Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 51 51 Ironwood Workshop’s Plan

Chapter 51 Ironwood Workshop’s Plan

Luo Ning has already thought about it. As long as the idea of ​​making black iron wood into armor and weapons can be realized, he will first equip all the guards in the territory with a set to strengthen the defense and combat effectiveness of the guards.

Although ordinary guards don't have much effect in front of extraordinary beings.

But the number of extraordinary beings is limited after all, and ordinary guards can also play a key role in evenly matched situations.

And don't forget that there are still barbarian tribes living in Wubei Forest and Wudong Forest. Luo Ning wants to conquer them. After eradicating the other's extraordinary beings, management, control and other matters still need to be completed by ordinary guards. Strengthen their Combat strength is very necessary.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

What Luo Ning is thinking now is that if William Carpenter can bring out the value of black ironwood as expected, he will set up an ironwood workshop to produce ironwood armor and weapons, and gradually try to sell it to external parties.

Although the remuneration of craftsmen is relatively high, the daily salary of skilled carpenters like William is generally between 10 and 20, which is higher than that of the housekeeper in the castle, but the value they can create is not low.

Luo Ning considered that in addition to carpenters, he also needed to recruit several strong young people to be lumberjacks in the ironwood workshop.

The black iron tree is not an ordinary tree. Cutting it down is definitely a physically demanding job for ordinary people. It is necessary to ensure that the lumberjack is strong enough, so the investment in this aspect is not small.

In addition, Luo Ning also needs to prepare iron tools such as axes, machetes, and saws. He can't expect the woodcutter to slowly grind down the black iron tree with tools such as stone axes or bone knives, right?

So this time when going to Muma City, buying tools is also a must. ≋≋x≋.≋c≋o≋m≋

During the dinner, Magician Elrond, who had been busy for two days, finally appeared in the castle.

During the recent period, he has either been undergoing treatment or on the way to treatment, and his mana has never been full.

At first, the people in the town were still afraid of him, but as word spread about the treatment of others, Elrond didn't have to travel around, and people automatically asked him to come over for treatment.

As a result, the hard-working magicians ran around, treating the injured while actively promoting the lord's kindness.

He told the people that his power came from Lord Ronin, and that it was the Lord's kindness and mercy that relieved their pain.

In a few days, Elrond became a sacred doctor in the hearts of the people. As a person who all the sacred doctors were loyal to, Luo Ning's image in the hearts of the people became more and more mysterious and tall.

Sometimes the people are surprised that Prince has managed them for so many years, despite maintaining a highly oppressive attitude, which makes them very disgusted with Prince;

After Luo Ning came here, he did not issue any policies such as reducing the burden. He only sent out a magician and then recruited twenty servants. However, the people who led him had a good impression of him.

"Thank you for your hard work these days, Elrond!"

Luo Ning raised his wine glass and said to everyone with a smile: "Let us worship our holy doctor together. May the light warm us!"

McCann and others quickly raised their glasses, "May the light warm us!"

Elrond smiled and raised his cup and drank it all in one gulp, "May the light be with you all!"

The taste of beer in another world is not much different from that on Earth. Luo Ning can't drink it, and he doesn't have much interest in it. ♢

But both McCann and Elrond here are very interested in drinks.

As a result, Prince drank half of the fine beer left by him, and Chahar, who was worried about everything, could only serve out medium-grade beer to entertain everyone.

It would be better to store those fine beers. If a distinguished guest comes to the castle one day, and the guests can only drink sour beer, wouldn't it be a loss of face for the lord?

He was also planning in his mind to see when he could propose to the lord to recruit a full-time winemaker for the castle.

After having enough wine and food, Luo Ning began to make plans for everyone.

"The patrol of the territory for the past two days has ended. Let's get ready tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I will take McCann, Elrond, Tom, Galen and four guards to Wuma City."

He said, looking at Chahar and David, "You two stay in Shanlin Town, Chahar is in charge of the castle, and David, you take the guards and cooperate with the political officer Wilson to take charge of the security of the town."

Chahar and David responded quickly.

Although there was no way to go out with the lord to do errands, which made the two of them a little regretful. But they also knew that the lord asked them to be responsible for guarding the territory, in a sense, out of trust in them.

As for Tom who surrendered, he could actually be taken with him or not. However, considering that David was a little weaker than his opponent, Luo Ning finally chose to take Tom with him, covering his face and not afraid of being recognized by others.

"Baron Leisen from Thain Territory has left Swamp Town and went to Black Python City to celebrate Earl Hyde's birthday in the past few days. There is no need to worry about the threats there for the time being."

Luo Ning said to David: "The main thing is to keep an eye on the savage tribes in the woods to the west and north for any movement. If there is an accident, we will retreat to the castle with the guards. All our things are stored here."

David made a firm and decisive promise, "Don't worry, sir, even if I die, I won't let those savages set foot in the castle!"


Luo Ning smiled and said: "It's not that serious. I guess those savage tribes don't have the guts to attack rashly."

After all the explanations, the dinner party was finally over.

Except for McCann, everyone else was either practicing late or refining mana.

"Come on, McCann, I haven't had a good fight these past two days, my body and bones are exhausted."

Luo Ning took out his long sword and led McCann towards the inner castle courtyard.

"Happy to accompany you!"

McCann followed.

There is a big gap between a junior perfect knight and an intermediate and late-level knight in terms of strength and agility.

In the sparring between Luo Ning and McCann, the latter controlled the strength and at the same time limited himself to the tricks of the trade.

For certain attacks, McCann will also stop to explain the purpose of the attack and how to deal with it.

For Luoning, McCann was both a guard and a close combat mentor.

More than an hour passed after these discussions. Even though the evening in the mountainous area was relatively cool, Luo Ning was still sweating.

"Sir, your fighting skills have improved again!" McCann said with a smile.

He has the most intuitive feeling about Luo Ning's improvement, "Compared to David, your speed of progress is really visible to the naked eye."

Luo Ning was in a happier mood, so he was not polite: "Of course, if I am worse than David, how can I be his master?"

Taking the towel handed over by Bella, Ronin wiped the sweat from his face and said, "Bella, go and prepare some water for me. I want to take a bath."

"McCann, that's it for today's practice. I won't delay doing my own thing."

"Then I wish you a good night!"

McCann took the sword and left the inner fort.

There is nothing more comfortable than taking a hot bath when you are sweating, and Luo Ning also enjoys this process very much.

Soaking in the warm water, every cell in the body enjoys a moment of relaxation.

"Dong, dong, dong~"

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

Gallon's voice came in, "Sir, Political Officer Wilson said he has something to report to you outside."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows. This guy came to report so late. Could he have been working overtime?

Is the census done?

"I know, I'll come over when I'm done washing."

Ronin thought for a while and said: "Gallon, ask Wilson if he has had dinner. If not, ask the kitchen to prepare some."

He is a good boss who loves his employees who work overtime.


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