Chapter 34 Feliton’s decision

On the mountain road, five horses galloped at high speed. Even over mountains and ridges, their endurance and strength were amazing.

This is the running ability of high-quality war horses. Compared with them, ordinary horses are as different as clouds and mud.

"Shanlin Town is ahead, and there is a faint smell of blood in the air. It seems that Prince and Luo Ning are fighting."

The leading knight was tall and tall, and the narrow eyes on Guozi's face were particularly unnatural, and the slanted scar made him exude an evil aura.

This is the captain of the Thane Knights Squadron, Feridon Henry, the captain of the Thane Knights Squadron.

"I wonder what the outcome will be?" Feliton was a little worried.

But his deputy, Unai, had a relaxed expression, "Boss, you don't have to worry too much. With just the few people Luoning brought, Prince can easily handle it, so why do we need to do anything?"

Feliton didn't respond, but just slapped the horse's butt to increase its speed.

After twists and turns, they finally arrived at the top of the hill where the landmark of Shanlin Town was located. The scene they saw stunned everyone.


The expression on the face of the deputy who had been joking easily just now froze, and he didn't know what words to use to describe the shock at this moment.

Except for him, no one including Feliton expected the scene in front of them.

I saw dozens of corpses lying on the ground not far away, and at the front were their familiar figures - Prince, Dison, Kate, and Malte.

What shocked them most was the group of people standing on top of the blood and between the corpses.

One or two of them held bloody long swords in their hands, silently but murderously looking at the sudden arrival of the uninvited guests.

"How is it possible! Prince and the other five extraordinary beings are all dead?"

The deputy knight Unai said the first sentence in shock, "He is an intermediate knight, and his strength is not lower than mine."

Feliton's eyes swept across the battlefield and reminded: "Look, Ronin and the others not only killed Prince, but their losses were very small. It can be said that this battle was almost a crushing victory."

His eyes shone with wisdom, "The intelligence is wrong, there are experts around Luo Ning!"

"Then what should we do? Can't we get there?" Unai asked in a low voice.

Feliton frowned. It was inconvenient for the Baron to come over, and many matters were left to him to decide.

“Let’s explore the reality first.”

Over there, Luo Ning felt very uneasy when he saw the other party coming.

What he fears most is that the other party will rush forward regardless of him, leaving no room for buffering.

Fortunately, the situation is very good.

When Luo Ning saw Feliton and others on horseback standing there for a long time, he knew that his formation had frightened the other side and made them doubtful.

So he has to act more "confident".

Ronin was seen holding his sword and slowly walking forward for a certain distance, with McCann and Elrond following closely behind him.

"Who are you and what are you doing in our Shanlin Town?"

Feliton and Unai looked at each other, "It looks like they were really crushed. Prince and the others almost died before they even revealed Baron Leisen's plan."

Only a few people knew about the siege and killing of Luo Ning. According to the plan, once Prince and others succeeded, even the infantry involved in the incident would be killed.

As long as they are dead, Luo Ning will have no way to know their plans.

Feliton quickly turned over and dismounted, with a smile on his face, "This is Feliton Henry, captain of the Knights, I have met Lord Ronin!"

Luo Ning's heart moved, something was going on.

"Sir Ferriton, do you know me?"

When Luo Ning asked, he looked at the other person up and down with suspicious and scrutinizing eyes, making the other person feel that he was on guard.

"Why did the knights from Thain appear in my mountain town?"

Feliton was also observing Luo Ning's every move, and he became more and more convinced that the other party did not know that he was coming.

So, he said the excuse he had already thought of: "Sir, I was just hunting in the mountains with the members of the knight team. I happened to hear the sound of fighting here, so I rode over to see what was going on."

As Feliton spoke, his eyes skipped over Luo Ning and focused on the corpse behind him. He asked pretending to be confused: "Sir, what's behind you?"

Luo Ning looked back at the corpse lying on the ground and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Just killed a few traitors."

He shrugged, "It made you laugh."

"Traitor?" Feliton was surprised and looked at the corpse on the ground. "I have seen that person before. Isn't he Prince, the political officer of Hillwood Town? He betrayed you?"


