Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 39 39 The second meeting with the people

3rd meeting

The air on the mountain road in the early morning was very humid, and two fast horses were galloping on the mountain road.

The strong guards on horseback were selected by Luo Ning to deliver the message. They were going to Lake Town to seek help from the Green family.

If Baron Hermann is willing to borrow the messenger bird, the two guards will return. Instead, the two of them would return to Wushanbao along the way they came and deliver the letter.

At this moment, they have traveled dozens of miles and will be leaving the mountainous area in two hours.

But at this moment, opposite them, two fast horses ran towards them.

"It's the knight from yesterday!"

"Sain took it, what is he doing here?"

The two couriers felt their hearts pounding, and couldn't help but pull the reins and stop, making way for each other.

The person who came was none other than Feliton Henry, the knight captain of Thain Territory. He did not expect to meet someone from Hillwood Town here.

Feliton also stopped and asked, "Where are you going?"

The aura of the senior knight made the two guards nervous, but thinking that behind them was Baron Ronin, the lord of Hillwood Town, the two messengers calmed down.

Although ordinary people have no power to fight back in front of knights, if the other party kills them at will, they will have to pay a huge price if it is known, and a large amount of money will be indispensable.

"Dear Sir Knight, we are delivering a message for Lord Ronin." One of the messengers replied.

Feliton's heart skipped a beat after hearing this. Could it be that he was delivering a message to Wushanbao? And it’s also about Seinland and Hillwood Town?

"Do you know what letter Lord Luo Ning asked you to send?" he asked quickly.

"Sorry, Sir Knight, we don't know the content of the letter either."

Feliton frowned slightly. He came here today just to solve the trouble in the Thane Territory. If Luo Ning's letter was really about this matter and he asked the messenger to send it out, it would be troublesome.

"Don't send your letters for the time being," Feliton said. 𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

After hearing this, the two messengers were startled and their heartbeats accelerated. This knight would not really want to cause trouble for them, right?

"Sorry, this is something our lord has specially told us. Without Lord Ronin's approval, we must deliver the letter. Lord Feliton, you won't stop us, right?"

The two messengers were nervous but neither humble nor overbearing.

They experienced what happened yesterday, and before leaving, Luo Ning told them that they must stay calm enough.

"Haha, don't be nervous."

Feridon became gentle, "I am now preparing to go see your lord, Baron Ronin. The matter to be discussed may be related to the content of the letter in your hand. If you send it out, it may cause harm to your lord. A loss of hundreds of gold coins!”

He was very good at picking out the key points in his speech, "If Lord Luo Ning knew that you didn't listen to my advice and caused him to lose so much, do you think he would blame him?"


The two messengers looked at each other, but now they couldn't.

Seeing the situation, Feliton continued: "Let's go back with me to see your master. Then I will tell him that I asked you to come back. I think he won't blame me."

"Also, if you need to deliver a message later, I can borrow the messenger bird from Thain Territory for you to use. It will be much faster than your horse running."

The two messengers were still a little hesitant, but thinking that this matter might be related to the master's wealth plan, they finally chose to compromise.

"Haha, okay, let's go then. I'll ask you to inform me later!"

Feridon laughed, pulled the reins and prepared to continue on his way.

"By the way, Master Luo Ning said yesterday that there is a high-level professional knight among you. Is he that majestic big man?"

The two messengers turned their horses' heads and said in amusement.

"That's Lord McCann!"

"Lord McCann is so powerful. It is said that if two or three high-level peak knights besiege him at the same time, he can remain invincible!"

A serious light flashed in Feliton's eyes. This McCann is a difficult opponent and must be taken seriously in the future!

In fact, he didn't know that the reason why the two messengers said this was because Luo Ning specifically told them during training in the morning.

Regardless of whether they are people from Shanlin Town or others, anyone who asks about the strength of the guard officer will always answer in this way.

On the other side, Luo Ning was taking McCann, Chahar and others to the pasture west of the town.

David and Tom had already informed the lord that they were going to meet the people last night, and agreed to meet at the Western Pasture at ten o'clock this morning.

There are not many people around Luo Ning now. Ten injured guards are recuperating. Two of them were sent out by him as messengers. There are still five left in the castle, and there are only twelve guards who can accompany him.

Ordinary guards didn't have much fighting power in front of extraordinary beings. Luo Ning brought them purely for show.

