Chapter 52 Demographic Structure

Many of the free people in Shanlin Town trace their roots back to the Osan-led coalition that encircled and suppressed the aristocratic resistance army.

For example, Tom who surrendered, his father was a professional knight who died in the Battle of Hillwood;

Another example is the valet Galen, whose father was a logistics soldier and also died in the war;

Although Political Officer Wilson has nothing to do with the coalition, he is a domestic servant of the previous baron. He is somewhat similar to Chahar before becoming a butler, so he knows a lot of words and has a clear logic in handling things.

At this moment, Wilson was sitting on a chair in the dining room, with a bowl of thick broth in front of him and a piece of white bread in his hand.

"How many years!"

Wilson's heart trembled a little. He had not tasted such delicate white bread for many years, and had not tasted such thick broth for a long time.

"Praise the lord!"

He took a bite and praised every bite.

With the lord personally ordering the kitchen to prepare dinner for him, Wilson's body was in full condition after a long day's fatigue.

"Praise be to the merciful lord!"

Wilson has been wandering in Hillwood Town for half his life, but has never found a satisfactory job. He even wanted to serve Prince, but was rejected by the other party.

Prince was a political officer in his own right, and he needed no assistants.

Now that he is lucky enough to be Luoning's political officer, and is so highly regarded by the lord, he feels that no matter how busy he is for the lord, it is worth it.

Not long after, Galen came to the restaurant and said, "Mr. Wilson, I'm free to see you now. If you're ready, you can come with me."

"Okay, I'll come right away!"

Wilson swallowed the last bite of bread, then drank the last mouthful of broth, stood up resolutely, and followed Gallon.

In the study, the administrative officer saw Luo Ning and greeted him with a heartfelt greeting.

Luo Ning motioned for the other party to sit on a chair nearby, "Come to see me so late. Could it be that the census has been completed?"

"Yes, sir, except for you and the people who came with you from Wushanpu, everyone in Shanlin Town has been registered!"

Wilson said as he took out a large roll of parchment from his arms and respectfully put it on the desk.

Luo Ning took the parchment, which clearly recorded the name, gender, age, and occupation of each person in the family unit in very detail.

He flipped through several pages in succession and found that Wilson's handwriting was very clear and neat, making it look not messy.

"I am impressed by your efficiency in completing the census in less than two days!"

His eyes turned to Wilson, "It is indeed the right choice to let you serve as my political officer."

Faced with such praise, Wilson behaved very humbly, "Thank you for your trust!"

Luo Ning clapped his hands and applauded the other party, and the topic returned to the parchment in front of him.

Although the statistics are very detailed, these can only be a bunch of raw data, and further processing is required to find useful value from them.

Naturally, the processing of these data must be left to the administrative officer. Luo Ning cannot spend time on this, otherwise why would he spend money to recruit people?

"Registering this information is only the first step. Next, I need you to help me organize this information.§§"

Luo Ning said: "For example, divide the age groups and then count the number of people in each age group; another example is divide the occupation types and count the number of people in each; calculate the number of unmarried men and women of the right age, etc."

These divisions are meaningful.

For example, let's take the statistics of "unmarried men and women of marriageable age". If the ratio of men to women is seriously imbalanced, causing all men of marriageable age in Shanlin Town to be singles, Luo Ning, as the lord, will have to consider where to get some women of marriageable age to solve the problem for the people. The problem of being single.

Wilson wrote down all these requirements as part of his follow-up work. At the same time, he was a little proud because he did a preliminary screening after registering.

"Sir, please read the last page."


Luo Ning noticed the "please praise me" look on the administrative officer's face, and immediately curiously took out the last page of parchment:

【Total population】: 1993 people

[Number of families]: 543

[14 years old and below]: 410 people

[14~20 years old]: 416 people

[20~30 years old]: 505 people

[30~40 years old]: 346 people

[40~50 years old]: 243 people

【Over 50 years old】: 73 people

[Number of serfs]: 1356

【Free Tenant】:609

[Other professionals]: 28

It turned out that Wilson had divided the population into age groups.

Luo Ning looked at the political officer, his eyes naturally full of praise, "You did a great job of knowing my thoughts in advance, Wilson!"

"Your Excellency, you are so complimentary!"

Wilson smiled and responded modestly, "I only thought of part of what adults think, and there are still many things that I haven't considered."

"No need to be modest, the completion of this mission has exceeded my expectations!"

If you do not do well, you will be punished. If you do well, you will be praised. This is Luo Ning's idea. "I believe that the political affairs officer is just your starting point. If you work hard, you will have the opportunity to become my consultant in the future."

The official positions in this world are not divided into first-grade, second-grade, third-grade and so on in detail, but Luo Ning plans to design one.

For example, for civil servants in the territory, he currently only has three levels in mind: civil servants, administrative officers, and xx consultants.

Civil servants are equivalent to assistants to political officials;

Equivalent to the administrative officer level are tax officers, defense officers, etc.;

At the consultant level, there will be similar distinctions.

For Wilson and others, the most intuitive feeling is that as they upgrade, their wages will increase.

In this way, it can give others hope and motivation to climb up.

No, Wilson's eyes lit up as soon as he heard Luo Ning mention the word "consultant".

Although he still doesn't know what a consultant does, it sounds like he is one level higher than a political officer, and there are definitely benefits.

"Sir, I will try my best!"

"I look forward to it!"

Luo Ning motioned for the other party to sit down, while he himself looked at the data carefully.

First of all, he was very satisfied with the size of the population.

A total of 1 guard, McCann, and Elrond came, and the population has reached 2,025.

The [Prosperous Population] achievement requires that the registered population of the territory reach 3,000. Although it is still short of 900, it is not that far away.

In addition, Luo Ning observed the distribution of age groups. If 15 to 40 years old are regarded as the prime-age labor force, the total number is 1,263%.

This is a very good ratio!

Also, the number of children is 410, accounting for 20%, which is also very good.

The only thing that surprised Luo Ning was the almost cliff-like decline in the number of people over fifty.

At this age, he can actually be considered an elderly person.

After all, there is no saying here that "having an old person in the family is like having a treasure", and there are no benefits for the elderly.

For these people over fifty, their physical strength and health will decline rapidly due to too much hardship in their youth, but due to the pressure of survival, they still have to participate in heavy labor.

As a result, the increase in the mortality rate of the elderly is also expected.

Although a bit cruel, this is reality.

Even if Luo Ning is a lord, it is impossible to change this situation in the short term.

"That's a good statistic."

Luo Ning praised here, "I will take the time tomorrow to dig deeper into these data according to the classification I just mentioned."

Data mining?

Wilson had never heard of such a word, but he could understand it based on the context, so he remembered this thing invented by the lord, so that he could brag about it to people who didn't understand it in the future.

"Also, I will go to Muma City the day after tomorrow."

Luo Ning arranged the parchment and said, "Before I come back, I have one more thing I need you to do."

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

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