Chapter 62 Slave House

In fact, regardless of whether Luo Ning expressed his intention to buy slaves or not, as long as he proposed to visit the Viper Slave Exchange, Anthony would agree.

For him as a person in charge, anyone who is interested in slaves is his potential customer, let alone the man in front of him.

Therefore, regardless of whether this transaction can be concluded, Anthony has performed very conscientiously. From the moment he entered the exchange, he was like an external roadshow manager constantly promoting his professionalism and the superiority of his products to customers.

Through Anthony's introduction, Luo Ning deepened his understanding of the slave house and the slaves.

First of all, there is the issue of the source of slaves. Most of them are prisoners of war. A small number of them have either violated the laws of the lord and were demoted, or they were deceived and abducted. In short, the paths are diverse and complicated.

"In May of this year, the Black Gold Brotherhood and the Polish Thieves teamed up to occupy several baronies in the southeastern part of the Osan Territory. Earl Wiggins was furious and issued a call-up order, defeating the enemy's coalition forces in one fell swoop and taking back the occupied territories. soil of."

Anthony introduced: "During this battle, the noble coalition captured many prisoners of war. The gentlemen did not want to take them back to their respective territories and were too lazy to deal with them, so they sold them to slaves in various places. After being professionally trained by the slaves, they would These slaves were sold to various parts of the kingdom.”

Luo Ning knew about this battle. His predecessor's father led the team. Although they won, the eldest grandson of the Hyde family died in the battle because of Wiggins' command error. That day at Wushan Castle, the Golden Lion Knight took this as an excuse. Excuses, asking for many benefits.

Ronin frowned slightly, "I heard that the Black Gold Brotherhood and the Polish Thieves Group have existed for a long time. Why didn't the nobles even get together to eliminate them?"

"Moreover, since the coalition forces took back those lands this time, why not continue the attack and completely eliminate the hidden dangers?"

Anthony spread his hands and said, "Master, I'm afraid I can't answer your question. But I remember that Wushanbao did defeat those damn guys in the earliest days, but within a few years they came back again. They were like castles. The rats in the cracks in the wall will never be eliminated.”

Luo Ning nodded slowly. To the southeast of Wushan Territory is the land adjacent to the Three Realms. To the east is the Principality of Vera, to the north is the earldom of the Hyde family, and to the west is the Wushan Territory.

Over the years, that area has been occupied by the Brotherhood for a long time, and various forces may have infiltrated it, making it very complicated.

Unless Wushanbao can completely destroy the opponent's lair and arrange heavy troops to guard it, it will take more than ten or twenty years to develop and truly control it.

Anyone who wants to rely on a war to solve the problems there will obviously not work.

During the conversation, the two came to the big room at the front.

It was dark and damp here, and slaves were kept naked in small cells.

They seemed to be in a very poor mental state, their eyes were numb and empty, and they didn't even look helpless or desperate. They looked like walking corpses.

"This is the sales area, and the people locked inside are all well-tamed slaves."

Anthony introduced, coming to a cell and knocking on the wooden pillars, "Hey, guys inside, stand up and turn around, hurry up!"

After the man inside heard this voice, his eyes became brighter.

He stood up dully, without saying a word, and didn't care whether he was wearing clothes or not. He just spread his arms and slowly turned around in the cage, showing every part of his body in front of the customer.

"Look, this guy has a lot of muscles on his body. As long as you give him a bite of food, master, he will definitely be a good worker."

Anthony picked up the small wooden stick next to him and introduced the product while poking the muscles of the opponent's waist and abdomen. His expression and tone did not look like he was introducing a person, but a real product.

"Master, I have some slaves of this kind here. If you take them all away, I can give you a huge discount and sell them to you at two gold and five silver each."

Although Luo Ning was mentally prepared, he still couldn't accept it when he saw a man standing naked in front of him, and then being poked in the muscles with a stick by the steward while talking about the selling price. ☜

This scene shocked his visual and psychological defenses too much.

Moreover, this is just a sales area. In this slave exchange, there is also a domestication area. What kind of scene will it be inside?

Sure enough, the damn sense of justice in his heart began to surge again.

Ronin took a deep breath to calm down his mood, and then showed a polite smile to Anthony, "The slave is very good, but the price you offer can't impress me."

After that, he turned around and walked outside.

Anthony thought the customer was about to leave, so he quickly chased after him, "Master, don't leave in a hurry. We can talk about the price later~"

In fact, Luo Ning didn't want to leave, he just couldn't stand the sight in front of him.

