Chapter 64 Commander

A team of more than a hundred slaves marched along the main road of Muma City towards the wilderness. ♢♦

With this group of people, Luo Ning would not only be unable to return faster, but he also had to take care of the slaves, which were all bought with real money. He didn't want a few people to die before he reached Shanlin Town.

Fortunately, he had made sufficient preparations in advance for his visit to Muma City this time. He brought enough rations in the space ring to ensure that these slaves were well fed and drunk.

The slaves were trembling at first, very afraid that the master in front of them would beat, scold and torture them at every turn. However, they did not expect that after following them for two days, the slaves not only did not beat or scold them, but even provided them with enough bread for every meal. Occasionally, when prey is hunted, a little broth is given to them to drink.

Although they have to walk a lot every day, they have not experienced this kind of days with full meals for a long, long time.

So much so that when they took their first bite of fresh bread, they knelt down and thanked Luo Ning in excitement, which triggered a group reaction and broke into tears.

Those who knew knew that Luo Ning was a kind lord, but those who didn't knew thought that Luo Ning scared these slaves to the point of kneeling down and begging for mercy.

In the evening five days later, in front of the mountains when they entered Shanlin Town, Luo Ning and his party set up camp here.

Regarding the control of the slaves, Ronin left all the responsibility to Tom, Gallen and the four guards. He did not need to be responsible for these trivial matters, and there was no need to show his face in front of the slaves when he had nothing to do.

In the past few days, Luo Ning has been practicing the three spells of wind blade, fireball and small flame whenever he has time.

As an entry-level fire attribute magic, small flame is the simplest. This spell will only form a small flame on the fingertips, just like Elrond's flash spell. Luo Ning mastered it almost the first time he practiced it.

Fireball is a second-level magic. Its power is almost the same as that of Wind Blade. If there is a difference, Fireball may have a wider range, while Wind Blade has a stronger attack per unit area. Each has its own characteristics.

At this moment, in an open space, two senior knights, McCann and Redal, were having a fierce confrontation.

Both of them are looking forward to this discussion that has been planned for several days but has not officially started until today. Even on the way, McCann and Redal both asked intentionally or unintentionally.

Luo Ning just postponed it because the location was not suitable. It was not until today that he allowed the two of them to start in the flat area before entering the mountain.

Of course it's just a discussion, pay attention to the point, and don't consume too much.

Despite Luo Ning's instructions in advance, once the two senior knights fight, the intensity is still remarkable.

Even the slaves in the distance couldn't help but look here, wondering what the slave owner was doing and why his two knights were fighting.

McCann was holding a long sword, and the fighting spirit on his body exploded, condensing into an earthy yellow armor on his body, which looked very defensive.

This is the fighting spirit armor that can be used when a knight reaches an advanced level and has strong fighting spirit in his body. It has no attribute requirements and basically every high-level knight can use it.

It's just that relatively speaking, the fighting spirit armor condensed from the earth attribute fighting spirit has stronger defensive power.

"I'm on it!"

McCann shouted loudly and kicked the ground with both feet. A large piece of soil on the ground was trampled away, and his whole body was shot out like a cannonball, with a fierce and strong momentum.

Redal's expression was more serious, his whole body was wrapped in red fighting spirit armor, and his aura was much more violent than McCann's.

"bring it on!"

Facing McCann's shocking attack, Redal's body sank, and he faced the collision of the first blow head-on without dodging.

With a shocking loud noise, the knight swords of the two high-level peak knights touched each other, and fighting energy burst out to form a huge strong wind, which was clearly felt by Luo Ning and others a hundred meters away.

"The crash of the blow was like a hammer to my heart!"

Tom, who was watching the battle, was frightened by the collision just now. If he faced this blow, he would probably break his sword and die.

After a head-on collision, a close combat like a gust of wind followed.

During this period of time, Luo Ning has been learning footwork and swordsmanship from McCann, and he has a deep understanding of the latter's close combat situations.

In normal practice, if McCann was at 100%, he would probably not be a match for him.

But at this moment, facing McCann's attack, Redal responded with ease and ease. His steps were more flexible and faster. No matter where the opponent's sword came from, he could perfectly dodge and block, and then launched his attack. counterattack.

