Chapter 53 Village and Group

The current Shanlin Town is like a plate of scattered sand. If Shanlin Fort's instructions are to be conveyed to every citizen, Luo Ning needs to arrange personnel to notify them specially. β™™β™•

For example, when Luo Ning asked all the people in the territory to meet him at the pasture a few days ago, David, Tom and others on their fast horses almost shouted like gongs and drums to notify them.

Luo Ning didn't want his professional knights and guards to waste time on such things.

He needs some grassroots personnel to convey his instructions quickly.

Therefore, he decided to divide this concept.

"Wilson, I need you to divide the people in the town according to their households. Every hundred or so households will be a 'village'."


Wilson's expression was serious. Just like the matter of squatting on the toilet, he had no experience in what the Baron was talking about now.

"Yes, Village!"

Luo Ning explained carefully, "Although one hundred households constitutes one village, this 'hundred households' is not a hard and fast rule. It mainly depends on the number of people. Try to balance the number of serfs and free tenants in each village."

The so-called serfs are actually slaves who are attached to the lord, cultivating the land for the lord, and the lord is in charge of their food and drink, as long as they do not starve to death;

Although free tenants had personal freedom, they also worked the lord's land and turned over a certain percentage of the harvest to pay the rent for the land;

Although free tenants had personal freedom, it was only in a legal sense. In actual life, their freedom was very small, and they could become serfs if they were not careful.

The "other professionals" in Wilson's statistics also did not have land, but they relied on their crafts to earn a living.

Theoretically, free tenants and other professionals are freedmen, but in the population structure of Hillwood Town, the combined number of these two groups only accounts for less than 35%.

"Shanlin Town has 543 households. Theoretically, it can be divided into six villages. However, when you divide it, you need to ensure that the number of free tenants and serfs in each village is as balanced as possible, so the village can be five or even four. "

"As for other professionals, you can divide them into villages based on the location of their addresses."

"Be careful to divide them according to families and don't break them up as a family."

Wilson quickly took out a small piece of parchment, then lay down on the chair and recorded Ronin's request with a quill.

Just after hearing these two sentences, he felt that it was a bit difficult to handle this matter.

"In addition, each villager will choose a village leader for me, who will be responsible for conveying instructions from the castle and managing daily farming work; each village will have four groups with group leaders responsible for assisting the village leader in management."

"In the future, you can convey instructions directly to the village chief, who will convey them to the group leader, and then to each household and person."

Wilson was stunned and asked in disbelief: "Sir, are you saying that these people are under my control?"

Luo Ning chuckled, "You can understand that, but there is one point I need to emphasize."

"These people can only help convey instructions, and sometimes be responsible for supervising the tasks I issue. I have not given them other rights, especially the right to punish other territorial citizens!"

Wilson nodded, taking that to heart.

"The village chief and team leader have to plow their land, and they have to do the work they have to do, but they can do it relatively easily."

Luo Ning continued: "Of course, if they do things for me, I will also reward them. The tentative salary is five copper coins plus five kilograms of barley per month for the village chief, and two copper coins and two kilograms of barley per month for the team leader."

"You are such a generous lord!"

Wilson admired that although it was a monthly wage rather than a daily wage, serfs or free tenants still wanted these things.

"I believe that after the citizens know your policies, they will be very enthusiastic to serve you!"

Luo Ning smiled and was noncommittal.

In fact, in this small town that has not established commercial exchanges with the outside world, it is difficult to spend wages.

Even McCann and the others can only spend the money they receive within the territory, such as buying food from the castle, vegetables, meat, etc.

Eventually, a lot of the money may come back to Luo Ning.

Only when the trade routes are open and caravans are willing to enter Shanlin Town to do business, will the money in their hands become more valuable.

However, according to Luo Ning's knowledge, no caravan has come to Shanlin Town yet.

Some of the supplies for the residents of the territory were originally purchased from outside by Prince, but now they need Lord Luo Ning to purchase them.

It sounds like the people ask the lord to do things. In fact, ensuring the survival and living conditions of the people is also one of the lord's responsibilities.

Every lord hopes that his territory will be large, the wealth of the territory will be sufficient, and the population of the territory will be large.

From a manor to a small town, from a small town to a small city, from a small city to a big city, this is the dream of all lords.

The same is true for Luo Ning, especially since his achievement master interface also has the achievement "Conquer City and Territory", which requires him to own a city.

[Siege the city]: Own a city, reward: attribute points +200, energy essence +400

This achievement only requires Luo Ning to own a city, and does not require Luo Ning to capture a city. In other words, the developed city can also meet the requirements.

Luoning now has Shanlin Town, but this achievement has not been achieved. This only shows that this town and the city are different concepts.

As for what kind of requirements can be regarded as a city, although Luo Ning doesn't know, it must be related to the population.

In the final analysis, we still need to develop the population.

Although the two channels of purchasing and procreation have a certain effect, it is also a good way to attract free people to join.

To attract people, you have to go out and communicate more.

Therefore, Luo Ning knew that if a territory wanted to revitalize, it was necessary to attract caravans to do business.

When the manpower is sufficient in the later stage, Luo Ning estimates that he will have a "commercial officer" who will be responsible for the business issues of the territory.

Now, there are only a little over 2,000 people in Shanlin Town including myself, so keep everything simple and do it yourself when necessary.

"Sir, I have a question."

Wilson looked a little unsure, "Are these village chiefs and group leaders to be held by serfs, or by free tenants or other free people?"

Luo Ning tapped his fingers on the table and started thinking.

In fact, whether they were serfs or tenant farmers, they all depended on him, the lord, for survival. In his eyes, there was not much difference.

"Our current government affairs are mainly focused on farming, so freedmen in other occupations are not included in the scope of appointments for the time being."

People like William the carpenter and Cullers the blacksmith are all free people in other professions. They just need to do their jobs well.

"So this round of village chiefs and team leaders will be selected from free tenants and serfs. The selection criteria are first of all people with relatively high cultivation level, and then the younger and more motivated the better."

Luo Ning is also planning to set up an experimental field. When the time comes for planting, he can also bring these elected village leaders and team leaders over to watch and learn.

Once they have learned it, they can then spread it to every village and every group, which will make it much faster.

"Okay, that's about it."

Luo Ning asked Bella to get herself another cup of barley tea, and at the same time issued an eviction order, "Just follow the requirements just mentioned. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer when I come back from Muma City. "

Wilson looked at the parchment in his hand seriously, thinking about each item carefully.

This matter is more troublesome. If he has any unclear questions, he'd better ask before Luo Ning leaves. Otherwise, when Luo Ning comes back and finds out that he messed up, it will be difficult to handle.

"Sir, I will sort out the data you mentioned after I go home tonight and report back to you tomorrow."

He took the parchment of the population registration back and thought clearly in his mind. If he still had any doubts, he could raise them during the work report.

"Okay, let's go!"

Luo Ning waved his hand. He liked this kind of good employee who had to work overtime at night very much.

Thanks to Youye Hongyu and Shuyou 2022032 for their tips, thanks to Mr. Honghong, a single man, for his monthly tickets, and thanks to Qingshan and other gentlemen for their recommendation votes~

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