Ronin said, walked back, kicked Prince in the head and stood up facing Feliton, and then continued:

"This guy has been the administrative officer of Shanlin Town for several years, and he thinks he is the master of Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning's tone was full of disdain, "It's a pity that he overestimated his own strength and misestimated mine, and his head was dismembered in just one encounter."

He kicked his head down: "You dare to challenge the majesty of the Wushan family with this little strength, you are overestimating your own capabilities!"

The doubts in Feliton's heart disappeared at this moment, and he was already convinced that there must be a master around Luo Ning.

He cut off Prince's head in one confrontation. This man definitely has advanced strength!

And in this situation, looking at Luo Ning's arrogant attitude, it was obvious that he didn't take Feliton seriously.

"That is to say, he is not worried at all that the five of us will take action!"

Feliton took a deep breath and couldn't help but glance at the two people next to Luo Ning. He didn't recognize these two faces, but they both looked like extraordinary beings.

In particular, McCann, who is as strong as a mountain and has a calm demeanor, gives him an unfathomable look.

"I didn't expect that Prince would betray you!"

Feliton shook his head in disbelief, "I remember he is an intermediate knight. You can easily win. It seems that the Marquis and the Earl must have arranged experts to protect you secretly."

"There's no protection at all."

Luo Ning said calmly: "On the surface, we have arranged for a high-level peak knight. I guess he is not as strong as you~"

Feliton's pupils shrank. It's probably not easy for a senior peak knight to win easily.

If he takes action here, even if he kills Luo Ning, the knight will most likely escape.

If Wushanbao is informed of what he has done, then the good days of the Thane Territory will be over.

Moreover, this is only on the surface.

Feridon kept in mind Baron Leisen's instructions, telling him not to take action if he was not absolutely sure.

As for Prince and the others, even if they confessed to the Thain Territory, Leisen could still forcefully accuse the other party of slander.

"Captain, do we want it?" Unai asked in a low voice.

Feliton shook his head slightly and gave a knightly salute to Luo Ning, "The majesty of the Wushan family cannot be violated. Dear Lord Baron, do you need my service for you?"

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Sir Ferridon!"

Luo Ning spread his hands, looking down on the other party, "But I have already solved it. The next thing is just to collect the corpses."

"I really want to keep you overnight, but unfortunately, I don't even know which room I will stay in tonight."

This is the meaning of the expulsion order.

Feliton was not angry, he was very respectful, "Then I wish you a good night, sir."

"Thank you for your blessing, sergeant!"

Luo Ning waved to the other party, "Please also tell Baron Leisen for me that as a neighbor, I am looking forward to visiting him."


Feridon remounted his horse and prepared to leave with his team of knights.

Luo Ning turned around and shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone is here, clean up the battlefield now, search their pockets clean, don't leave a single copper coin!"

"Yes!" the guards shouted in response.

The rushing sounds echoed, startling Feliton and others who were about to leave.

They couldn't help but turn around and look over, only to see that the energy of the guards was so high.


Feridon shouted in a low voice and drove off on his horse.

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Luo Ning's back was soaked with sweat.

Sure enough, the other party was unwilling to take risks.

He got it right.

"Keep lying down!"

He came to Malte and whispered, "Others start cleaning up the battlefield."

On the other hand, Feliton and others walked down the hillside, and their speed slowed down when the figure disappeared from Luoning's sight.

"Captain, are we really going back like this?" Knight Unai asked in disbelief.

Feliton frowned, pondered for a while, and looked back in the direction of Shanlin Town.

"You guys wait for me here!"

With that said, he got off his horse and ran quickly towards the battlefield. This time he did not take the main road, but used the mountains and trees to cover his body.

"Sir, someone is approaching."

Elrond reminded in a low voice.

Luo Ning smiled inwardly. The other party would indeed come back to confirm. Fortunately, he had just told Marte to continue lying down.

If Feridon came back and saw Malte standing up, he would definitely tell at a glance that he was acting.

Feliton, who had hidden his figure in the forest, watched silently.

He saw that the guards were really rummaging for copper coins on the corpses, and even McCann and Elrond next to Ronin were rummaging for something on Prince and others.

"It's really not pretending."

The last trace of suspicion in Feliton's heart disappeared, "It seems that Lord Baron's plan has failed."

He sighed and returned to the team, "Let's go back and report the situation to the Baron."


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