Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 56 56 Arriving at Muma City

Chapter 56 Arriving at Muma City

The Ironhoof family already existed before the Orlant Empire died. Although it was only a small knighthood at that time, it had quite a reputation.

After more than two hundred years of war, it gradually developed and became a follower of the Wushan family.

After Rulansi Wushan was granted the title of Marquis of the Kingdom, the Iron Hoof family was successfully promoted to the Viscount family, and its base was in Muma City.

This city that has never changed hands for hundreds of years has a very high degree of stability, so it has attracted chambers of commerce from all over the place to do business here, making Muma City one of the cities with the most frequent flows of people in Wushan.

The Tietho family's main business is all kinds of horses, ranging from old horses, draft horses, and pack horses, to ordinary war horses, sophisticated war horses, and excellent war horses.

It is even said that there are war horses with the blood of Warcraft in the Iron Hoof family's ranch. Such precious mounts may cost thousands of gold coins!

But having said that, to say whose mount is better, you still have to look at the Thunder Wind Chaser of Lulans, the owner of Wushan Territory.

This is not a horse, this is a real monster, and it is a level 5 monster that rivals the Silver Knight!

It is said that the Thunder Wind Chaser has the blood of the legendary dragon, so it looks like a dragon, and after being equipped with armor, its appearance is extremely domineering.

The predecessor had heard about his grandfather's achievements since he was born. It was said that the galloping Thunder Wind Chaser would bring about a powerful electric field of lightning, mixed with Lu Lansi's own surging fighting spirit, and gallop across the battlefield, which was simply unparalleled. enemy!

It's a pity that even as the predecessor of his eldest grandson, Luo Ning rarely had the opportunity to get close to this monster mount, and could only take a few secret glances from a distance.

Warcraft mounts are very rare, especially high-level Warcraft mounts. ➶➶➶➶➶➷➷➷➷➷

Generally speaking, people must first have the ability to subdue the mount and defeat it from the front, and then break through the opponent's spiritual defense and then sign a master-servant contract.

Defeating Warcraft is relatively easy, but breaking through the opponent's spiritual defense and making them obediently agree to sign a master-servant contract is very difficult. Some arrogant or wild and untamable guys will not agree to it even if they die.

In addition to these factors, the contract scroll is also very expensive and rare. Theoretically, only a seventh-level great magician has the ability to make this thing.

Great magicians are rare, and there are even fewer great magicians who can make spell scrolls.

Therefore, people who don't know any powerful magicians generally don't even have the means to purchase them.

This also made it very difficult for even nobles to obtain a powerful Warcraft mount.

After Luo Ning and his party stayed in a hotel in a small manor outside the city for the night, they set out for the city early the next morning.

Muma City is indeed a big city. In order to accommodate the horse trade, its roads are very wide.

Along this horse-riding avenue, there are scattered knight estates on both sides. This is very similar to the environment around Wushan Avenue.

However, the manors here didn't seem to grow much food. Luo Ning saw more pastures, with many farmers grazing cattle, sheep, and horses.

This is also a problem with the positioning of the Tiedi family. They specialize in the horse industry and also sell cows and sheep. As for the wheat field configuration, it is not high.

There are many caravans coming and going in Muma City, and there is no shortage of merchants selling grain. The money earned from selling horses and other livestock is enough to buy a lot of grain.

Luo Ning will complete the development of the land in Shanlin Town in the future, and the excess food can also be considered to be sold in Muma City.

However, he thought of a question. If Muma City was completely surrounded, how long would the food inside be enough to support them?

Soon, Luo Ning put this idea behind him.

Everyone is a neighbor, and Muma City is not like the Thain Territory that robbed Hillwood Town. How could he have such a bad idea in his mind?

What's more, Marvin Ironhoof, Viscount of Muma City, is a silver-level knight. In order to maintain the order of the caravan and the city, he almost has a knight order under him. Who among ordinary people would dare to take the idea of ​​Muma City?

After entering Muma City, Luo Ning stopped concentrating on his actions.

