Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 36 36 Servants in the Castle


In the forest fortress, the servants in the castle were arrested one by one under the search of the guards. New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

At this time, they were trembling on the ground, despair enveloped their hearts.

They already knew what Prince had done, and they also knew that the man in front of them was the real master of Hillwood Town.

As servants of the betrayer, perhaps the only thing they are waiting for is death.

"Sir, everyone has been arrested!"

Chahar finished the statistics and reported: "There are fifteen people in total, including one housekeeper, four in the kitchen, three maids, five male servants, and two are Prince's lovers."

Chahar paused and added: "According to Tom, Prince's wife and son are in Sein Territory, not in Hillwood Town."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, "Good guy, this Prince is really a good guy." While his wife was away, he kept two lovers in Shanlin Town.

Luo Ning glanced around, and he could tell which two were the guy's lovers without Chahar's introduction.

She has a curvy figure and fair and tender skin, which is more than one level higher than the maids and cooks next to her.

Chahar noticed that Luo Ning's eyes fell on these two women, and immediately thought of the reputation he had in the past. He thought that during this period of time, he had not been close to women, and he couldn't help it.

So, he bowed and asked: "Master, are these two staying with you?"

Luo Ning's eyes turned to Chahar, the corners of his mouth raised, "Do you think I can do either?"

Although he was smiling, even though he was asking in the same tone as usual, all Chahar felt from it was rejection and scrutiny of him.

"Sorry, sir, I'm too talkative!"

Chahar lowered his head. In fact, he already regretted it when he said these words.

The eldest grandson of a marquis was in the past, but now he is an extraordinary person who has enough confidence, courage, and decisiveness to deal with the enemy.

He warned himself that he must forget all his past impressions of the Baron!

Luo Ning withdrew his gaze and said to the person below in a calm tone:

"Although you are the lover or servant of the betrayer, I should have killed you, but I am merciful and want to believe that you have nothing to do with this matter, so I am ready to give you a chance to live."

The fifteen people kneeling all breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Luo Ning in varying degrees.

"Although I won't kill you, I won't use you either."

Not killing them was because Luo Ning felt that it didn't matter whether they were killed or not. If they stayed, they could increase the population of Shanlin Town;

And using them involves security issues. If they are too loyal to Prince, it will not be appropriate to continue to stay in the castle.

"Chahar, let this steward take you to count the food, tools, etc. in the castle, and make a list for me."

"McKen, please arrange two guards to monitor these chefs and prepare a dinner for us."

"Other male servants and maids, go tidy up a few empty rooms, remember to replace everything!"

"As for these two lovers, please leave the castle now. Remember, I only asked you to leave the castle, and I did not allow you to leave Hillwood Town."

Luo Ning waved his hand, signaling for them to go their separate ways. ♡

For the servants, leaving the castle means leaving a superior life, but compared to saving a life, a superior life does not matter.

After all the guards and servants in the hall left, only Macon, Elrond and Tom were left here.

"Sir!" McCann said respectfully, "I will arrange for the guards to stand guard."

Luo Ning nodded. The security of the castle was very important. He didn't want anyone to be able to enter and exit the gate.

"Let the uninjured guards be in charge of defense, and the injured guards have the servants clean up the house as soon as possible to give them a rest."

Luo Ning looked at Tom, "You are familiar with this place. Please show McCann the way."

"Yes, sir!"

Tom followed McCann out of the fort.

"Come on, Elrond, take a nice tour of this castle with me."

"It's my pleasure!"

In this way, Ronin and the magician Elrond took a good tour of his base.

After a while, he came to the tower and looked at the small mountain town.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, this small town looked very simple and barren.

Except for the main road leading from the castle to the outside world, which can be regarded as a "street", there seems to be no decent main road in other places.

Prince should not bother to improve the environment of other people in the territory. For him, it is enough for him to live in peace and live comfortably.

And what about Luo Ning?

He hopes that the environment in which he lives can be close to the countryside on earth, so that he will be comfortable.

Improving the living environment of the people in the territory seems to be a thankless task for many nobles in this world.

After all, there are castles and extraordinary beings. Ordinary people can live peacefully and peacefully as laborers. How about living a hard and comfortable life? What does it have to do with the nobles?

But Luo Ning didn't think so.

If extraordinary beings are a lord's hard power, then the lord's subjects are his soft power.

Soft power is easily invisible, intangible, and intangible, but it is very important in supporting the territory.

If nothing else, just improve the living standards of the generals and the people and let them have enough to eat, will there be more ordinary people like David who can awaken the seeds of fighting spirit?

In the absence of enough knight families to follow, these people are the foundation of Ronin.

But he also knows that the meal must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be walked step by step.

Luo Ning didn't foolishly think of any measures to divide the land. This was not in line with the situation here, nor was it in line with what his status and class should do.

It is suitable for him to adapt to the status of a noble, enjoy the rights and responsibilities that this class should have, and then make slight changes according to his own wishes.

Perhaps when one day he is strong enough and strong enough that any decision he makes can be supported and followed by others, then it will not be too late to make bigger changes.

Ronin covered his eyes with his hands and looked at the setting sun, "Elrond, what did you see?"

Elrond looked up at the setting sun and smiled: "I saw that the light will always be with you, my lord!"

"Under your leadership, this town will embark on an unprecedented bright road. I believe that one day in the future, under your brilliance, this town will become a city of miracles!"


Luo Ning laughed loudly, "Sure enough, you can still speak, unlike that stupid big guy like McCann who can only say yes, okay, as you wish!"

Elrond smiled and said: "Knight McCann's loyalty and calmness are worth learning from me."

People who love reading speak really well.

"Come on, it's time to work, magician."

Luo Ning took the lead and walked down the tower. "The role of the guards is to protect and fight. Their daily tasks are to train and patrol, not to complete things like cleaning."

Elrond followed Ronin, "You are right."

"So, write me a recruitment brochure. The castle has expelled the original male servants, maids and chefs. We need to recruit a new group of people to complete the daily chores."

Elrond echoed, "You are right."

"Besides, I just visited the castle today and I have to take some time to inspect the entire territory so that I can make follow-up arrangements."

"You are right!" Elrond added: "But I think it is better to publicize your becoming the Lord of Hillwood Town first."

"The deterrent effect on the streets today made the residents fearful. Although you said a simple word of comfort, I feel that your comfort may not reach everyone's ears."

"You are right, Elrond!"

Luo Ning nodded and said: "Then let Tom take David to each place to promote it later. Find a place tomorrow morning and let all the people in the territory meet me there."

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