Chapter 37 Wealth in the Castle

Shanlin Castle was as lively as ever, but in just half a day, the owner of the castle changed. 【】

Luo Ning had dinner with the guards from Shanlin Town. This was their staged victory.

Although the broth, side dishes, and bread made by the chef were much worse than those of Wushan Fort, Luo Ning, who had been eating dried meat and dry bread these days, still happily ate several bowls.

This is even more true for the guards below.

The food on the road was enough for them, let alone the soup at the dinner.

The dinner lasted for about an hour. After it got completely dark, Luo Ning took a quick shower and moved into the small building that he had prepared.

This small building is entirely made of wood and has three floors.

The top floor is the attic, where unused clothes or tools are usually stored. The middle is the luxurious bedroom, and the bottom is the living room and a place for servants to rest.

Luo Ning lived in the largest room on the second floor, which was relatively clean after being cleaned by the servants.

At this moment, he was sitting in the study outside his bedroom, with lit candles lighting up the entire room.

Although this light was not as soft as the incandescent lamp on earth, it was enough to enable him to see every word on the book clearly.

In front of him were two books, or rather fighting skill secrets - Flame Slash and Fire Fist Bombing.

Luo Ning took a quick look and found that they were all fighting skills suitable for intermediate knights to practice.

Among them, Flame Slash should be the flame attack used by Prince;

Because Fire Bombing is a little more difficult to learn, Princet probably hasn't mastered it. Of course, it's possible that he has mastered it but hasn't had the chance to use it.

These two fighting skills secret books are very useful to Luo Ning, after all, one of his attributes is fire.

"Dong dong dong~" The door was knocked.

"Please come in."

The valet Chahar came in and said, "Good evening, sir."

He came to the table and reported his work respectfully: "I have done what you asked me to do. ♦♡"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it over.

"It's very fast!"

The parchment paper feels delicate and smooth, but there is also a faint fishy smell that hits your nose.

Luo Ning frowned slightly. Although the smell was not pleasant, he had read a lot of books in these days and was used to it.

Luo Ning didn't seem to have any trouble writing the words of another world. It was recorded on it:

[Money: 58 gold coins, 34 coins]

[Grain: 1885 jins of barley, 1000 jins of flour, 500 jins of air-dried meat, 30 jins of fine salt, 13 jins of coarse salt, 280 jins of butter]

[Beer: 2 premium beers, 5 barrels of sour beer]

[Horses: 1 fine war horse, 3 ordinary war horses, 1 ordinary horse, 5 carriages]

[Cattle and sheep: 4 cows, 1 male cow, 1 calf, 10 female black buffalo, 1 male black buffalo, 3 calves, 126 goats]

[Weapons]: full set of armor*3, iron spear*23, knight sword, longbow*8, arrows*356

[Fur: Sheepskin 5]

[Fabrics: 87 rolls of linen, 54 rolls of woolen fabric]

Luo Ning carefully read the items listed on the parchment, and the smile on his face became wider and wider as he read.

No wonder many people dream of capturing a castle. This reward is really exciting!

"Princet is loyal to Leisen of Thain Territory, and many things must have been handed over to Thain Territory. I didn't expect that there are so many things in Shanlimbao!"

"Yes, sir, this food is enough for us to eat for a year!"

Not to mention how excited Chahar was when he counted his belongings, he felt as if he had made a fortune.

"And September is coming soon. I heard that Shanlin Town still has a batch of barley that needs to be harvested. By then we will have a lot of fresh barley."

Although Luo Ning usually eats more wheat flour, barley is also an important food.

It can not only be used as rations, but also an important material for brewing beer, making maltose, and barley tea. In addition, brown bread made from its bran is also a guarantee of survival for many people.

"You don't have to worry about food for the castle."

Luo Ning was planning to go out to buy food, but now it seems that there is more than enough.

As for money.

Including the money seized in the castle, Luo Ning already had 585 magic crystals on his body, and he still had a deposit of more than 80 gold coins.

Now he can consider a lavish first deposit gift, but magic crystals are not available in Shanlin Town.

