Chapter 70 Using the Quyuan Plow

After Luo Ning briefly met with these village chiefs and team leaders, it was Wilson's business to implement and supervise the matters explained. new˙ɔoɯ

Accompanied by Chahar and Galen, he himself went to Kallus's blacksmith shop to take a good look at the made curved shaft plow.

The blacksmith shop was still as messy as last time, with broken bone vessels, pottery, stone tools, etc. randomly placed everywhere, leaving only a vacant space in the middle where the finished curved shaft plow was placed.

If Chahar hadn't informed the lord in advance that he would come over for inspection today, Kallus would probably not even bother to clear out the open space in the middle.

"Sir, you are finally here!"

Kallus brought his son Baal to greet him from afar, "We assembled the curved shaft plow yesterday, and we are just waiting for you to test the effect!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Kallus."

Luo Ning kept a friendly smile, "I can't wait to see your results. Come on, take me there quickly."

Under the leadership of Carles and his son, Luo Ning walked into the blacksmith shop and immediately saw the curved shaft plow placed on the clean ground as big as a palm in the middle.

His eyes lit up, and he strode over, looked at it carefully before and after, then squatted down and carefully checked the plow shovel. Its shape and size were almost the same as the plow in his memory.

"Kales, people in the town say you have good blacksmithing skills, and I finally saw it today!"

He couldn't help but give the other party a thumbs up, "This Quyuanli is almost 99% complete as I designed it, which is very good!"

After receiving the Lord's approval, Kallus' nervous mood finally relaxed. At the same time, he was secretly proud of his craftsmanship, but he was still very humble.

"The drawings designed by the adults are so clear, I just need to follow them."

Luo Ning pinched the front end of the plow and lifted the curved shaft plow.

Although this thing is a bit heavy, he is now an intermediate knight, and this weight is nothing at all, and he can lift it easily.

"It's a little heavy for the average person."

He looked at the plow body and asked, "Do you have an estimate of how much the plow shovel, the plow wall, and the wood of the plow body weigh?"

Kallus knew this well and said quickly: "Sir, the plow shovel and the plow wall should weigh five kilograms. I made them with five kilograms of iron. The plow body was made by Mr. Chahar and William's son. The cut birch should weigh about a hundred pounds."

Luo Ning looked at the plow body and said, "As expected of William's son, the plow body is not bad at all."

The young man Baal on the side couldn't help but said, "Sir, he and I did this together!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kallus quickly covered Barr's mouth and looked at Ronin sheepishly, "Sir, please forgive Barr for being rude."

Luo Ning laughed, "Bar, right? How old are you?"

Baal broke free from his father's hand and replied loudly: "I am thirteen years old this year, Lord!"

"Yes, your skills are also great!"

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Learn blacksmithing from your father, and by the way, you should also learn how to make the plow body. I may be able to use you in many places in the future."

Barr was a little excited to be able to say so many words to the lord. After receiving the lord's encouragement, he nodded firmly, "Sir, I will study hard!"

Kallus' class will eventually be handed over to Barr, and Luo Ning really hopes that he can further improve his blacksmithing skills.

Because from the experience of wrought iron he bought in Muma City, he discovered that the iron-making technology in this world is not as advanced as he imagined.

The so-called wrought iron is actually spongy iron, which is reduced from the ore in a low-temperature environment.

Blacksmiths used this wrought iron to forge and make various tools, weapons and armors.

This method is fine for forging weapons and the like, because the demand is relatively small, but if you want to produce large quantities of farm tools, it will probably tire the blacksmith to death.

To solve this problem, the specific way is to refine liquid iron, directly shape it by pouring the molten iron into the mold, and produce agricultural tools in large scale and batches.

Ronin looked at Kallus's blacksmith shop. With his open furnace and a small leather bellows, it was probably difficult to raise the temperature of the iron.

Obviously, this requires Luo Ning to use his knowledge again.

