Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 57 The Price of 57 Spell Scrolls

Chapter 57 The Price of Spell Scrolls

The building in front of me is about the same height as other chambers of commerce buildings, about five or six stories high, but its shape is quite unique. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́ə͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

The building of the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce has a cylindrical appearance, and the whole building is composed of bluestone. It is engraved with reliefs of Warcraft and mysterious symbols, which is full of mystery.

Luo Ning looked carefully and discovered the spell lines of the primary magic Qingfeng technique. Unexpectedly, he actually regarded the spell lines as murals.

The building has a golden spire, which is like a slender golden needle thrust straight into the sky, making people feel extremely solemn and sacred.

"Sir, I feel the fluctuations of the spell."

Elrond looked up, "It seems to be coming from the top platform."

Ronin nodded. He seemed to feel it a little bit, but it was not as clear as Elrond.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

With that said, Luo Ning led the two of them inside.

As soon as he entered the door, Luo Ning was surprised by the scene inside the building.

The exterior of the building is constructed of bluestone, but the floors inside are made of wood. Adhering to the inner wall, a staircase spirals up and leads directly to the top of the building.

Luo Ning stood on the first floor and looked up. He could clearly see rows of bookshelves on each floor. There was a faint smell of parchment in the air, but there was also a faint fragrance and a gentle blowing wind.

Magic crystal chandeliers are generally rare, but in this building they are decorated everywhere as if they are free.

Especially the huge chandelier in the middle. Its brightness and shape are no less than the top modern luxury lighting. I don’t know how many gold coins it takes to buy it.

Gorgeous and extraordinary.

"Please, three gentlemen, how can I help you?"

The very familiar words made Luo Ning almost feel as if he was displaced in time and space.

Luo Ning looked at the service staff in front of him. He was wearing a light blue robe and had a purple crystal pattern on his left chest. This was the pattern of the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce.

"Hello, I want to buy magic crystals and Warcraft leather." Luo Ning directly stated his intention.

"Sir, please come with me."

Under the guidance of the waiter, Luo Ning walked into a small room on the first floor.

There are no windows in the room, but the magic crystal lamp on the ceiling illuminates the space inside very brightly.

Soon, an elegant gentleman in a tuxedo knocked on the door and entered. Luo Ning understood that the waiter just now was just an errand, and the one in front of him was the sales manager.

As soon as the man came in, he bowed as a gentleman and said, "My name is Hook, and I am very happy to serve you three gentlemen!"

As soon as Hook entered the door, he saw only Ronin sitting in the room, with Elrond and McCann standing behind him, and he knew that the young man in front of him was the protagonist.

And with black eyes and silver hair...

Hook rolled his eyes and said, "May I ask your Excellency, are you Baron Luoning of Shanlin Town?"

Luo Ning was a little surprised, but he didn't hide it, "How did you recognize him?"

"Dark eyes and silver hair are the signature characteristics of members of the Wushan family. As a citizen of the Wushan collar, I naturally know you!"

Perhaps due to preconceptions, Luo Ning still thought that he had black eyes and black hair, but he did not notice the special hair color.

Hook's posture was very low: "I heard from the waiter that the Baron wants to buy magic crystals and Warcraft leather. I wonder what quality you need?"

"The quality?" Luo Ning was a little confused.

Hook immediately showed his skills as a "salesman" and began to introduce the magic crystal and Warcraft leather in detail.

To put it simply, magic crystal has five colors: purple, yellow, gray, white, and almost transparent.

This quality is determined based on the amount of energy consumed inside the magic crystal.

Purple basically represents the full state, yellow is at 50% to 50%, and white is at 10% to 30%. The more transparent it is, the less energy the magic crystal has, until in the end there is only an empty shell left.

The quality is different and the selling price is also different.

Luo Ning played with Pedro's magic crystal in his pocket. It was purple, indicating that the energy inside it was still full.

As for the quality of Warcraft leather, it is easy to say. According to the level of Warcraft, the higher the level of Warcraft leather, the more expensive it is.

Since Shanlin Town is close to the Wushan Warcraft Mountains, it is inevitable to kill Warcraft in the future, so Luo Ning asked about the production of Warcraft leather.

Hook answered all questions without any hidden thoughts.

In fact, there is nothing special about the production of Warcraft leather, it is similar to the production of sheepskin, cowhide and other leathers.

"My lord's territory is close to Wushan. If you have a chance to kill a monster, you can leave it to me if it's convenient. I'll give you a very suitable price!"

