Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 71 71Two prototypes of manufacturing plants

Chapter 71 Two Prototype Manufacturing Factories

The effect of the curved shaft plow is very obvious. If it can be implemented in Shanlin Town and ensure that every village has several or even a dozen plows, then whether it is reclaiming wasteland or replanting fallow land, it will save money compared to before. A lot of manpower and material resources. new

Luo Ning can then put the saved people into other production activities.

And this method of deep plowing, coupled with the ridge farming method that Luo Ning is about to promulgate, will definitely increase the crop yield in Shanlin Town to a higher level!

But it is obvious that if we want to fully promote it, we must first solve the problem of output.

The blacksmiths in Hillwood Town are Kallus and his son (who is still an apprentice). Since the plow cannot be cast, Kallus can only hammer it by himself. This makes the speed of making plows and plow walls a bit slow. .

As for making the plow body, it is not as complicated as making weapons and armor from black iron trees. Ram's half-baked carpenter apprentice can do it. It shouldn't be a problem to find a few people to practice and operate it several times. Anyway, there are more birches in Shanlin Town. .

"Kales, I went out this time to buy two thousand kilograms of wrought iron. I need you to help me build at least thirty of these curved shaft plows."

The reason why there are thirty cards is not because there is not enough iron, but because there are not so many cattle in Shanlin Town.

There are only twenty-four black buffaloes used for plowing in Shanlin Castle. Including the few owned by individual tenant farmers in the town, there are almost thirty.

"Oh my God, thirty?"

Kallus' eyes widened in shock. He had never accepted such a big order.

"Yes, this is just the early stage, and it still needs to be built later."

Luo Ning added: "I will provide both wrought iron and wood, and I will also equip you with four people to help you. You can choose to be my exclusive blacksmith, or you can serve me as a free citizen of Shanlin Town. I You will be paid a certain amount."

"Of course, if you choose the former, I will give you a daily salary of 10 copper coins. In addition, your son Baal is a blacksmith apprentice. If he serves me, I can provide you with a daily salary of 3 copper coins."

The wages of craftsmen are relatively high. If you were in other cities, it would probably cost more to hire Kallus, but in a remote area like Shanlin Town, the price would naturally be lower.

Kallus hesitated.

It is only natural that the subjects serve the lord. But in his current state, he can not only take on the lord's work, but also earn other people's chores.

But if he becomes the exclusive blacksmith of Shanlin Castle, generally speaking, he can only serve the lord.

However, the salary offered by the lord is indeed high, 33 copper coins a year is not bad.

"Sir, I am very tempted by the salary you mentioned, but I don't know when you usually settle my salary?"

Luo Ning gave Chahar a look, and the butler immediately understood.

"Don't worry, Kallus, the master is the most benevolent lord. He never defaults on anyone's payment!"

As he said that, he took out the 1 silver he had just received in the morning from his pocket and said, "Did you see it? Your Excellency will settle last month's remuneration for everyone on the sixth of every month."

The cowherds, Gallon, and others next to them also took out money from their pockets.

Chahar continued: "Just this morning, the servants of the castle, the professional knights and magicians of the castle, and the guards, all paid for last month."

He emphatically emphasized, "Please remember that I am the kindest, most trustworthy, and kindest nobleman, bar none!"

Luo Ning was a little embarrassed to be praised like this, but he was also surprised. Why did two of these people carry money with them? Isn't it inconvenient for them to jingle when they walk?

When Kallus saw this scene, he no longer hesitated and immediately made a gentlemanly salute, "Then Kallus is willing to be your exclusive blacksmith."

"Okay, I won't treat you badly!"

Luo Ning laughed, "If you are willing to take care of an apprentice, I will give you an extra 5 copper coins per day. ♤"

Kallus' eyes lit up, "I do, sir!"

Ronin looked at Galen, "Go and notify Wilson and ask him to select three men and one woman from the slaves. Remember to find those who are a little smarter and look like they can learn something."

"At the same time, let Wilson tell those slaves that as long as they are willing to serve me down-to-earth for ten years, I can grant them a certain degree of freedom and let them become my serfs."

"Okay, sir!" Galen took the order and ran out.

Kallus looked at the lord in front of him in surprise, "You are such a kind man!"


For Luo Ning, it is just to give this group of people some goals and motivation. Besides, ten years is too long.

"Kales, I found that your forging speed is too slow. I will teach you a new iron-making method later so that you can produce farm tools quickly!"