First he would design a bellows and then a furnace to raise the temperature high enough to produce pig iron.

He wrote down this matter, and then told everyone: "Let's go and experiment first to see how effective the Quyuan Plow is."

Barr couldn't wait any longer and quickly picked up the shackles. Ronin signaled Galen and others to help Kallus carry out the plow.

In the field not far away, Chahar had already asked the cattle herder to bring one of the black buffaloes from the castle over in advance.

Under Luo Ning's personal command, everyone put the yoke on the buffalo's neck and connected the yoke and pear with flax rope.

"When using it, you can adjust the position of the plow arrow according to the conditions of the land to ensure that the contact angle between the plow blade and the land is appropriate."

Luo Ning fiddled with it himself, and after adjusting the approximate position, he signaled to the cowherd to start.

After receiving the order from the lord, the cowherd waved his whip slightly, and the black buffalo began to walk forward after hearing the order.

The buffalo is not fast, but it is very strong. It pulls the curved shaft plow forward under the traction of the rope.

At the beginning, the herdsmen could not control the direction of the plow very well. At the same time, they were nervous and unfamiliar, so the plowing was not good.

However, he had some experience, and after many adjustments, he was finally able to turn the ground smoothly.

Kallus, Chahar, Gallen and others who followed behind and observed carefully all exclaimed in amazement.

"Oh my God, it plows so deep!"

“Not only does it plow deep, but it also looks very silky smooth. It’s much easier than just a few of us pulling a light plow to plow the fields!”

Before becoming a male servant, Gallon needed to cultivate the land. He had plowed the land. Whether it was with a hoe or a light plow, whether it was manpower or an oxen, it could not be completed by one person and one oxen. His There is always help around.

But now, a cowherd and a cow can easily plow this thirty-meter-long piece of land!

If the onlookers were very excited, the actual cattle herder was even less excited. He felt that what he was holding was not a plow, but an artifact!

"This is... incredible!"

The cowherd's heart was shaking so much that he only needed to control the direction a little and follow behind. Although it will also consume a certain amount of physical strength, compared with the previous method, this method is much easier!

After he finished plowing a section, he directed the buffalo to turn around while slightly controlling the tip of the plow. Under the pull of the cattle, he could easily turn around. This labor-saving and convenient operation shocked him even more.

"Look, there are so many earthworms!" Barr squatted aside, pointing at the earthworms moving on the soil, and shouted excitedly.

There are usually earthworms during work, but not as many as we see now.

Luo Ning was not surprised by this phenomenon. After all, the curved shaft plow was used to plow deeper than the light plow and manual plowing. In addition, the plow wall broke up the soil clods and dug out all the earthworms in the soil. Not surprisingly.

What concerns him more is the quality of the soil.

He squatted next to the plowed ditch, reached out and pinched the soil, which was relatively moist. Looking at its black appearance and the many earthworms there, it seemed that the fertility was very good.

It seems that the quality of the land in Shanlin Town is indeed good. It is no wonder that the yield of barley per mu can reach 90 kilograms with just a few varieties of barley.

He patted the soil, stood up, and asked the cowherd: "How does it feel to use the curved shaft plow?"

Although the cowherd had met the lord before when he "joined the job", he still felt nervous when facing the lord now.

After pondering for a long time, the herdsman spoke out his inner feelings.

"Lord, this is the most magical and incredible thing I have ever seen in my life!"

He said exaggeratedly: "When we operate a light plow, we usually need two or three people, but just now I can easily operate it by myself. It is not only fast, but also very energy-saving!"

The cowherd looked at the fallow field and said, "If I were to cultivate this land by myself, it would probably take two or three days. But now, give me the plow and the cow. Sir, I promise that it will only take one day." I can finish it!”

Although the description of the cattle herder was a bit exaggerated, Luo Ning knew that the Quyuan plow indeed brought great convenience and efficiency to farmers, reducing the difficulty of plowing and cultivating land.

Now, it’s a question of how to mass-produce it.


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