out of its hole and catching the turtle in the urn are no longer possible, let's surround the area and call for reinforcements. If faced with a single enemy at the same time, the noble coalition still occupies an advantageous position.

Under his arrangement, everyone felt that the chaotic situation suddenly became clearer.

"Okay, let's do this!"

Marvin clapped his hands and looked like he was going to do something big: "I'll let Talen lead the people to get rid of Corian's team in the camp first, and then use them to sacrifice the flag."

Of course, some of the people Corian left in the camp were innocent, but it would be really difficult to handle this situation without killing them.

Moreover, with the war imminent, suddenly announcing that an important figure in the coalition was a traitor would definitely destabilize people's hearts. Publicizing Corian's evil deeds and executing his men in public would have a very good effect.

"Tolu, Redal, you should also deal with the traitor's matter, and try to let the coalition forces know the crimes committed by Corian and the whole story."

Luo Ning then ordered: "Philip and Thorstein still cannot reduce the number of scouts in Chishan Town. They must continue to report to us the latest trends of the Polite Thieves Group in batches."

"Yes!" the two deputy captains responded solemnly.

After some arrangements, everyone else left.

"McCann, go and summon Joffrey, Rognar and the other ten extraordinary beings. I have a special task for you."

"Yes, sir!"

McCann has seen the Lord's commanding ability and is looking forward to this special mission.

On the other hand, as Talon and Marvin led the knights to surround Corian's men, a storm broke out in the camp.

The barons, knights, and heads of various family teams all couldn't believe that the baron of the Stone Territory would betray Wushan Castle.

They couldn't understand that they were already barons and were highly regarded by the marquis. What was the purpose of betraying Wushan Castle?

But with Tolu's explanation and the interrogation of those knights, the truth about the tragedy in Chishan Town that night and Hahn's death in battle emerged.

The noble coalition began to accuse these traitors, threw stones, and even drew their swords.

In the wave of killing traitors one after another and avenging the knights of Harn, all the members of the knight team that Corian left in the camp were slaughtered.

The hostility of the noble coalition towards the Stone Castle reached a climax. Following the order from Tolu and others, the noble coalition forces, organized into teams, under the leadership of the new captain, left the camp and marched towards the Stone Castle. (End of chapter)

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