At this moment, the western grassland is crowded with people, and the residents have been waiting here early.

The scene of the new lord entering the town yesterday has been spread among the people. Although Prince is a traitor, this lord killed so many people in one breath, and he is a vicious person at first glance.

How dare they let the lord wait here?

At this moment, basically all the residents have come over. Even those who are seriously ill and unable to walk, their families will carry them here.

When Luo Ning came outside the pasture, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

His first feeling was: God, why are there so many people?

The second feeling is joy from the heart.

It’s better to have more people. With more people, the difficulty of completing the [Prosperous Population] achievement will be greatly reduced.

With the appearance of Luo Ning, the originally bustling crowd suddenly fell silent. Everyone focused their attention on Luo Ning, fearing that making any noise would make the lord unhappy.

This was the first time for Luo Ning to be looked at by so many people, and it was impossible not to feel nervous at all.

But now that he is a lord, he cannot lose face in front of his subjects.

He took a deep breath and stepped towards the higher ground - there was no specially built platform, just a small raised soil slope on the grass.

Well, there is nothing pompous about such a meeting.

But there was no way, this matter was arranged hastily, and Luo Ning did not have a political officer.

Thinking of this, Luo Ning really had a headache.

Administrative officers are not like servants who can be recruited casually.

If you want to take on the role of a political officer, you must at least learn to read, right?

Ronin looked at his men. Thirty guards, including David, were not enough. In addition, there were only McCann, Elrond, Chahar and Tom.

Chahar is the steward of the castle, and the others are extraordinary beings, none of whom are suitable to serve as political officers.

After a brief moment of wandering thoughts, Ronin's attention returned to the present. He glanced at Elrond beside him. The other party understood, and immediately stepped forward and said loudly:

"Residents of Shanlin Town, the bloodline of the great Wushan family, Lord of Shanlin Town, Baron Luo Ning, are standing in front of you at this moment! No matter what your status is, now, salute to the lord and offer your loyalty!"

Elrond has read a lot of books during this period, including two knightly novels. The lines in them are like this. He used them vividly.

As his words fell, everyone began to salute.

The serfs knelt on the ground one after another, while the free people bowed deeply to show respect.

Luo Ning looked over and saw that most of the people were kneeling on the ground.

But no matter who it was, they all shouted loudly: "Greetings to the lord!"

More than a thousand people shouted at the same time, converging into a huge sound stream, which made people feel excited.

Luo Ning looked at this group of leaders and felt very excited. This was his foundation.

"I accept your loyalty, fellow citizens!"

He responded loudly, "Starting from today, we will clarify our respective rights and obligations."

Luo Ning didn't need to say too much about the scene, especially when facing his own subjects.

"As my subjects, your first rule is to be loyal to Hillwood Town and to me, Ronin Firestorm! You need to work hard for me and work to build Hillwood Town!"

"As your lord, I will use my rights and fulfill my obligations. I will give you strong protection, stable security and a better life!"

After saying these words, Ronin glanced at Elrond.

The other party understood and immediately said: "The light from Lord Lord will protect you all forever!"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hands, shining brightly.

This scene directly shocked the people below.

At this time, a beam of light emitted from Elrond's hand and went straight to a wounded man in the crowd with a bandage on his arm.

Everyone followed the direction of the light and stared at the wounded man.

The wounded man was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted in surprise, "My injury is healed!"

With an excited look on his face, he tore off the bandage on his arm. People were surprised to find that the wound on his arm that still had blood had healed.

"Seven Gods above, what kind of magical ability is this!" The man looked up at Elrond, with awe in his eyes.

At this time, Elrond used the Flash Technique on Ronin.

At the same time, he shouted: "This is the light from Lord Luo Ning. He allows me to give this light to you and protect you!"

The glowing Luo Ning now gave rise to endless mysterious images in the hearts of these serfs and free people. They opened their mouths and widened their eyes, as if they had seen gods at this moment.

McCann pulled out his long sword, his fighting spirit rose, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky, majestic.

"Let us shout, long live Lord Luo Ning!"

The citizens were stunned for a moment, and then many people reacted and started shouting.

The voices were sparse and not very unified at first, but as more and more people chanted, the voices became louder and more unified.

"Long live Lord Luo Ning!"

"Long live Lord Luo Ning!"

"Long live Lord Luo Ning!"


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