On the night when Deputy Commander Hahn was killed, Corian led the remaining five knight squads of the Fifth Knights to provide support and had a brief confrontation with the Bolt Thieves. 6̾̾

His action disguised his betrayal very well, making the knights and soldiers of the Knights feel that it was too late to save Hahn.

The actual situation is that a few days ago, Kerien organized his men into caravans in batches and entered Chishan Town. After that, they returned from Cassirer Town through a special trail. The boulder collar perfectly avoided the knights' eyes.

"If the Polite Bandits support Stone Castle, even if they don't go out in full force, they will send out most of their elites. At that time, both Cassirer Town and Chishan Town will definitely be empty."

In the big tent, except for Ruidal, the rest of the knight team from Wubei Territory had already arrived.

"McKen, this time you will lead the team and attack the town of Cassirer from the trail east of the Boulder Territory. After wiping out the enemies stationed by the Bolt Bandits, you will quickly seal off the town and take over the food and iron ore there. warehouse, and then wait for the opportunity to go north."

Luo Ning's move was to cut off the Polish thieves' escape route.

Although there is only one knight team in Wubei Territory, its combat power is not low.

Especially with the magician Elron, he can not only improve the team's combat power, but his own combat power should not be underestimated.

In addition to Elrond, there is also the magician Jenny, and the silver knight McCann. It is absolutely no problem to rely on them to occupy the town of Cassirer, which does not have many defenders.

When everyone heard that the special mission was to raid the enemy's hometown, they suddenly became excited. The lord's arrangements were always so unexpected.

"Okay, Joffrey, Rogner, you go and gather the knight team. McCann, Elrond, you two stay."

After everyone exited the tent, Luo Ning said: "Take Warwick with you and let him lead the way. When you arrive at Cassirer Town, be careful to hide your whereabouts first. I will ask Carlos to give you a signal. If it drops from the sky If there is hail, it is retreat, if there is fire in the sky, it is attack.”

Elrond joked: "My lord, you also have unique insights into the use of dragons."

Ronin chuckled. If it wasn't for the purpose of not exposing Carlos as much as possible, he wouldn't let him work as a transporter, messenger or signal worker.

McCann asked: "Sir, after we take over Cassirer Town, when will we attack Chishan Town?"

This time he is leading the team, and he naturally wants to put up a good fight to prove himself.

"I'll have Carlos send you the signal as well."

The time to attack Chishan Town should be when the Polish bandits were retreated and pursued by the noble coalition.

But this is just Luo Ning's idea, and the specific results will depend on the results.

If the noble coalition fails, then all these arrangements will be redundant, and they can only be passers-by in Cassirer Town.

But to be honest, the possibility of defeat is very low.

Although the aristocratic coalition was loose, the backbone was the well-trained regular army.

If this battle can realize his front and rear flanking attacks and behead all the leaders and deputy leaders of the Polante Bandits, then the southwestern border of the Wushan Territory will be able to usher in a brief period of peace.

At that time, Shore City, Surrey Town, Liusha Town, Cassirer Town and Chishan Town, which have been occupied by the Poland Bandits for many years, will all be taken back!

He has completed something that Wushan Leader has not completed for many years. This will be an unprecedented achievement!

Chishan Town.

Amycus's face was very ugly. The situation was originally very good, but suddenly he became passive.

"Warwick, how on earth did this guy fool himself!"

He gritted his teeth and growled: "If I had known that this guy couldn't keep secrets, I might as well have let him be a soldier for the rest of his life."

"Warwick should be dead. Sir, what we have to do now is how to face the coalition of nobles."

Deputy leader Haldane reminded: "Should we support Kerien, or should we stick to Chishan Town?"

"Support, of course support!"

Amycus said without hesitation: "If the Rock Castle is gone, we don't have to hold on to Chishan Town. We might as well retreat directly to Cassirer Town or even Shore City."

Without Kerien, they would be completely unable to gain a foothold in Chishan Town.

"Just as Corian said, Haldane, you immediately lead Kilbart and Lanivisa to organize your troops and move out as quickly as possible, and cooperate with Corian to attack the noble alliance from front to rear!"


After all, Amycus underestimated Warwick's "honesty" and did not expect that the other party would even disclose the trail.

While the Polite Bandits were preparing to support and the Rock Castle was preparing to defend, the aristocratic coalition forces had also been mobilized. With hatred for the traitors, they poured towards the Rock Castle like a flood.

Within two hours, the coalition forces arrived at the Rock Castle and surrounded it with water.

The residents of the Boulder Territory were frightened by this scene. They were still hoping that the noble coalition could defeat the bandits. Why did they suddenly attack their leader?

Listening to the thundering roar of "kill the traitor", they gradually understood - their lord was a traitor.

The crowd was easily incited, and they were happy to see a nobleman fall from a great height.

Many people have even joined the team that denounced Corian.

Luo Ning rode on the Cloud Riding Horse and looked at the Stone Castle that was in a defensive state.

At this time, the castle's drawbridge has been pulled up, cutting off the road to the castle gate; the city gate is closed, and roadblocks and traps have been set up to prevent people from attacking.

At the same time, archers and spearmen could be seen on the walls and towers of the castle, already in defensive postures.

"Corin, come out!"

In front of the suspension bridge, Viscount Marvin roared loudly.

Corian's figure indeed appeared on the city wall. At this moment, he was wearing armor and looked more like the leader of the knights than before.

"Korien, the Marquis entrusted the Fifth Knights to you, but you openly betrayed him. Do you deserve this trust?"

Marvin began to curse, and his voice filled with vindictiveness was as loud as thunder, and people inside and outside the circle could hear it clearly.

Corian's face became increasingly gloomy.

It was a fact that he betrayed him, but he was a baron after all, and he couldn't keep it off his face after being insulted like this in front of so many people.

"Marvin, what nonsense are you talking about? You have the guts to jump up to the castle and challenge me to a duel!"

Corian sneered: "If you don't have the strength, just shut your mouth. Viscount, don't act like a shrew!"

"Haha, what happened to the shrew? A shrew is better than a traitor like you!"

When the two armies confront each other, the scolding battle seems to be exciting. If it can anger Corian and make him lose his mind, thereby destroying morale and exposing flaws, the effect will be considerable.

But Corian was obviously prepared to hold on, and Marvin's abuse was not painful to him.

His gaze passed through the crowd, "Luo Ning, I underestimated you. As a coalition commander, you are qualified!"

"Thank you for your compliment."

Luo Ning said calmly: "If you open the door and surrender now, maybe you can still save a life when you get to the Marquis."

Corian did not answer Ronin's words, but looked for Melonica's figure in the crowd, but unfortunately, he did not find anything.

"Why didn't Melonica come? If he didn't come, then I should be able to survive today's siege."

At this moment, the crowd in front parted, and two knights pushed out a huge, black thing.

Luo Ning had already asked Redal to push out the magic cannon, and Marvin also stopped scolding, waiting for the magic cannon to start the war.

"Come on Redal, let them see the power of level six magic cannon!" Luo Ning said.

Redal pressed his palm on the tail of the magic energy cannon, and as the fighting spirit was injected inward, the barrel emitted a flaming light.


Amidst the deafening roar, a huge flame dragon roared out from the barrel of the magic energy cannon.

Kerien's pupils shrank violently and he shouted: "Magic cannon, this is a magic cannon! How can they have a magic cannon?" (End of this chapter)

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