If he wants to buy it, he may have to go to the nearest Muma City.

"Shanlin Town has not yet established a firm foothold, so it is not suitable for going out."

Luo Ning had been stationed in the castle for less than five hours. He had not done many things and was completely unable to get away.

As for letting others do it for you, that's even more impossible.

The only warrior, McCann, must stay with him. The others were not strong enough and were robbed when they went out. Luo Ning didn't know who to cry to.

In addition to money, he is more concerned about horses, cattle, sheep and weapons. Their value is much more expensive than food.

"These three war horses were ridden by Prince and Thain. They were included after they were captured."

Chahar introduced: "The whole body armor is basically the same."

Luo Ning nodded. He basically had a certain understanding of the wealth of Shanlin Castle.

At this time, he also understood how attractive so much wealth was to a political officer. It was no wonder that the other party was reluctant to let go.

"You made very detailed statistics and did this very beautifully."

Luo Ning put the parchment in his hand on the table and gave Chahar an appreciative smile, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Chahar waved his hand quickly and said very humbly: "Sir, please don't do this. It is my honor to serve you!"

"Well, there should be warehouses and cellars in the castle, and you will be responsible for keeping all these supplies."

Luo Ning began to make the first step of personnel arrangements: "Do a good job Chahar, from now on, you will be the steward of Shanlin Fort."

Chahar was stunned for a moment after hearing this. His dream is to become a great butler like Hallwater.

Now, he has finally taken the first step in his life - from valet to housekeeper!

Although he is only the steward of the remote mountain forest castle, he has discovered during this time that following the master in front of him, he will definitely have a world in the future!

Chahar immediately knelt on one knee and said, "The seven gods testify that Chahar will definitely live up to your trust in me!"

"Haha, get up."

Luo Ning raised his hand and handed over a piece of parchment on the table.

"Those servants of Prince can no longer be used. I will leave the recruitment of new servants to you. This is the salary range table I have drawn up. You should implement it according to this standard."

"Okay sir!"

Chahar took the parchment and read it carefully.

The above classifies the types of servants, such as trainee servants, rough servants, kitchen chefs, kitchen busboys, valets, valets, butlers, housekeepers, etc., and gives a brief description, and also divides the salary range.

The highest-paid person is the butler, who is responsible for all management affairs in the castle, but must be clearly separated from the maid's living area, life, etc. The salary is 8 copper coins per day.

The salary of housekeepers and chefs is at the second level, with 6 copper coins per day.

The lowest is the trainee servant, who only has 1 copper coin per day.

"Our castle is not big now and we don't have many people. We are in the early stages. The salary I offer you is 8 copper coins per day."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "When our castle expands and there are more people and things under our control, I will give you a salary increase."

A butler in a baron's castle received a salary of 8 copper coins per day, which was only 2 gold coins a year, but it was still normal.

But Chahar obviously did not expect that he would receive such treatment.

"Master, you are so generous. I thank you on behalf of the servants who will join the castle and myself!"

"Do a good job, Chahar, and improve your management skills in all aspects. You will be the great steward of the Firestorm family in the future!"

Luo Ning didn't mind drawing the pie himself, since everyone was comfortable listening to it anyway.

"You can control the number and level of servants, but I have a few requirements in other aspects."

"Sir, please tell me!"

Luo Ning said, "First of all, you have to find out their family background. If you have followed Prince, especially those who participated in today's betrayal, that will definitely not work!"

"Secondly, after being selected, you have to observe their words and deeds. Don't hire those who are irresponsible, lazy, or restless."

"Lastly, and most importantly, be loyal to me."

Chahar kept these three points in mind, "Sir, I remember it!"

Luo Ning waved his hand, "Okay, let's go down. When I meet my subjects tomorrow, you can recruit servants."

Watching Chahar leave his study, Luo Ning stretched.

After a busy day, he could finally take a quiet rest alone.

However, some people are destined to never rest.

For example, David, for example, should be searching with Tom at the home of the three professional knights led by Thain in Hillwood Town.

I don’t know how much property these people can leave to Luo Ning.


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