He asked Tom to accompany Gallon and the guards to purchase a batch of wrought iron. After returning to Hillwood Town, he needed to ask Kallus to build various tools.

There are no iron mines in Shanlin Town, and the demand for wrought iron is still very large. This time Luo Ning plans to purchase two thousand kilograms first.

On the market, the price of wrought iron varies according to its quality. It is generally in the range of 30 to 55 copper coins per catty, and the price is still acceptable.

However, if the wrought iron is made into tools or weapons, then there is no telling how much the price can rise.

Luo Ning did not let McCann follow Tom this time, which was actually a test for the professional knight.

He couldn't always keep David or McCann bound to Tom, it would be a waste of the value of the transcendent. Sooner or later, he would have to hand over the task to the other party.

During this period of time, Tom's performance has been hard-working and uncomplaining, and it is indeed okay.

If this is the case, the other party is pretending to surrender to cause trouble, then Luo Ning can only lament that the other party's acting skills are so strong that even he can be deceived.

What he didn't know was that this release, in Tom's opinion, was a sign of the lord's trust in him.

Since the surrender, Tom has been either with McCann or David. He knows why the lord arranged this.

But he is a latecomer after all, and there is no risk of McCann's true combat strength being leaked. It is normal for him to be monitored by the lord.

But today, since the lord let him as a professional to assist in the work, it shows that the lord's trust in him has reached a new level.

This is a good thing.

Tom secretly vowed that this task of purchasing wrought iron would be completed without any surprises.

On the other hand, Luo Ning took McCann and Elrond to visit the trading area of ​​Wuma City.

The trading area is very large. There are various stalls on the roadside, some selling piglets, cattle and sheep and other livestock. It is very chaotic and noisy. The sanitary environment is also very chaotic. It is much worse than the farmers' market in my impression.

What Luo Ning wanted to buy were magic crystals and Warcraft furs. It was difficult to find small stalls for such things. They could only be found in street shops and single-family buildings of large chambers of commerce.

Chambers of commerce, especially large chambers of commerce, can be understood as a powerful force outside the nobility.

Of course, although it is said that they are free, in fact, the owners of the chamber of commerce are basically related to the nobles, and some are even the retainers of the nobles, or even the nobles themselves.

For example, the Kingdom's Minister of Finance has more than one chamber of commerce under his command. They work for the king and also for the Minister of Finance.

The larger the chamber of commerce, the more prosperous their business is, and shops are located in every city and town in the kingdom.

There are several chambers of commerce in the trading area of ​​Muma City, both from the Iron Hoof family and from outside.

Luo Ning took the lead in walking into the Iron Shoe Chamber of Commerce and found that they mainly dealt with war horse-related business, including the sale of horses, matching saddles, vests, reins, etc., but no magic crystal-related business.

However, the other party pointed out a clear path for Luo Ning - there is a building belonging to the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce in the northwest corner of the business district. Generally, magic crystals and other things can be purchased from here.

The Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce was founded by Belaro Silva, Count of the Kingdom of Alduin, and is the largest chamber of commerce in the kingdom that handles magician-related businesses.

It is said that this earl's territory is very small, almost the same as an ordinary barony.

However, the count's business is very good. The reason is that Bellaro's personal strength is very strong.

Bellaro Silva is not only a magician, but also a long-famous eighth-level mage. Whether it is the Kingdom of Alduin or the Kingdom of Tricia, his strength is one of the best.

His disciples are all over the place, and the exact number is unknown.

This has also led some people to say that the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce is just a chamber of commerce, but it can be regarded as a magicians association.

After obtaining this information, Ronin took McCann and Elrond towards the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce.

I thought it would take some time to find the Chamber of Commerce building, but when I arrived at the northwest corner of the trading area, I saw the eye-catching building at a glance.

This made Luo Ning think of one word for the first time - Mage Tower.

After listening to the readers' opinions, and because I was a little confused myself, I modified some of the settings of the three characters, including McCann and Elrond, so that they can increase their strength through their own training until they reach the level corresponding to their qualifications. (Others have not changed and will not affect reading)


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