This battle lasted for a full minute. McCann saw that he could not break through and was increasingly suppressed. After one blow, he used the strength of his opponent's counterattack to distance himself.

He stamped his foot, pouring fighting energy into the ground, lifting up countless clods of soil, and then swung his sword, and under the yellow fighting spirit, these earthen bullets hit Ruidal like shotguns.

This is the fighting skill he acquired after being promoted to a senior knight.

Looking at the roaring sound that broke through the air, Luo Ning had to believe that if such a clod of soil hit him, his bones would probably be broken.

Redal flipped the long sword in his hand and pulled it out. A curtain of fire was like a large net that contained all the earthen bombs.

The sound of the collision between the two fighting skills became more and more deafening, especially the hot air wave caused by the fire attribute fighting spirit after the collision, which made everyone watching the battle feel a dangerous atmosphere.

"It's my turn!"

Redal chuckled and actually inserted the long sword into the scabbard. He rushed towards McCann like a catapult, and the hot fighting energy surged from his fists, forming a huge flaming fist.


Redal punched out, and the flaming fist rushed towards McCann, and then he punched out the second and third punches...

"This is a fire fist bombing!"

Luo Ning saw this fighting technique at a glance, but did not expect that the opponent would use this move continuously.

Facing his opponent's first active attack, McCann looked serious. He changed his position at an extremely fast speed and quickly avoided the opponent's punches.

He was really blocked by the opponent and couldn't avoid it, so he leaned against the earth wall to resist.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Redal transformed into a bomber and bombed at extremely high speeds, as if his fighting energy was never used up, without considering consumption at all.

And with a little observation, it is not difficult to find that Redal kept changing his position and attack angle while bombing, making his opponent's situation more and more dangerous.

McCann was breathing heavily and his face was covered with sweat. On this smoke-filled battlefield, he knew that if he continued to defend like this, he would be defeated sooner or later.


He roared, and fighting energy surged in his fists to meet the flying fighting fists. At the same time, the long sword was inserted into the ground, and fighting energy quickly flowed to Redal's feet.

The ground suddenly surged, and the nature of the land also changed. Earthen spears poked out of the ground at extremely fast speeds.

Redal's mind was trembling, and he almost felt it when the fighting spirit came to his feet. At the same moment when the earth spear poked out of the ground, he jumped up.


The earth spears all pierced the air one by one. When Ruidal's body fell, the impact airflow caused by the fighting spirit was carried by the soles of his feet, trampling the earth spears and breaking them.

On the other hand, the fire fist bombardment collided with McCann's fighting spirit-filled fist, causing a huge shock wave. Under the violent impact, McCann staggered and stepped back violently.


Another fire bombing fist landed on him, knocking him away directly. The fighting spirit armor on his body fell away, bringing an end to the sparring session.

Luo Ning stepped forward and clapped his hands and praised, "You are worthy of being a high-level peak knight. Your battle really opened my eyes!"

"Wonderful, so wonderful!"

Elrond and Tom Jianzhuang couldn't help but clapped along. This discussion was really exciting and opened their eyes.

"Your Excellency, that's a compliment."

Redal calmed down his breath, and the violent look he had just fought disappeared, replaced by his relaxed and confident look.

Luo Ning looked at McCann on one side, "Guard officer, how is your situation?"

McCann was a little embarrassed at the moment, mainly because there was a lot of dust on his body and face. He coughed out the dust in his mouth, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, sir, I'm not injured."

He said and looked at his opponent, "Ruidal is too powerful. Whether it's a battle of strength, close combat skills, or the use of fighting skills and fighting spirit, I am no match for him."

Ruidal laughed and said, "After all, you are not at the true peak yet. If your strength improves a little more, it won't be so easy for me to deal with you."

The two came to the business district to have a chat, and there was a winner or loser in the discussion, but it did not affect their relationship.

Luo Ning could tell that even if McCann's level progress was full, he probably wouldn't be Redal's opponent. In the previous sparring session, McCann almost used all his strength, but Redal obviously had a lot of energy left.

Worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Flame Expeditionary Force, Redal's qualifications and identity can reflect many problems.

"Then Rydal."

Luo Ning took the reins and faced the knight who had won the battle, "From now on, you are the commander of my mountain town!"

Redal knelt down on one knee, "I am happy to serve you, sir!"

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

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