Chapter 58 Initial Cooperation

For Luoning, the purpose of walking into the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce was to shop, but this did not prevent him from obtaining a lot of information. ıllıllııllıllı

In order to facilitate the deal, Hook told almost everything he knew and could tell.

In addition to the prices of various commodities, Luo Ning discovered an interesting thing - the magic core.

In his understanding, the magic core is the source of magic energy of Warcraft, similar to the function of a battery. After Hook's explanation, he had a deeper understanding of the role of the magic core.

The magic core is a crystalline material. Even if it is ground, it will still be in the form of particles and can still react with mana. This is why it can be used as a material for mana ink.

In addition, when a magician uses his mental power to perceive a complete magic core, he can sense the spell lines inside the magic core.

This spell pattern is the key to Warcraft's ability to use magic, and it is also the origin of early magicians' mastery of spell patterns.

When a Warcraft can use multiple magics, its magic core often has many spell patterns. These spell lines will be closely combined, and the magician needs to separate them. This is one of the daily research tasks of the magician.

Through this kind of research, the probability of a magician mastering this magic can be greatly improved, which is much more effective than practicing by referring to a spell book.

Luo Ning didn't have any feelings about this.

After all, he mastered it after practicing several times with reference to the spell book, and he felt that learning magic was not too difficult.

Maybe this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people.

In this way, the conversation lasted for a long time before both parties finally turned the topic back to shopping. new

Luo Ning didn't do ink, so he even asked to buy five purple magic crystals, twenty-seven bottles of second-level magic ink, six pieces of second-level magic beast leather, "Small Flame" and "Fireball" spell books.

Magic crystals are used for first recharge;

Spell ink and magic beast leather are materials pre-made by the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce for magicians to make spell scrolls.

A 10ml bottle of spell ink costs one level 2 spell scroll;

A piece of Warcraft leather sells for 15 gold coins and can produce an average of five spell scrolls.

The price of the two spell books is relatively cheap, basically equivalent to half of the spell scroll of the same level, and only costs 10 gold coins in total.

The total consumption of these four types of items is 762 gold coins!

The bulk of them are magic crystals, five worth 500 gold, and 1 spell ink, which cost only 90 gold coins.

Luo Ning now has a total of thirty bottles of spell ink, and with six pieces of Warcraft leather, he can make thirty spell scrolls and earn back 510 gold coins. The more he spends, the more he earns.

When Hook saw such a big order, his eyes were filled with stars, and he wished he could call Luo Ning grandpa.

Of course, Luo Ning had to bargain a bit, and finally got 32 gold coins off. Along with that, he got a good quill pen and a book explaining the making of spell scrolls.

When Luo Ning was sent out, all the salesmen on the first floor were alarmed. One or two of them looked at Luo Ning with the most enthusiastic eyes, especially some of the pretty waitresses. They just wished they had no chance, otherwise they all wanted to talk to Luo Ning. Walk.

Outside the Chamber of Commerce building, Hook sent Ronin outside.

"Lord Luo Ning, it's settled. One month from now, that is, in early October, I will arrange a caravan to go to your territory!"

"Haha, welcome!"

Luo Ning smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking the other person's hand twice warmly in his dazed state.

The proposal to let the Silva Magical Energy Merchant come to Hillwood Town was actually proposed by Hook. On the surface, he said it was to take away the newly made spell scrolls, but in fact, it was to continue selling spell ink and magic beast leather to Ronin.

After all, even if Luo Ning makes thirty healing spell scrolls in the next month, the Chamber of Commerce will only make a few dozen gold coins in profit.

But if he sells more magic ink to Luo Ning, he will make even more money.

For Luo Ning, few chambers of commerce came to Shanlin Town.

He can use the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce to promote it to the outside world, and it may have a good effect and make other chambers of commerce interested in Hillwood Town.

As for the risks involved in the woodland passing through Shanlin Town, Luo Ning didn't need to worry about that.

The Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce is the largest magician chamber of commerce in the kingdom, and its strength is self-evident. Arranging for a senior rider to pick up and deliver the goods, there will be no problem at all.

Let alone World of Warcraft, even if Baron Leisen from the Thane Territory saw it, he would not easily provoke it.

Watching Luo Ning and the others leaving, the smile on Hook's face never dissipated.

He is lucky to meet such a financial sponsor!

"get promoted!"

Hook was very excited when he thought about it. In his eyes, Luo Ning was a money tree, and it was a money tree facing him.

"Such a big customer must be reported to the master of basic repair!"

Keith Hull is the general manager of the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce branch in Wuma City. He is a fifth-level chief magician who basically spends most of his time in the chamber of commerce building.

Hook sorted out the receipts and gold coins, spiraled up the stairs, and climbed to the top floor.

Not to mention the matters on Hook's side, Luo Ning, who walked out of the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce building, had already completed the main purchase in Muma City.

The only things left to buy were wrought iron, farm tools, and going to the slave exchange to inquire about the price of slaves.

Seeing that it was noon, Ronin took Elrond and McCann into the tavern where Tom and Gallon had agreed to meet.

It's said to be a pub, but it's actually a hotel, but there are more people drinking in the lobby.

As soon as he entered, noisy shouts and shouts rushed into Luoning's ears. This place was busier than the vegetable market in the morning.

Luo Ning took a look and saw that most of the people eating and drinking in the hall were hunters and mercenaries.

For these people who are used to taking risks and running around, being able to eat and drink with their friends is the happiest time. Therefore, most of them look particularly heroic when drinking, and speak louder, and some are used to using vulgar words. .

They are basically free people, with only a few special slaves who do not need to cultivate land.

Although there are also professional knights among them, very few can reach the level of intermediate knights.

Although they are extraordinary people, they have no ancestral background and no channels. It is difficult for them to get into the sight of nobles or big forces, and there is no channel to join them.

After all, for some nobles, they are more willing to hire extraordinary people with unclear origins on a temporary basis rather than accept their allegiance.

Luo Ning's mind flashed on whether to hire a few professional knights to deal with the Thain Territory, but he was killed as soon as the idea came up.

The business of mercenaries is mainly focused on escorting caravans, accepting specific commissions to hunt monsters, protecting certain characters, etc. If you want them to deal with noble territories, you can't do it unless you pay a huge price.

And even if you pay, the other party will still evaluate the chances of winning and potential crises. If the chance of winning is slim and there is a possibility of offending a larger noble, no matter how much money you pay, the mercenaries will probably not be willing to die.

In addition, due to the instability of mercenaries and the lack of loyalty of knights in the territory, once Ronin is hired, Baron Leisen may have known his thoughts in advance before taking any action against Thain Territory. .

But having said that, as long as these mercenaries have earned enough money, or their own strength has reached a certain level, or they have formed a strong mercenary group, they are still qualified to sit down and talk with the nobles.

It is said that the leaders of the Black Gold Brotherhood and the Polish Thieves Group who are active in the southeastern part of the Osan Territory started out as mercenaries.

Now that the business is successful, it has not only occupied several cities in the southeast, but also left Wiggins and others with no choice.

In short, nobles live like nobles, and common people live like common people. Most of the time, they don't interact with each other.

Luo Ning paid eight silver coins and asked the waiter to prepare an independent and spacious box for them, which blocked out most of the noisy sounds outside.

He held five magic crystals in his hand, and at the same time took out the magic crystal trophies he got from Pedro from the space ring.

The six magic crystals have been gathered, and now it’s time to make the first charge.


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