As a businessman, Hook spoke directly to the lord of Shanlin Town. As long as he can make money, he doesn't care whether the other person has inheritance rights or is a useless nobleman.

"I think we should have a chance to cooperate!"

Ronin really needs to prepare for future sales, he said, pointing to Elrond beside him.

"This is my follower, the light magician Elrond. This purchase of Warcraft leather is for him."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Although he is only an intermediate magician at present, he should be able to make healing spell scrolls. I would like to ask you, what is the market price of such a scroll?"

With his introduction, Hook's eyes became brighter and brighter. He didn't expect that the handsome man with short gray hair in front of him turned out to be a magician with light attributes.

"Your Majesty the Magician, please forgive Hook for being rude!"

He stood up and saluted Elrond, and then, perhaps out of politeness, he also saluted McCann.

"May the light be with you!"

Elrond gave a slight greeting and threw an uplifting spell at the opponent.

The light fell on Hook's body, making him feel like a spring breeze and his energy doubled.

He is indeed a magician with light attributes!

Hook turned to Luo Ning and said: "Sir, the market price of second-level spell scrolls is generally 10 to 20 gold coins. Intermediate magicians with light attributes are rare, which also makes healing spell scrolls relatively rare, but its The effect is very good, so our chamber of commerce sells a healing spell scroll at a fixed price of 20 gold coins."

Luo Ning was secretly surprised.

20 gold coins doesn't sound like much, after all, it's only two digits.

But you must know that the average monthly salary of an intermediate knight is less than 2 gold coins, and it takes a year to buy a healing scroll.

No wonder these are so rarely seen.

"What about other spell scrolls, such as the wind blade spell?"

Luo Ning followed up and asked. He was about to learn the wind blade spell and prepare to make its spell scroll in the future.

"The wind blade spell is a second-level magic. It is similar to the fireball spell and several other spell scrolls. Our selling price here is set at 18 gold coins."

The price of the wind blade spell is actually a little lower than that of the healing spell.

Considering that light attribute magicians are rarer than those of earth, wind, water, and fire, the price is quite reasonable.

"So, if the healing scroll made by Elrond wants to be sold in your chamber of commerce, I wonder how much price you can offer to buy it?"

The 20 gold coins are for sale to the outside world. It is impossible for the other party to buy them from Luo Ning at such a price, so there will be a discount.

"Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce is the largest magician chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Alduin. It provides services to thousands of magicians in the kingdom every year! We have always provided the greatest profits and various conveniences for distinguished magicians. Serve."

Hook said with some pride and some humility.

"If ordinary people come here to sell spell scrolls, we will buy them at 20% off the market price."

He paused, and then said with a smile: "But if you are of high status, I am willing to use my rights to increase the proportion of the purchase price to the maximum, and the chamber of commerce will purchase it at 15% off the market price!"

"This is also the biggest concession that the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce can give! Of course, if you have a spell scroll of level 7 or above to sell, our Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce will help you sell it for free, and we will not take any gold coins obtained. !”

A seventh-level spell scroll could only be made by a great magician.

How many level seven great wizards are there in the Kingdom of Alduin?

Even Bellola Silva must pay attention to this kind of character and give him face. If the things they produce can be sold by the Chamber of Commerce, it will give Bellola face.

This kind of free sales seems to be a loss, but in fact, the benefits brought by this high-level spell scroll have greatly increased the dominance of the chamber of commerce.

Luo Ning only has a seventh-level scroll in his hand, and he will not sell it to anyone else.

"The price you mentioned is very suitable."

A 15% discount, which is 17 gold coins per piece, seems like the Chamber of Commerce has earned 3 gold coins. In fact, excluding the tax paid by the Chamber of Commerce to Muma City and the cost of renting the shop, it is estimated that the other party will not earn much.

Even if Luo Ning wanted to negotiate the price, he didn't have much room to negotiate, so fortunately he didn't waste time.

After learning about the spell scroll, Luo Ning asked Hook about the cost of making the spell scroll.

This mainly involves Warcraft leather, magic core and mana ink.

After some calculations, the cost of making a second-level spell scroll is about 9 gold coins.

In other words, the net profit from making a healing scroll is 8 gold coins per scroll, a 00% net profit.

Even if there are a few production failures along the way, this transaction will not be a loss.

This is Shanlin Town's second stable income project after Ironwood Workshop, and it's very exciting.

Thanks to the "Gothic Swastika Walking Warrior" master for the reward, I spent a lot of money~Thank you for all the votes~

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