Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 55 55 Breakthrough to Intermediate Level

Chapter 55 Breaking through the Intermediate Level

The outside world is noisy and lively, and it has nothing to do with Luo Ning.

Now he was just a down-and-out young baron who had just been deprived of his inheritance rights and was driven to a remote mountainous area. He had neither strength nor manpower, and was completely unable to attract the attention of nobles everywhere.

This is good, as it can give him time to develop quietly.

After briefly inspecting the process of land reclamation by the people, Luo Ning returned to Wushan Castle and drew the Qu Yuanli based on the memory in his mind.

Under the guidance of Chahar, he personally went to the blacksmith shop in the town and found Kallus.

It's said to be a blacksmith's shop, but Kalles actually does more than just blacksmith's work. After all, iron is very expensive these days. Even if tenant farmers and freedmen have some iron tools, they use them sparingly and don't break them often.

Therefore, Kallus usually also makes bone tools (tools made of bones), stone tools, pottery, etc. With these skills, he can also support his family of three.

Luo Ning introduced his drawings in detail in front of Kallus, and vividly and vividly described the use of the curved shaft plow, so that the other party would have a deeper impression.

Kallus was naturally surprised and surprised by the lord's personal visit, and at the same time he was worried and excited about the work the lord told him.

Excitedly, the lord agreed that as long as he could make this kind of plow, he would be richly rewarded;

What makes him anxious is that he is afraid that he will not be able to complete it and will be punished by the lord.

It is very important to settle down in this remote place and get the protection of the castle. If you offend this new lord, the future life will be even more difficult than during the Prince period. New 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Kallus forced himself to calm down and listened carefully to the lord's speech.

He found that this curved shaft plow was something he had never come into contact with, and the lord described it as very dexterous and exquisite, so he might not be able to build it.

On the contrary, Ronin had great confidence in Kallus.

In his opinion, the structure of the curved shaft plow was not complicated, and he provided detailed drawings. As long as the other party's blacksmithing skills were good, there would be no problem in making it.

After explaining this matter, Luo Ning returned to the castle.

It was already afternoon, and McCann reported to him on the territorial defense work.

The loyal guard officer proposed the construction of a watchtower at the entrance to the town.

At the same time, before the guard tower was built, he advocated arranging two guards to stand guard and register all people entering and leaving the territory (although no one seems to be entering or leaving now);

In addition, McCann planned to let David and thirteen other guards stay in the castle, while the other twelve men worked in groups of three to patrol the town, wheat fields, orchards, etc., mainly to maintain law and order.

Luo Ning agreed with this plan. It could be seen that McCann did have two skills in guarding and his ideas were relatively clear.

In this way, after everything was ready, early the next morning, Luo Ning took three extraordinary people, four guards, and the valet Galen and rushed to Muma City on horseback and in a car.

Luo Ning had thought about this city ruled by the Iron Hoof family for a long time, but his plan could not keep up with the changes. It was not until he had arranged things in Hillwood Town that he could take advantage of Baron Leisen's departure from Thain Territory to go out. ♙

To be honest, if Baron Leisen had not gone to pay Earl Orson's birthday, he would probably have to think twice before going out to the forest town.

When Luo Ning went to Muma City this time, it was for purchasing.

Magic crystals, Warcraft furs, land reclamation tools, wrought iron, etc. are all things he needs to purchase.

The mountain road is swaying, but everyone is used to it.

In the few days since I came to this world, most of them have been spent on the road.

Sometimes he really wanted to use the contract scroll in the space ring to contract a flying giant bird. Unfortunately, he didn't find this type of magical beast, and he couldn't use such a valuable thing to replace his leg strength.

Due to the presence of the carriage, the team could not move faster. Ronin could not move through the forest as fast as Feliton.

However, it was still a lot faster than when we arrived. On the evening of the fourth day, the group arrived outside Muma City.

Traveling in a hurry is obviously boring, but there are still little surprises along the way.

At zero o'clock today, Luo Ning received the third heart-warming gift package and received 30 attribute points and energy essence respectively.

In order to create a top combat force in Shanlin Town, Luo Ning continued to consume all his energy and essence on McCann, helping his knight level progress to intermediate 165/200.

While adding points to McCann, Ronin accidentally called up Elrond's level panel. During this period of time, he had not paid much attention to the magician's strength, but unexpectedly, he found another surprise when he looked at it.

I saw Elrond’s level panel clearly displaying:

[Elron Faol]: Intermediate Mage·Light (4/300)

In the past ten days or so, Elrond, without the help of Luo Ning, relied on his own practice to improve his level by 4 points, an average of one point every three days!

This may be due to the fact that Elrond has been refining too much mana every day recently, but in any case, the opponent is indeed a magician with the qualification of a seventh-level great mage, and his strength is improving very quickly.

Since Elrond can practice and improve his strength, so can McCann.

It's just that the latter's qualifications are low, and it's hard to find that the improvement in strength is not obvious. At the same time, Luo Ning added points to the opponent, covering up the improvement effect brought by his own practice.

Of all the people present, I am afraid that only Luo Ning cannot improve through cultivation, right? After all, his predecessor had no talent for cultivation at all.

Fortunately, he has an attribute panel and can gain at least 1 attribute point every day, which translates into a very fast improvement rate.

But this time, with the help of this heart-warming gift package, he finally completed the progress of the junior magician.

When his knight level and magician level progress were full, a refreshing feeling of strengthening came to him.

He broke through.

Luo Ning's level at this moment is:

[Level]: 2-Intermediate Knight (12/200); 2-Intermediate Magician (0/300)

He still chose to add attribute points to the knight level first.

After breaking through to the intermediate level, Luo Ning became busy with his training.

He needs to practice the two spells of light body and wind blade that he got from Pedro;

In addition, in terms of fighting skills, he needs to master the two fighting skills of Flame Slash and Fire Fist Bombing that he received from Prince.

His super affinity reduces the difficulty for him to master fighting skills and magic, but after all, it is an intermediate skill, not as simple as the first-level magic Qingfeng Technique. He still needs to practice it repeatedly for a while before he can fully master it.

Take the Wind Blade spell as an example. Its spell pattern is much more complex than that of the Qingfeng spell. He needs to outline a higher degree of concentration and coordination of mental power and mana.

Luo Ning estimated that he would need to practice for two or three days before he could use it skillfully.

This breakthrough brought about a big change in the mentality of the team members. McCann and Elrond were okay, mainly Tom.

He did not expect that the eldest grandson of the Marquis, who was extremely belittled by Prince, was not only a professional knight, but also a mysterious magician like Mr. Elrond!

The light body technique blessed on him made him feel lighter than ever before, and his speed increased by 20 to 30% in the blink of an eye!

The conversion of such speed into combat power is also very impressive.

He felt more and more that it was a wise choice to surrender directly instead of choosing to be as tough as Prince.

Although he is wearing a mask now, Tom believes that one day he will be able to throw away the mask and reveal his true identity.

At that time, Baron Leisen from Thain Territory might not be a match for Baron Luoning.

No, there was no Baron Leyson even then, right?

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