Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 35 35The first meeting with the people

Chapter 35 The first meeting with the people

Luo Ning stayed on the hillside for a long time. After confirming that the people led by Thain had left, he prepared to set off as a team. ✎

Although he successfully passed the immediate crisis, Luo Ning did not take Thain Ling lightly at all.

He knew that the Thane leader's desire to covet Shanlin Town would not disappear. Now the other party just chose not to have a direct conflict. That was due to Baron Leisen's consideration.

When the other party doesn't take this into account one day, they will definitely encroach on it on a large scale.

And before this consideration is given, the other party may not target Luo Ning openly, but it is uncertain whether they will make some small moves secretly.

"Mart, from today on, put on a mask for yourself and change your name."

Malte, who was following Luo Ning, was in a very complicated mood at the moment.

He was in awe of Luo Ning, but also fearful.

In the situation just now, lying on the ground pretending to be a corpse, he couldn't understand how brave the baron in front of him was to dare to perform that wonderful bluffing scene.

Malte has learned a lot today!

While tearing a piece of cloth from the corpse behind and covering his face, he bowed and asked: "Sir, if you can, I would like to ask you to give me a name!"

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect this guy to ask him to name him.

"Then your name is Tom."

Malte knelt down on one knee respectfully, "Thank you for giving me the name! Malte is a thing of the past. From now on, I am just your follower Tom!"

Luo Ning nodded, got on his horse, and then the team slowly started walking towards the town.

McCann led several infantrymen on horseback in front, Ronin, Elrond, David and others walked in the middle, followed by carriages dragging food and corpses.

He did not bury this group of people in Shanlin Town. After all, most of these people had relatives in Shanlin Town. It was Luo Ning's kindness to hand over the bodies to their relatives.

In addition, he will tell everyone in Shanlin Town that Administrative Officer Princet took the lead in betraying Wushanbao and was eliminated by him. He will no longer pursue the crimes of other people.

This can also act as a deterrent.

After all, Prince has been operating here for nine years. Who knows if there are any followers or subordinates in Hillwood Town?

"Tom, is there anyone else in your family?" Ronin asked.

"I...my mother is still alive."

Malte, who transformed into Tom, immediately became nervous. In his eyes, Ronin was the one who would kill at will. He was afraid that Ronin would kill his mother like a prisoner, but he didn't dare to let her lie.

"What does she do?" Luo Ning asked.

"Sir, my mother Leah opened a tailor shop in the town with a little money left by her father, and raised me with a little income."

Luo Ning nodded and said to Chahar: "After arriving in Shanlin Town, Chahar, let Tom's mother come to the castle to work."

"Okay, sir!" Chaharjiang, the male servant, wrote down the incident. ♦♤♗

Tom secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay.

The team didn't move very fast, but it didn't take long before they arrived at the town.

Luo Ning finally saw his subjects.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, their faces are very vicissitudes of life, they seem to have suffered a lot, and their expressions are dull.

Perhaps, only the children chasing and playing around the dilapidated longhouse still retained a little vitality, allowing Luo Ning to laugh.

However, when this group of people saw that the last few cars were full of corpses, and when they saw the blood dripping and leaving long lines of blood on the ground, their faces were full of fear, and they quickly pulled their children. He knelt on the roadside, not even daring to run.

As Luo Ning walked toward the center of the town, more and more people fell on their knees.

Finally, on the smelly street, he reined in the reins and stopped.

"Let me introduce myself. I am from Wushan Castle. I am the eldest grandson of Marquis Rulans, the owner of Wushan Territory. From today on, I am the baron of Shanlin Town and your lord!"

Ronin cleared his throat, "Remember your lord's name, Ronin Firestorm!"

The kneeling citizens couldn't help but look up at Luo Ning. They felt that the person sitting on the horse seemed to be glowing all over, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Some of the more knowledgeable free people saw the coat of arms of the Wushan family on the carriage and knew that Luo Ning was not telling lies.

They couldn't help but sigh that after so many years, the Wushan Territory finally had a real master, and this time it was not a pioneer knight or a newly promoted baron, but a direct bloodline of the Wushan family!

Luo Ning pulled the reins and came to the last few carriages, his tone changed from the calm tone before.

"Princet, the former political officer of Shanlin Town, betrayed Wushanbao, betrayed Shanlin Town, and betrayed his lord! They have all been executed by my knights!"

The person who dared to look up at Luo Ning just now just glanced at the body and quickly lowered his head.

"I am never merciful to betrayers!"

Luo Ning chuckled, his voice sounded cold to the ears of his subjects, "My kindness will only be to those who are loyal to me!"

The sound of horse hooves could be heard loudly, and there were so many people kneeling on the street that they didn't dare to express their anger, but some people couldn't help but cry.

Luo Ning looked over, they should be the betrayer's family members.

When they saw Luo Ning's eyes, they lowered their heads in panic, not knowing what to do.

"I believe the betrayal was only their personal behavior and did not involve their families."

Luo Ning didn't want to continue talking in such an environment, "Whoever is their family member can come up and take away their bodies. As long as you are loyal to Shanlin Town and loyal to me, I will not hold you accountable for anything."

After speaking, Luo Ning ordered his entourage: "David, bring two guards here to guard the carriage and let their families take away the bodies."

At the same time, he whispered, "Remember to follow the orders and prohibitions. I have already explained to you what happened on the mountain. You know what to do."

"Understood, sir!"

David picked two guards and shouted loudly: "Lord, please be kind, you can come up and take away the bodies of your family!"

Of all the people present, no one dared to move.

Ronin knew he was here, and they didn't have the courage. "Let's go, Tom, take me to the castle in Hillwood Town."

"Okay, sir!"

The castle of Shanlin Town is located on the hill in the northeast corner of the town. It was built by the first baron more than ten years ago and was renovated and rebuilt by Prince in the past few years.

Luo Ning originally thought that the castle would be very simple, but when he walked outside the castle, he found that was not the case.

Except that the area is a bit small, structurally it has all the features of inner and outer forts, city walls, gate towers, and sentry towers.

Prince showed that he hated aristocrats very much, but his life was no different from that of aristocrats.

At this moment, the guards of the castle came out in full force, and Luo Ning and his party walked in without any obstacles.

After entering Shanlin Castle, the guards, led by Tom, arrested all the housekeepers and servants of the castle.

Luo Ning walked straight to the fortress, which was made of discarded stones and looked very solid, and sat on the "throne" above.

He thought of Rulans who was at Wushan Fortress that day.

The other party sat quietly on the high seat without saying a word, but whether it was Wiggins or the golden lion of the Hyde family, they all surrendered to Rulans.

"The weak speak loudly, but no one cares; the strong speak softly, but they are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!"

Seeing the servants of Shanlin Fort being captured one after another and kneeling below, Luo Ning felt the pleasure of becoming a strong man for a moment.

It feels so mesmerizing.


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