Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 72 72 Preparations before conquering the savage tribe

Chapter 72 Preparations before conquering the savage tribe

Under Wilson's unified arrangement, the 102 slaves were divided into five groups: the construction team, the ironwood team, the logging team, the dung collection team, and the newly formed blacksmith team.

This batch of slaves was purchased in a timely manner without disrupting the work arrangements of other serfs and free tenants.

As mentioned before, the status of slaves was lower than that of serfs in the territory, and they were regarded as talking tools.

Although serfs had a low status and were bound to the land and could not easily leave or change their status, they could still enjoy certain independent family, marriage and economic rights at the legal level.

As the master of this group of slaves, Luo Ning has the power to determine the identity of the slaves.

According to Galen's previous instructions, he made a promise to this group of slaves. As long as they work hard for Shanlin Fort for ten years, Luo Ning will remove their status as slaves and promote them to the serf class.

At the same time, Luo Ning also allowed these slaves to get married and have children. Although the children born were still slaves, as long as they got rid of their slave status, their children would no longer be slaves.

Identity must be earned through one's own efforts. Although Luo Ning has a modern soul, he cannot be a pure good person in this world.

It is already very good that he can provide this group of people with a channel to change their identities. If it were an ordinary lord, who would care about the life and death of the slaves?

Although he only gave these two promises, they were enough to awaken the desire in some slaves to escape their fate.

Of course, it is very unrealistic to expect slaves to be completely conscious. Luo Ning will not give up the right to spur the other party, and will also let Wilson and others exercise such rights.

Small punishments for small things, big punishments for big things, even if he committed something worthy of death, Luo Ning would not be unable to kill him just because he bought this group of people.

At the end of the day, they still have to work hard.

In addition to slaves, Luo Ning also issued the same promotion measures to serfs.

On the existing basis, if the serfs cultivate the land for the territory for ten years, Luo Ning will reward them with ten acres of land.

Although the property rights of these ten acres of land still belong to Luo Ning, he allows that only 30% of the output of these ten acres of land needs to be handed over to Shanlinbao, and the rest can be distributed freely.

You know, today's serfs are required to hand over 50% of their output to the castle. After removing the seeds, the remaining food they can eat is almost 25%. With some wild vegetables and other things, they can make black bread to survive. .

No matter which world they are in, people have the same emotions, and they all want to live a life of food, clothing and warmth.

Luo Ning has set long-term goals for the serfs. Coupled with the just-promulgated incentive plan for four villages to compete in production, as well as the upcoming implementation of the curved shaft plow and ridge farming methods, I believe that the motivation of most farmers will increase a lot.

After returning from William, Luo Ning took a look at the training status of McCann and others.

The guards brought from Wushanbao were already completely out of work, and Luo Ning was not prepared to let them work in the fields.

Although he and McCann were neither in Hillwood Town during this period of time, before leaving, both Ronin and McCann had asked David to not only guard the castle well, but also let the guards continue to conduct appropriate drills. .

The open space to the west of the castle has now become a training ground for the guards.

McCann divided the twenty-seven ordinary guardsmen into three groups of nine men each. One group is arranged to take turns guarding the castle and patrolling the territory every day, while the remaining two groups continue daily training.

In addition to queue training, ordinary guards now also need to conduct military boxing training. At the same time, McCann also arranged close combat combat, swordsmanship practice, and bow and arrow training to start in the past two days.

Professional knights such as David, Tom, Jewett and Sim are mainly trained in fighting skills, which is much more intense than ordinary people's training.

Only by constantly pushing the limits of the body can a knight strengthen the fighting spirit in his body. Relaxation will only stagnate his cultivation.

The only exception was Commander Redal, who disappeared early this morning. According to McCann, Redal left Shanlin Town early in the morning and walked into the Wubei Woodland alone.

Indeed, it is time to start gathering intelligence on the savage tribes. Compared to the Thane Territory, the Savage Tribe should be easier to deal with.

After all, openly launching a war against other nobles will inevitably lead to criticism and intervention. Even Wushan Castle will adjust or even punish Luo Ning in order to maintain the unity of Wushan Territory.

To deal with the obvious attack on Thain, either Luo Ning is so strong that no one dares to say anything, or he pushes Reisen to an isolated side with no one to help him to plead for mercy. Either way is not the time now.

The savage tribe was different. They were originally enemies driven into the forest by the aristocratic coalition led by Wushan.

If it weren't for the difficulty of walking through the mountainous forest roads, the trouble of supply transportation, and the fact that the nobles had no interest in spending a lot of effort to annihilate the enemy's remaining troops, they would not have left the savage tribe alone.

Now that Luo Ning takes action against the barbarian tribe, not only will he not be criticized by any nobles, he has even contributed to the Wushan Territory to a certain extent and promoted the power of the Wushan family.

Over the years, it seems that Wushanbao has not done anything eye-catching.

Ever since Mr. Rulans stepped aside and handed matters over to Wiggins, the family has become silent.

Luo Ning looked at the knights and guards who were sparring from a distance. There were now two high-level peak knights in Shanlin Town, one mid-level magician, four junior knights, plus him, a dual-professional mid-level lord, for a total of eight Extraordinary one.

With a few more extraordinary beings, a team of knights can be formed.

When he was selecting guards at Wushan Fort, Luo Ning looked at Sir Garman and thought about when he would also have a knight squad. But he didn't expect that only a month had passed, and this idea had already become within reach. .

"Sir, you are here!"

When McCann and others saw Luo Ning coming, they immediately stopped.

"I'm just here to take a look, you guys continue training."

Ronin waved to McCann, "The carpenter William has made a batch of ironwood armors and weapons out of black iron trees. You can arrange for two people to move them over and assemble them for the guards. Those shields are of good quality, and you should be able to do the same. It comes in handy.”

McCann knew about the existence of the Black Iron Tree. They only discovered it that day when they accompanied the lord to inspect it.

At that time, McCann was only an intermediate knight, and he didn't cut the black iron tree with a single sword. The armor made from this thing definitely had a certain degree of defense.

"I didn't expect William to process the black iron tree so quickly." McCann said with a smile, "I will have people move it over later and equip the guards first."

"The ironwood armor, plus the five sets of full-body armor obtained from Pedro and Prince, will be distributed by you."

Luo Ning glanced at the two new knights who were sparring, "During this period, give Juwitt and Sim more guidance, as well as David and Tom, one by one, to improve their combat effectiveness. Wait for Ruida After collecting information about the savage tribe, we must prepare for battle.”

McCann's face turned solemn, "Okay, sir, I understand!"

While the two were talking, a guard ran towards Luo Ning, "Sir~"

McCann looked over and said, "They are the guards guarding the castle today."

Luo Ning was a little confused. There must be something urgent for the guards to come here in such a hurry. The last time was Feliton's visit. Could it be that someone else is here today?

The guard gasped and ran to Luo Ning, "Sir, there are a few knights who want to visit you."

Someone really came over, and the mountain town became lively, but he didn't expect anyone to come here out of boredom.

"Is he Knight Feliton of the Thane Order?"

"No, no, he is a knight from Wuma City."

The guard gasped and replied: "The leader said his name is 'Logna Ironhoof'."


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