Chapter 41 Negotiation

Luo Ning brought Feliton to the fortress hall of Hillwood Castle. This was actually a more formal attitude.

"I'm sorry Sir Ferriton. Due to Prince's betrayal, my castle temporarily does not have enough manpower to provide you with drinks or other services!"

Luo Ning was the first to take a seat. While talking about the situation, he motioned for the other party to sit down as well.

The Shanlin Fort Fortress is very simple. The huge stone hall has small windows on the surrounding walls. Even if the sun shines in, the brightness is not great.

McCann could only instruct the guards to light the candles in the hall.

Feliton had some objections to Ronin's lack of etiquette in receiving him, but naturally he would not say it out loud. He just complimented, "The Baron is really efficient in doing things, very similar to your father's style!"

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows. Is the other person's words praising him or hurting him?

"I wonder what important matters you have here today?" Luo Ning didn't want to go around the bush and chose to directly ask the other party's purpose.

Feliton did not answer immediately, but asked: "Lord Luo Ning, I wonder what the purpose of the letter you asked the guards to send to Wushan Fort was?"

He is still trying to find out the contents of the letter sent by Bob and Marseille.

Nobles care about face very much. Even if there are conflicts between the two parties, they will still laugh and smile when they meet on ordinary occasions, and will keep the stabbing behind their backs.

Therefore, during the time when Luo Ning met Feliton, he also paid attention to maintaining the protagonist's hospitable attitude.

But when he heard Feliton's question, after two seconds of thinking, his face turned cold.

"You should know what the Thane Territory has obtained from our Mountain Forest Town over the years!"

If he were only submissive at this time, he would be living up to yesterday's wonderful performance. Luo Ning must show that he is not afraid of offending Thain Leader.

The expression on Feliton's face became more solemn. At the same time, he was glad that he stopped the two messengers on the road, otherwise, Thain would be in trouble this time.

He was also complaining in his heart about why Luo Ning was so hasty in doing things, without giving both parties some room to relax?

Sure enough, as the rumors said, Wiggins and Luo Ning are indeed similar father and sons to Wushanbao.

"I know a little bit about what the adults said."

Feliton came up with the lines he had thought of, "Your Excellency may not know that the security situation in Shanlin Town is not good. To the west are the Wushan Warcraft Mountains that are harassing the town, and to the north and east are the remnants of the savage tribe in the woods. Pulin If Ste, the political officer, wants to maintain law and order here and ensure that he can serve Wushanbao, he can only seek help from the Thain Territory, which is closest to Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning deliberately asked: "So, you have grabbed so much wealth from Shanlin Town? For this kind of embezzlement, I will report it to Wushan Castle and let my father and my grandfather judge Baron Leisen!"

"My lord, what you said is incorrect!"

Feliton stood up, performed a knight's salute, and began to defend: "Sir, my master, Baron Leisen, has fulfilled his responsibility as a vassal of Wushan Castle and sent troops to protect Shanlin Town for Wushan Castle. Prince Those special things are just remuneration to us, how can this be called embezzling the wealth of Wushanbao?"

Luo Ning mocked: "As a vassal, it is your duty to help the lord suppress the rebellion. Baron Leisen still wants reward?"

"You are right, but that was also when Wushanbao ordered that Thain leader take action."

Feliton defended again, "And our action was based on Prince's request and promise. Wushanbao did not give the order. If this matter is to be investigated, the biggest criminal is also Prince!"

"Who's fault is bigger and who's fault is smaller, I don't want to know, and I don't want to ask."

Luo Ning didn't care, "I just need to tell my father about you. I think, with his character, Baron Leisen will definitely pay the price!"

Feliton knew that it would not make sense to talk to Ronin like this, so he stopped talking and began to reveal Baron Leisen's plan.

"Sir, if you report this matter to Wushanbao, in the end, Thainland may compensate Wushanbao with a certain amount of money or resources."

He said, sitting down again, with a hint of confusion in his tone, "That money was given to Wushanbao, and you won't get a cent."

Luo Ning's heart moved, here comes the other party's true intention.

