Chapter 42 Satisfied

When negotiating the price, be patient. new

Luo Ning is very patient. After all, he has the bargaining chip now and the advantage lies with me.

However, he also knew that the asking price of one thousand gold coins was indeed too high, and the other party was unwilling to pay even if he had an estimate.

So it will also slowly decrease.

After going back and forth and consuming two glasses of cold water, both parties finally reached an agreement——

One male black buffalo and ten female black buffalo.

Ronin took the pen and signed his name on the parchment, with a lingering smile on his face.

"Please also ask Sir to go back and tell Baron Leisen, I guarantee that no one else will know about this matter!"

Feliton put away the signed parchment, and at the same time took out the bag containing gold coins from his arms and handed it to Luo Ning: "Sir, there are six hundred gold coins in it."

Obviously, the most Baron Leisen gave was six hundred gold coins.

As he spoke, Feridon took out eight more gold coins from his pocket and added them in. This was his own private money and had been paid in advance.

The moment he took the money bag, long-lost words appeared in front of Luo Ning's eyes:

["Prosperous Wealth" achievement achieved, attribute points +20, energy essence +40]

"Sir, count them."

Luo Ning chuckled and put the money bag aside, "No need to count, I have never doubted your credibility, Sir!"

Ferridon could not laugh at all.

Not only did he give away all the six hundred gold coins prepared by Baron Leisen, he also took out eight gold coins himself!

"I will send two of my retinues to deliver those cows you just talked about tomorrow."

Feliton cursed in his heart, but maintained his posture and bowed: "Then, Feliton bids farewell to your lord!"


Luo Ning bared his teeth and smiled, "I'll have someone prepare a lunch right now. Sir, you must stay."

"Lord Leisen is about to leave for Black Python City to celebrate Count Orson Hyde's birthday. I have to rush back to recover. Please don't blame Lord Luo Ning."

In fact, Leisen left in the morning. He just found a reasonable reason to leave.

However, this reason made Luo Ning wary.

Is there any connection between this Baron Leisen and the Hyde family of Earls of the Border?

Then he will have to be more vigilant in the future.

Luo Ning no longer tried to persuade you to stay, "If that's the case, then I won't force you to stay. Please say hello to Baron Leisen for me!"

With his warm farewell, Feridon and his knights left the castle, got on their horses and galloped away.

Luo Ning also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After going through this incident, it can be guaranteed that at least for a period of time, the Thane leader will not come to trouble him.

Moreover, Baron Leisen went to Black Python City to celebrate his birthday, and he might not be back for ten days and a half.

Even if we want to deal with him, we have to wait until Leisen returns. After all, Feliton is just a canonized knight and cannot make the decision to attack the nobles.

"Congratulations, sir, for raising such a large amount of gold coins!" McCann congratulated with a smile.

"Haha, thanks to us having a good place to live!"

Luo Ning was very happy, "Let someone notify Bob and Marseille so that they don't have to deliver the letter. By the way, remember to burn the letter."

"Okay, sir, I'll inform you right away."

"Wait a minute."

Luo Ning shouted, he called up McCann's attribute interface, consumed all the 40 points of energy essence, and the opponent's knight level progress increased to 135/200.

The feeling of getting stronger made McCann feel comfortable all over. He didn't expect that after a wave of strength in the morning, he would improve again within a few hours.

"Thank you for the gift, sir!"

Luo Ning patted the opponent on the shoulder, "Go ahead and train me a few more professional knights like David."

He can add points to McCann and Elrond, but he cannot add points to David.

If these people want to become extraordinary professionals, they need to work hard on their own, and the same is true if they want to improve their strength level.

Therefore, David and the others need to train, compete and fight in order to become stronger and stronger.

McCann could fill this role very well.

"McCann must go all out!"

The guard officer solemnly performed a knight's salute, and then left with enthusiasm.

Luo Ning called up the attribute panel, added some points to himself, and walked towards the study.

After feeling the pleasure brought by the surge in mental power, Luo Ning's magician progress reached 126/150.

"I only need to get 24 more attribute points, and I can break through and become an intermediate professional!"

After receiving the gold coins from the Thane Territory, Luo Ning now has three channels to obtain attribute points:

Sign in every month, receive generous first deposit gifts, and become a master of achievement.

In the next six days, through monthly sign-in, he can only obtain 6 attribute points;

After completing the first deposit, in addition to allowing him to summon professional knights with blazing sun qualifications, there was also a luxurious gift bag, which Luo Ning estimated would contain attribute points.

In addition to these two, the last is the achievement master interface.

Luo Ning looked over.

At this time, the [Prosperous Wealth] achievement is the same as the previous [Killing Master] achievement. It has also advanced to a new stage after completing the first stage.

[Prosperous Wealth]: Get 1,000 gold coins at one time, reward: attribute points +50, energy essence +100

Compared with the first stage, this time Luo Ning needs to obtain 1,000 gold coins at one time.

Although Luo Ning's current savings have exceeded one thousand gold coins, this does not mean that making money is so easy.

More than 900 of his gold coins were given away by Wushanbao, Hushang Town, and Thain. The rest were all taken from people who killed people, such as Pedro the Magician, Prince, and so on.

What he really earned...

Sorry, not a single point.

"No matter where you go in the world, you have to make money. This is really a headache!"

Luo Ning currently only knows one source of wealth in Shanlin Town, and that is selling food.

According to Feliton, a lot of food has been sent to Thain Territory in recent years.

Luo Ning now does not need to "pay tribute" to Thain, so he can naturally sell the food he produces every year.

But food is not as profitable as the horses from Muma City and the black buffalo from Thain.

If you sell 10,000 kilograms of barley, you can earn 30 gold coins.

If he wants to earn 1,000 gold at a time by selling big items, he needs to prepare 330,000 barley.

How can there be so much barley for sale in Shanlin Town?

Obviously, this road is not easy to pass.

“I don’t know if Shanlin Town has any specialties!”

Arriving at the study, Luo Ning sat on a chair and rummaged through the books on the desk (actually there were not many), but unfortunately, Prince did not leave any introduction text about the products of Hillwood Town.

"I need to inspect the territory."

Luo Ning has made up his mind to inspect the territory in the past two days. At the same time, he is also preparing to recruit political officers from Shanlin Town.

At this stage, his requirements for the administrative officer can be lowered. He does not need the other party to have any governance capabilities. He only needs the other party to be able to convey his meaning and complete the things he tells him seriously and responsibly.

"Whether you are a serf or a free citizen, as long as you can read and have a little bit of logic, you can sign up."

Luo Ning planned to wait for Chahar to recruit the castle servants and then let the other party issue a notice to recruit political officers.

In addition to these two things, he also needs to go to Muma City to buy the magic crystal before Baron Leisen comes back to celebrate his birthday.

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

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