Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 40 40 The expenses are quite high

Chapter 40 The expenses are quite high

Magicians with light attributes do have a unique advantage in winning over people's hearts, because a healing spell can give an immediate effect to the injured person. β™™

When pain is relieved and treated, who doesn't have a good impression of the healer?

Of course, the person who was just treated by Elrond was arranged by Ronin in advance and was pretended to be a guard who was injured in yesterday's battle and has not yet recovered.

This meeting, according to the script arranged by Luo Ning, was very successful, and his positive image as a lord was initially established.

Next, Luo Ning will let Elron serve as a "country doctor" for a period of time, visiting every household in Shanlin Town to provide rescue for those who have suffered trauma.

Although Elrond will definitely be favored by the people of the realm, the magician will trumpet Ronin's kindness during the treatment process, turning this charity campaign into the policy of the lord.

Amidst the cheers of the people, Luo Ning left the grassland.

Next, this place is handed over to Elrond and Chahar. The newly promoted butler initially plans to recruit 20 servants.

These 20 servants include 1 valet, 1 maid, 4 people in the kitchen, 5 people doing chores, and 9 people in charge of livestock.

Luo Ning was shocked when he heard Chahar give this list in the morning. Why does one castle require so many people?

But after the butler's analysis, he realized that the castle was like this, and so many servants were relatively few.

In the end, he approved the plan.

After this round of recruitment, Luo Ning did a simple calculation and found out that he had to pay 21 gold coins a year just for servants.

In addition, his guards and the extraordinary beings around him also need to be paid.

Even though McCann and Elrond were summoned by him, they still have their own lives. They can't buy bread and have to borrow money from him as a lord, right?

Moreover, as Ronin's right-hand men, McCann and Elrond gave them reasonable salaries, which also helped them establish their own prestige.

Combined with the salary standards provided by Hallwart, Luo Ning set a standard of 30 days for junior high school and senior knights.

(Tom was still in the inspection period, and Luo Ning only gave him 20 copper coins per day, and promised that as long as he passed the inspection, he would immediately return to the same level as David)

As for magicians, for this rare and special extraordinary profession, the salary standard is much higher than that of knights of the same level. Junior, middle and senior levels are respectively set at 50, 100, and 500 copper coins per day.

After this calculation, the guards and the extraordinary people under their command need to spend 103 gold coins a year.

Luo Ning now confiscated the property of the Three Knights of Thain and completed the first deposit, so his deposit was only over 100.

Only enough for one year's labor expenses.

As for how to squeeze...

In fact, it is not difficult to see that the bulk of this expense lies in the extraordinary people and guards. The latter was worth two copper coins a day, so there was little room for exploitation, while the former was not easy to exploit.

Just imagine, if there is a high-level knight outside who wants to defect to Luoning, but when asked about McCann's salary, it is actually 10 copper coins per day. Do you think that high-level knight will defect to Luo Ning?

Therefore, Luo Ning should consider how to make money.

He tapped his forehead, feeling sad.

"First of all, we should have a comprehensive understanding of the territory's resources, and we need to patrol the territory."

"But before that, political officers need to be recruited."

When Ronin thought of the political officer, he thought of Prince.

If he hadn't killed this guy yesterday, maybe he could have gotten some useful information out of his mouth.

"Damn Prince, damn Thainland!"

Da da da~

A fast horse galloped over from a distance, attracting Luo Ning's attention.

When he saw the other person's face clearly, he was surprised, "Bob? Didn't I ask him and Marseille to deliver the letter? Why are you back?"

His heart skipped a beat. Could it be that something unexpected happened on the road?

McCann shouted: "Bob, why are you back?"

Bob came to Ronin and quickly dismounted.

"My lord, is the Knight Feridon led by Thane coming here with his retinue?"

Luo Ning was shocked and his face changed slightly, "Tell me clearly, what's going on?"

Bob then told how he met Feliton on the road and how he persuaded him and Marseille to return.

"My lord, Marseille is accompanying Feliton outside the castle right now."

Ronin glanced behind him. At this time, David and Tom were maintaining order there, and McCann was the only one beside him.

However, Feliton only brought one retinue of knights, so he probably wasn't looking for trouble.

If Luo Ning asked more people to accompany him, it would actually look like he was afraid.

"Let's go and see what this Feliton is going to do."

Ronin asked McCann to go with him, and at the same time told Bob: "Stop sending letters to Marseille when you return later, and wait for my notification. In addition, don't mention this matter to other guards, and keep it confidential."

"Yes, sir!" Bob responded seriously.

This time to send the letter, he and Marseille were selected by McCann. Although after the age of eighteen, it is unlikely to awaken to the extraordinary, but they can still be reused because of their flexible mind and strong body.

Given the opportunity to perform in front of the lord, they would naturally seize it.

Not long after, Luo Ning quickly returned to the outside of the castle.

From afar, he saw Feridon and his retinue standing outside. Next to him were Marseille and two guards at the castle gate.

"Haha, Sir Ferriton, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon!"

Luo Ning walked over with a smile and spoke very naturally.

Feliton saluted Luoning seriously, "Good day, Lord Baron. I have taken the liberty of coming to disturb you again."

He did not beat around the bush and directly explained his purpose: "Today I brought Lord Leisen's letter and wanted to negotiate a deal with you and the lord of Shanlin Town."


Is there still a deal between Hillwood Town and Seinland?

Luo Ning's expression remained unchanged, and he said with a smile: "Then please invite Sir to enter the castle with me."


Feliton spoke in a calm manner, "But before that, please forgive me for stopping your messenger, because I think this may affect our cooperation."


Luo Ning's expression changed. Isn't this deal related to the Thain Territory's embezzlement of Mountain Forest Town's tax revenue?

"It's all little things."

Luo Ning didn't seem to mind at all, but he knew in his heart that the way out of Shanlin Town was at risk of being cut off by the Thane Territory.

"Come on Sir, welcome to my castle."

Feliton followed, smiling on his face but disapproving in his heart.

What is "my castle"? Many buildings in this castle were built and repaired by Prince. Before yesterday, he didn't need to wait or notify if he wanted to enter this castle.

In less than a day, the place changed its owner.

However, Feliton believed in Leisen. When the baron returned from Black Python City, he would probably start planning how to deal with Luo Ning.

I believe that sooner or later, Shanlin Town will fall into the Thane Territory.

By then, he, Feliton, would probably have a large manor of his own here.

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