Arriving outside, Luo Ning felt relieved, but the oppressive atmosphere inside made it difficult for him to breathe.

He looked at Anthony and decided to keep the story short: "Let me introduce you first, Mr. Anthony. I need to know the approximate price of your slaves here."

"It depends on what kind you need, sir."

Anthony knew that the transaction was not going wrong, so he continued to introduce: "Sir, I have all kinds of men, women, and children here, and there are even two or three junior knights."

"There are also knights?" Luo Ning was a little surprised.

"That's natural!" Anthony emphasized, "Master, don't underestimate our Viper Slave Exchange. As long as you have enough money, we can even capture and train magicians for you. Hehe, it's just a bit expensive."

He said enthusiastically and flatteringly: "A junior knight costs about a hundred gold coins, and a magician is a little more expensive, about five or six hundred gold coins."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows. Is this price "a bit" expensive?

But come to think of it, the cost of taming extraordinary beings is not low, and there is a reason why they are expensive to sell.

"I don't need these. What I need is labor, all kinds of craftsmen, and women who can produce."

The census of Hillwood Town was done, and Wilson also made a comparison of the number of men and women of the right age according to Luo Ning's request.

Relatively speaking, the ratio of men to women in Shanlin Town is in a relatively healthy state, but it is undeniable that there are still a little more men.

Therefore, he needed to purchase some fertile female slaves to solve the single problem of his subjects.

Sometimes he couldn't help but think that he was such a good lord that he even considered the single issues of his subjects.

Next, Anthony introduced the approximate prices of various slaves.

Simply put, the most expensive among ordinary people are craftsmen, craftsmen, carpenters, masons, shipbuilders, etc. Their prices all start at a few gold coins. The better the craftsmanship, the higher the price.

The second is the strong young male labor force. The stronger the strength and the better the body, the higher the price, usually selling for a few gold coins;

Then there are women. Their price is lower than that of strong young men. The specific price also depends on the physical condition, but generally it will not exceed two gold coins;

Finally, there are the elderly and children, both of whom are a bit of a burden to many lords.

After all, they can't do any work, and they also eat a lot of resources, especially children. How many resources will be used to support them when they grow up and become strong?

Therefore, the selling price for these two types of people is relatively low, basically no more than one gold coin.

The last level is for people with disabilities, who only need a few dozen copper coins at most, and some are even sold in packages and given as extras.

Of course, there are always exceptions. For example, some noble women who have not been ransomed, especially young and beautiful women, are sold at very high prices, even higher than top craftsmen.

Considering the rumors about Luo Ning from the outside world, Anthony also thought about recruiting a few such slaves to promote it.

However, Luo Ning categorically refused. What did he need these slave women for, other than to have sex?

If he was really that horny, he might as well be intimate with the maid Bella, at least he wouldn't have to worry about getting sick.

"I want fifty strong young laborers and fifty each of young women, and if there are any craftsmen, I want masons and carpenters."

Luo Ning stated his needs, "Give you 150 gold coins, and you can handle it for me."

A rough estimate is that if all these people are in place, it will cost about 200+ gold coins, but Luo Ning usually negotiates the price in one step, so he starts with the bigger ones.

Anthony was happy to hear Luo Ning's needs, but after hearing the offer, he looked pained and confused, as if he was constipated.

"Master, your... 150 gold coins are too few. This transaction cannot be done~"

He slowly stretched out six fingers and said, "How about adding 50 gold coins? This is the most reasonable price!"

"Anthony, take a long-term view! If you miss a big customer like me, you will be gone."

Luo Ning glanced at the other party lightly, "You should know my identity."

Upon hearing this, Anthony immediately bowed and said, "If my guess is correct, you should be Lord Luo Ning, the noble Baron of Wushan bloodline and Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning's lips curled up slightly. Sure enough, the other party had already guessed his identity.

"Since you know my identity, you should also believe in the credibility of Wushanbao. If this transaction is completed, early next year, I will continue to buy thousands of slaves from you. And I can guarantee that our business can continue Keep doing it.”

"No one has ever had any doubts about Wushanbao's credibility, and the same goes for your commitment."

Anthony spoke humbly, but his face was still tangled, "But sir, the price you set is too much. I also have to make money here."

He took back one hand and one finger, "How about you add 40 more?"

Luo Ning seemed to have lost his patience and glanced at the other party, "Think about it carefully. If you think you can, come and find me outside. Ruidal, let's go!"


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