He waved his hand and sat down on the chair, "I'm not interested in money. I just hope that Wushanbao can teach Baron Leisen a certain lesson and let him know not to stretch his hands too long!"

Knight Feliton scolded Ronin a hundred times in his heart. He felt that the other person had no sense at all. He just said this. Don't you understand?

"My lord, Baron Leisen wishes to compensate you!"

He stopped talking nonsense and directly showed his cards, "As long as you no longer pursue the mistakes made by Thain Territory due to stepping into Prince's trap over the years, Lord Leisen is willing to compensate you."

Perhaps because he was worried that Luo Ning still couldn't understand, Feliton continued to explain, "You report it to Wushanbao, and Thain Territory will compensate Wushanbao. But if you don't pursue it, our compensation will fall into your pocket!"

Luo Ning felt very happy. Just now she was thinking that she didn't have enough money to spend, but she didn't expect that Thain would understand and come to give money.

"Compensate me?"

He pretended to be very interested, "How does Baron Leisen say he wants to compensate?"

Feliton raised two fingers: "Lord Leisen is willing to pay Shanlin Town two hundred gold coins at a time!"

Just want to send someone away with two hundred gold coins?

Luo Ning shook his head repeatedly, "I am a bloodline of the Wushan family, how could I deceive Wushan Castle with him?"

He looked disdainful, "Sir Ferriton, please go back, and please don't block my messenger again. Otherwise, I don't mind letting Knight McCann keep you in Hillwood Castle for a long time!"

Feliton was disgusted by Luo Ning's words. He had just looked at Luo Ning with an attitude that was clearly interested. Now he refused so decisively, which was nothing more than disgust with Qian Shao.

At such a young age, he actually looks like a greedy businessman.

"three hundred!"

Feliton raised three fingers and said, "Three hundred gold coins, I hope you can change your mind!"

Luo Ning asked coldly: "Fairness and justice are my creeds. Lord Leisen is testing me?"

"Four hundred, sir, four hundred is enough, right?"

Feliton felt like he was negotiating business with a disgusting businessman, "Shanlin Town only provides some food to the Thain Territory every year. After so many years, the total is probably less than 400 gold coins!"

Luo Ning chuckled. Although he didn't know how much Prince gave Thain, it was definitely more than four hundred gold coins.

"Sir Ferriton, you must know that Baron Leisen is committing a crime! Once Wushan Castle finds out, the punishment will be huge."

While cursing Luo Ning for pretending to be upright despite being too little, Feliton looked embarrassed and said, "Sir, four hundred gold coins is really a lot!"

Luo Ning held out a finger, "I won't embarrass you. One thousand gold coins. As long as Baron Leisen compensates me one thousand gold coins, I can pretend that I haven't discovered anything about Prince and you!"

Feliton opened his mouth, as if he thought he heard something wrong.

Good guy, asking for a thousand gold coins directly is really greedy!

Does the other party know what a thousand gold coins is?

Feliton calmed down his fluctuating breathing. If he hadn't seen the tall McCann standing nearby, he would have really wanted to rush up and strangle this greedy guy.

"Sir, even though Baron Leisen has some savings, it is impossible for you to ask him to take out a thousand gold coins at once!"

Feliton shook his head, "Even if you want to report it to Wushanbao, the final verdict of the Marquis will probably not be this amount, so you might as well report it!"

Is it really impossible to get one thousand gold coins?

Luo Ning smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't have a thousand gold coins. Baron Leisen can pay for it with cattle. I heard that there are a lot of black buffaloes in Marsh Town. I like to eat beef. Just give me thirty or forty."

Feliton twitched his lips, yes, there are many swamps in Thain Territory, which is suitable for black buffalo to survive.

Over the years, Baron Leisen has made a lot of money by taming black buffaloes, but Luo Ning said there were thirty or forty of them. This is complete nonsense!

To be honest, if Master Leisen hadn't repeatedly requested to ease the situation first, he would probably have gotten up and left immediately.

But the negotiation will continue, "Sir, there really aren't that many!"

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

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