Chapter 63 Buying Slaves

Anthony finally compromised. In his words, for the sake of the friendship between the Viper Slave Exchange and Luo Ning, he would rather lose money this time than build a relationship with Hillwood Town.

Just listen to this. No matter which world, how much truth do businessmen have when doing business? It is said that it is a loss, but whether it is a loss or how much profit is made, no outsider knows.

For Luo Ning, it was enough to buy these slaves at the lowest possible cost this time.

Buying a slave naturally involves the selection process.

This time Luo Ning didn't go in person. He didn't want to step into the sales area of ​​the slave exchange anymore. The scene there would make him feel uncomfortable.

So, this glorious and great task fell on Tom and Galen.

Fortunately, selecting slaves is not difficult. It is nothing more than wrangling with Anthony and trying to select young and strong men and plump young women.

However, Luo Ning was also prepared for the fact that there were some slaves in this group who were not in good health.

After all, he had lowered the price a bit harshly this time. Since Anthony could not obtain greater benefits from the price, he could only earn back a little bit from the "quality".

This is also a reasonable thing, and Luo Ning can understand it.

However, it would be okay to stuff one or two bad ones, but if there were too many, he would not agree.

"Sir, what are you doing buying these slaves? Is there a shortage of workers in the territory?" Redal asked in confusion.

These words brought Luo Ning back from his thoughts. This newly joined knight knew very little about the situation in Hillwood Town.

"There are not many people in Shanlin Town at present, everything is still in its infancy, and there is a lack of various labor forces. ♛☟♦"

Redal nodded slowly and said worriedly: "Then buying slaves is a good choice, but it's a bit difficult to manage and use them well."

Redal may have some management knowledge, so he made such a judgment.

These slaves may have been domesticated, and their thinking and cognition have deteriorated to a greater or lesser extent.

Their completion and efficiency of things will be lower than that of normal serfs, and their learning and acceptance of new things will be slower. They can only rely on the constant encouragement of their slave masters.

Getting them to recover is a long and difficult process.

In the early stages, Luo Ning decided to use methods such as hitting a stick and giving a sweet date to let them work hard for him, and at the same time let them understand that as long as they can do a good job, even slaves will be rewarded.

In the end, if the slaves can be transformed into normal people, get rid of the state of the walking dead, and even activate their subjective initiative, then that is what Luo Ning wants.

Fortunately, the number of slaves purchased this time was not large, so it was relatively easy to manage. He could also take this opportunity to accumulate some experience in slave management and prepare for the future.

"Ruidal, McCann, after you return this time, you can join forces to conduct intensive training for our guards to enhance their combat effectiveness. They must be equipped with cavalry, infantry, and archers."

Luo Ning looked at the two senior knights beside him and began to prepare for the subsequent development.

"There are many savage tribes active in the forest to the east and north of our Wushan Territory. Instead of spending money to buy slaves, I hope to conquer them and incorporate the savage tribesmen into the mountain forest town. §§"

After hearing this, Rydal and Mikan's eyes lit up, especially Mikan's.

Recently, he has been quite envious of Elrond. Not only can he spread his kindness and enhance his prestige in the hearts of the people, but he can also make spell scrolls to create wealth for him.

And he could only help train the guards and be responsible for the unchallenging territory defense. He felt that his role was too small.

Now, he thought of fighting against the barbarian tribe for Luo Ning. With this goal, his life path suddenly became brighter in the future.

"Sir, how big is the savage tribe you are talking about?" Ruidal began to judge the fighting strength of the enemy and ourselves.

In response, Luo Ning could only spread his hands, "Sorry, I can't answer your question, because I don't have detailed information about the savage tribe, and I didn't find any useful information in the study of the previous political officer Prince. clues, we don’t know their exact size.”

Having said that, the savage tribe has not invaded Shanlin Town for a long time, which means that the opponent's scale should not be large, right?

Redal touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Then after I go back, I will act as a scout and search the forest to see if I can find any trace of them."

He looked at McCann as he said, "McKen will continue to be responsible for guard training and defense."

"No problem!" McCann replied.

Perhaps due to the relationship between superiors and subordinates in his previous life, McCann had no objections to Redal's arrangements and followed them.

There were over a hundred slaves, and it was quite time-consuming and laborious to select them. Especially when Galen and Tom kept in mind what Ronin had told him, they had to carefully select almost every one of them. Anthony would never be allowed to slip in a bad one easily. of.

But Anthony is an old man in the slave house after all. He has experienced not only tens of thousands but also thousands of transactions. He can always package some slaves that are not good enough into good goods, and then stuff them in while the customers are not paying attention. As long as he grasps the scale correctly. , customers will not cause trouble.

In this way, more than an hour passed. There were fifty men and fifty women, plus one carpenter and one mason each. Gallon and Tom finally made their choice.

The two looked at each other and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Now when they close their eyes, they can see all kinds of bodies appearing in their minds. Those naked slaves also had an impact on their souls.

Fortunately, fortunately, they could follow Luo Ning and not experience such an animal-like life.

After the selection was completed, Anthony took these slaves to an empty hall and asked them to kneel on the ground and read Ronin's name loudly and repeatedly, so that they could remember their master's name firmly and imprint it in their minds.

After doing all this, Anthony gave each slave a simple linen garment and fed them two pieces of black bread so that they would have the strength to go on the road.

When the 102 slaves were escorted out by Anthony and his guards, more than four hours had passed.

During this period, Anthony arranged for Luo Ning to have lunch. Needless to say, the food was still good.

Luo Ning was riding on horseback, looking at the group of slaves standing in front of him. They were still silent and had their heads lowered with expressionless faces.

However, Luo Ning keenly noticed that some people were trembling, perhaps because they were afraid of the unknown, because they didn't know how their master would treat them.

"Look up, slaves!" Ronin shouted.

Perhaps because they didn't know that the person speaking was their master, only some of the slaves raised their heads.

Anthony roared beside him, "Your master, you guys, raise your heads! Look carefully and remember his face. That is the person you must loyal to until death!"

"From now on, your body and soul will belong to him!"

"Now, kneel before your master, call his name, and pledge your loyalty!"

Anthony's roars echoed, and the slaves began to chant:

"Lord Luo Ning..."

"Lord Luo Ning..."

"Lord Luo Ning..."

Sparse and weak.

Ronin glanced at Anthony. Before leaving the slave house completely, it was obvious that this guy's words were more effective.

His eyes returned to the group of slaves, and for a moment he didn't know what to say to them.

After pondering for a moment, he spoke: "From now on, you are the people of Shanlin Town. As long as you work hard, I will provide you with food, clothes, and build a place for you!"

"Now, stand up and follow me!"

This time, there was a reaction to Luo Ning's words. I don't know if they recognized his identity as the master, or were moved by the houses and food mentioned in his words.

They stood up, saying thank you to the lord, thank you lord, and will work hard, etc., and followed Luo Ning's order silently behind the team.


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