Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 61 61 Spending a lot of money

Chapter 61 Spending a Lot of Money

Not long after, Gallon and Tom, who had bought the wrought iron, came to the tavern to meet up as agreed.

According to their descriptions, they visited several iron ore trading shops, and after some comparison and price negotiation, they purchased two thousand kilograms of wrought iron at a price of 40 copper coins per kilogram, spending a total of 80 gold coins.

The quality of these two thousand kilograms of wrought iron is average and not good, but it is completely sufficient for forging some tools used in production and life, such as plowshares.

Luo Ning looked at the pieces of wrought iron that Tom brought over. Please forgive his blindness for not being able to tell the quality.

"Well done!"

Luo Ning took the remaining 20 gold coins from Gallen's hand and praised the two of them.

It was the first time in their lives that two people carried so many gold coins and spent so many gold coins. Being able to handle this matter successfully showed that the two of them were somewhat capable.

It's not like some useless guys who don't dare to buy anything even if they have money in their hands.

After finishing so many things in one morning, Luo Ning was in a good mood.

He called the waiter to start preparing the dishes, and at the same time asked Galen to arrange lunch for the several guards guarding the carriage.

During the meal, Luo Ning introduced Ruidal by the way, saying that he was a wandering knight he met by chance and had now joined Hillwood Town and was loyal to him.

Galen didn't have any specific knowledge of high-level peak knights, but Tom was different.

As a junior knight, he is well aware of the power of senior peak knights.

This is not the key point. Previously, the lord used a trick to deceive the Knight Feliton of Thain Territory, so that the other party did not dare to act rashly.

But now, Lord Luo Ning has a genuine high-level peak knight by his side. I am afraid that I won’t have to worry so much about the Thane leader in the future.

During this time, he personally felt how unique Luo Ning was, and he felt more and more that he had followed the right master. Maybe he could really stand out in the future and regain the glory of his ancestors!

After finishing lunch, Luo Ning led the caravan and began to circulate among various shops and stalls selling daily necessities.

He wants to open an ironwood workshop and needs to buy axes, iron saws, and wood chopping knives;

He wanted to continue to reclaim wasteland, and hoes and shovels were indispensable. Looking at the tools made of stone by the serfs made him feel sick.

After spending a whole afternoon, Luo Ning compared several stores and finally bought all the tools.

Among them, there were 20 axes, iron saws, and firewood knives each, and 400 hoes and shovels each. Even after several rounds of price cuts, it still cost 172 gold, 7 silver, and 60 copper coins.

Axes, iron saws, and firewood knives are prepared for the ironwood workshop. Considering the loss of tools, 20 of each is not much;

There are a total of 800 hoes and shovels, and he plans to distribute them evenly among the villages.

It can be seen that these tools are far from enough for each serf to have one, but Luo Ning has already put in a lot of effort to invest so much money at one time.

So far, he has spent more than 900 gold coins in Muma City this time!

A mountain baron from a remote rural area could actually spend huge sums of money. If word spread about this, no one would dare to believe it. perform

Luo Ning now only has 281 gold coins left on hand. After reserving everyone's salary for one year, he still has dozens of gold coins left.

I remember that when I first crossed over, I was very poor and had nothing. If I wanted to reach Shanlin Town safely, I had to cheat here and there.

But things are different now. Luo Ning already has channels and plans to make money. He just wants farmers who have food at home to stop panicking.

After purchasing various supplies, most of Luo Ning's plans to go to Muma City have been completed. There is only one last thing left to do, which is to go to the slave station and inquire about the slave trade.

The sale and trading of slaves is allowed in this world. Basically, there are slave exchanges in every city and even in the manors of some knights.

Here, as long as you are a free citizen and as long as you can afford the price, you can legally own a slave that is completely your own and can use all the rights that belong to the master to the slave.

To some extent, slaves had a lower status than serfs in the territory.

As a time traveler, Luo Ning's understanding of slavery is limited to books. He has not seen the real life and experience of slaves with his own eyes, so he cannot empathize with them.

Maybe civilization told him that slavery was unacceptable, but again, he couldn't change anything now.

Since you can't change, just do as the Romans do and use this system to improve yourself.

At present, the total population of Shanlin Town is just over two thousand, which is quite different from the average barony with a population of tens of thousands.

It is a bit slow to try to attract free people to join and expand the population by relying on the birth of people in the territory.

He wanted the territory's population to grow rapidly in a short period of time, and could only buy it with money.

And for Luo Ning, if he can buy a thousand people at one time, he can also complete the population achievement and strengthen his own strength.

This is killing two birds with one stone.

While it was still dark, Luo Ning inquired about the location of the slave exchange and rushed there with his team early the next morning.

In order to control and tame slaves, exchanges were mostly set up outside the city, and some were even set up in a knight's manor.

Luo Ning was sitting on the horse looking at the slave in front of him in trance.

He had expected the Exchange to be a large courtyard with prison cells in which the slaves were kept.

But the small castle-like exchange in front of him obviously exceeded his expectations.

The high wall made of stone and mud was covered with spikes. Although it was not as strong as the wall of the noble castle, it was enough to prevent the people inside from climbing over the wall and escaping.

In addition, tall sentry towers were built with wood at the four corners of the high wall. Each sentry tower was equipped with special surveillance personnel. Once a situation was discovered, these supervisors would report it immediately.

In addition, there is a team of people patrolling back and forth around the high wall, and four people are posted at the main entrance of the exchange to guard it to ensure everything is safe.

When the guards saw a group of people walking towards the exchange, they immediately became vigilant.

However, those who came over in such a swaggering manner were most likely customers, so they did not show any hostility.

As soon as Luo Ning and others arrived outside the exchange, a middle-aged man hurried out from the gate. He trotted up to Luo Ning's horse with a playful smile and offered courtesy and greetings.

"Good day, gentlemen. I am the manager of the Viper Exchange in Muma City. You can call me Anthony!"

Anthony just took a glance and roughly knew that this group of people was headed by the young man in front of him, and this young man had the iconic silver hair. He immediately thought of one person.

As a steward who has been dealing with the outside world all year round, Anthony's vision is no worse than that of Hook of the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that this is not a trading area, and the slave shop is not an ordinary chamber of commerce, so even if he guesses Luo Ning's identity, he will not take the initiative to reveal it unless the latter takes the initiative to reveal it.

"Hello Anthony, I'd like to see your slave here."

Luo Ning, who was riding on the horse, said the purpose of his trip, "If there are suitable ones, I will take a batch of them away."

Anthony's ears moved, and he noticed that Ronin was not talking about one person, but a group of people.

This is a big customer!

Ever since, every inch of the steward's face revealed a flattering smile, "Don't worry, sir, no matter what kind of goods you need, our Viper Slave Exchange will provide it for you!"

Luo Ning got off his horse and handed the horse over to Galen, "Let's go, take me to visit your slave house."

Thanks to Gothic Walking Warrior and Book Friend 20230811111042841 for their rewards. Thanks to Youye Hongyu, Man Lu Lu, Angel Chun Ao, Lao Long Jiu and other gentlemen for their monthly votes and recommendation votes~~~

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