The blacksmith was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard wrongly, but seeing how serious the lord was, he was confused.

"Sir, I learned the methods of making iron and forging from my father."

Kallus explained: "My father's master is a famous blacksmith in Wushan City. Please believe that the technology he taught us is the most advanced!"

Craftsmen always stubbornly believe that their skills are the best.

But Kallus was telling the truth. The technology of iron-making and forging was indeed like this.

Luo Ning smiled mysteriously, "With my method, you can smelt iron into molten iron and then cast it directly into farm tools, which is much faster than your forging method."

"Sir, are you doing this as a magician?"

Kallus was not surprised by the word molten iron. "Legend has it that only magicians can control the ultra-high-temperature flames that can melt steel, but this kind of flame is not something we mortals can control!"

Is there such a thing?

Luo Ning was a little surprised. He was curious about which level of magician could control such a flame?

"Don't worry, Kallus. If I can design an efficient agricultural tool like the curved shaft plow, I will definitely be able to teach you how to refine molten iron."

Luo Ning is very confident about this, "Before that, you continue to use your method to build plow blades and plow walls, and assemble the curved shaft plow."

After explaining to the other party what needed to be done next, Luo Ning asked the cowherd to move the plow back to the castle, while he and Chahar went to the next destination, the home of the carpenter William.

Black ironwood is indeed difficult to process. In the past half month, William made four ironwood shields, three ironwood spears and an ironwood chest protector.

Luo Ning tested it and found that the strength of these three pieces of armor met the requirements and could be used by ordinary guards, especially the iron-wood shield. It is estimated that it can be used in confrontations between intermediate knights.

The only thing I felt bad about was the ironwood chest protector. It looked like a hole had been dug into the middle of a piece of wood. The guard's head passed through the hole, and he hung the wooden board on his body that could face him. The hanging board Just enough to protect the chest and vest.

The structure is simple, but it feels uncomfortable and a bit stiff after putting it on.

"Sir, relatively speaking, ironwood spears are the best, followed by ironwood chest protectors and shields."

William Carpenter introduced these armors, "I also want to use iron wood and linen rope to make a pair of armor that is more fitting and less stiff than the chest protector, but that is too time-consuming!"

He shook his head as he spoke, "If I were alone, I probably wouldn't be able to make a pair of Ironmuzha armor in a month!"

Luo Ning was very interested in what the other party said about Zha Jia.

The ironwood chest protector is too simple and can be worn by ordinary guards. The armor can be worn by people of a higher level or level.

Correspondingly, the selling price will be higher.

Luo Ning had already planned to arrange fifteen male and two female slaves for the ironwood workshop last night. Now considering the cloth needed to make armor and the work of assembling armor pieces, he planned to arrange five more female slaves. come over.

William only needs to teach these slaves how to assemble armor plates. This may take some time, but as long as it succeeds, there will be a large number of manpower.

After a conversation, he and William finalized the products of the ironwood workshop: in the early stage, they would mainly focus on ironwood shields, ironwood spears and ironwood chest protectors, and then it would be enough to make one piece of ironwood armor every month.

At the same time, Luo Ning also offered an olive branch to William, asking him to become the exclusive carpenter of Hillwood Castle, and offered William and his apprentice son a daily salary of 17 copper coins and 4 copper coins each.

Of course, Luo Ning also asked William to take care of apprentices.

In this regard, with Kallus' matter at hand, William agreed without much hesitation.

Since then, Luoning's two factories have been initially established.

Next comes the issue of production.

According to Luo Ning's plan, the products produced will first arm Shanlin Town and then be sold to the outside world.

Because of the special nature of the black iron tree, ironwood armor and other items cannot be copied by outsiders, so Luo Ning can sell them with confidence and boldness.

But the Quyuan plow is different. This thing does not have too high technical content. I believe that a blacksmith with a little skill can quickly copy it after buying one.

If Luo Ning spends a lot of time to collect a batch of goods, he may sell some at first, but soon imitations will appear outside, and in the end the goods in hand may not be sold even at a reduced price.

What's more, Luo Ning currently does not have the ability to produce and stock goods quickly.

We will think about this issue later when the iron-making technology is optimized and plows and plowboards can be quickly produced through casting.

Therefore, he is not going to work on selling the actual Quyuan plow for the time being. If he wants to sell it, he can just take out the drawings for making the Quyuan plow and sell it for one or two times.

After all, knowledge is valuable.


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