Chapter 73 Unexpected News

Luo Ning didn't know the knights of Muma City, but when he heard the name "Rognar Ironhoof", he knew the identity of the visitor - he was a member of the Ironhoof family of Viscount Muma City.

He searched for information about this name in his mind, but he only knew that this Rogna was the second son of Viscount Marvin, and there was no more information other than that.

And Luo Ning himself has no contact with the Iron Hoof family. If he insists on it, he can only spend thousands of gold coins on the other party's land this time.

So what are the people from the Iron Heel family doing here?

"Come on, come with me and take a look."

The nobles came to visit, and it was not polite to keep others waiting. Luo Ning didn't waste much time, called McCann, and returned to the castle together.

At this moment, there were five people standing outside the castle, three of whom looked like guards. The leader was a man and a woman. They were all wearing light armor and equipped with weapons. They looked like they should be professional knights.

This was the first time Luo Ning met a female professional knight, but his attention was more focused on the man with the black horse emblem tattooed on his chest.

This man has a strong physique and stands upright. His hand is always on the sword at his waist. He has a rather fierce aura.

He was holding his head high at the moment, looking at the castle in front of him. He didn't know whether he was comparing it with the castle of the Iron Hoof family, or he was mentally estimating the defensive power of Shanlin Castle.

"Logna, they are coming." The woman next to her warned in a low voice when she caught a glimpse of Luo Ning and others walking in the distance.

The man who was looking up at the castle came to his senses and quickly looked to his left, his eyes locked on the silver-haired young man.

"Good morning, Baron Ronin!"

He swept away his fierce aura and became very pleasant: "I am Rogner Iron Shoe from Muma City. Please forgive me for my sudden and presumptuous visit. ░▒▓██▓▒░"

Luo Ning took a moment to look at the other person. He had black hair and black eyes, which made him look kind. Unfortunately, his skin was fairer.

"Welcome to your presence, Lord Rogner!"

Luo Ning stepped forward, smiled and hugged the other person gently, "There have been no guests in Shanlin Town for a long time. Your arrival makes me very happy."

Rogner was a little surprised. The Baron Luoning in front of him seemed different from the legendary eldest grandson of the Marquis.

Although they only met for a moment, he felt that the person in front of him was relatively calm.

"Ronin, this is Ms. Kurami Snow, she is my fiancée."


Luo Ning was even more surprised now. Why did the other party bring his fiancée to this remote country? He couldn't bring his family and his family to be loyal to him, right?

"Nice to meet you Ms. Kurami."

Luo Ning smiled and nodded to the other party, and said to Rogner: "You have a beautiful fiancée."

"Hahaha, I think so too."

Rogner scratched his head and laughed, making Kurami beside him a little uncomfortable.

After a few words of greeting, the second son of the Iron Hoof family walked aside and pulled out a handsome black horse, "We only learned in the past two days that you came to Muma City a while ago, and the Iron Hoof family did not treat you well. , my father asked me to apologize to you on his behalf."

"Viscount Marvin is too polite. It's said that I should submit a greeting to him when I arrive in Muma City." Luo Ning was a little surprised as he said it. Rogner would not bring someone to Hillwood Town just because of this. Something?

Noble, do you care so much about etiquette?

"This is a cloud-riding horse with the bloodline of a third-level monster. Although it is only three years old and has not yet reached adulthood, its defense power is amazing. Ordinary arrows cannot hurt it at all! And its speed and endurance are even more incredible. It surpasses other horses and can fly over eight hundred miles in one day, no problem!"

This cloud-riding horse has a strong body, smooth muscle lines, and exudes a strong sense of strength. When you look into its eyes, you can actually feel a slight oppression.

The Cloud-Stepping Horse is all black and shiny, but there is a circle of white hair on its four hooves. It looks like it is stepping on clouds, and it is very handsome.

While introducing, Luogna handed the reins to Luo Ning, which made the latter stunned.

"This is it?" Luo Ning took the reins, a little confused.

A horse with the blood of Warcraft is not something that can be bought with one or two hundred gold coins. Is the Iron Hoof family going to give him one? Just because he felt disrespected when the other party didn't receive him when he went to Muma City?

Is the Tietho family so wealthy?

Seeing Luo Ning looking a little dumbfounded, Knight Kurami couldn't help but laugh and said: "Sir Marvin said that the Iron Hoof family was disrespectful, so he asked Rogna to bring the Cloud Riding Horse to apologize."

It really is……

Luo Ning thought this was too incredible. He always felt that the other party's purpose was not that.

"Please also express my gratitude to Viscount Marvin for me."

Luo Ning said with great emotion: "It's just that horses with the blood of Warcraft are too valuable, I..."

"You're welcome too."

Luogna quickly interrupted Luo Ning, "Actually, the main reason why we came here this time is for other things."

Luo Ning's heart moved. Sure enough, there was something else. What could it be?

"Then please follow me into the castle first."

As the owner here, Luo Ning enthusiastically invited Rogner and Miss Kurami into the inner castle, asked Bella to bring tea and several fruit plates, and at the same time ordered the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous lunch to welcome the distinguished guests.

Recently, as the castle servants have become familiar with the lord's vegetable garden, there are more fruits and vegetables than at the beginning.

Although it is still a bit crude in terms of entertaining guests, it is not as shabby as when it used to entertain Knight Feliton.

Rogerna and Kurami said thank you, enjoyed a few bites of fruit, and then returned to the topic.

"Luo Ning, I brought Ta Yunju here this time secondly to express my father's apology, but mainly to bring you a message."

Rogner's voice became deeper, "It's bad news."


Luo Ning frowned, confused. What bad news does he have?

While speaking, Rogner took out a small piece of parchment from his arms and handed it over.

Luo Ning took it doubtfully, and the other party continued: "This is a letter sent to Muma City from the Wushan City Branch of the Iron Shoe Chamber of Commerce. After my father saw the content above, he felt it was necessary to inform you of it."

"This is?"

Luo Ning opened the letter in his hand in confusion and read the contents quickly.

I didn't know this, but I was shocked when I saw it. The letter actually said that the earl of Wushan City, Luo Ning's father Wiggins, had been assassinated and his life was in danger!

If it weren't for the black horse crest of the Ironhoof family on this piece of parchment, and if it wasn't personally delivered by the son of the Viscount of Muma City, Luo Ning would have suspected that this was some unscrupulous person maliciously spreading false news.

But since Viscount Marvin conveyed the news to him in this way, he was using the credibility of the Iron Heel family to ensure the authenticity of the news.

Luo Ning raised his head in disbelief, "What on earth is going on?"

The letter did not state a specific reason.

Rogner explained: "You should also know that the 28th of last month was the 70th birthday of Earl Orson. Many nobles in Wushan Territory sent people to celebrate. Lord Wiggins, as the other party's son-in-law, Naturally, I won’t be absent.”

"Although the banquet went very well, no one expected that Lord Wiggins would be assassinated by an unknown killer on his way back to Wushanbao after attending the birthday banquet!"

Rognar was very sad, "It is said that there are two silver knights among the assassins this time. Even if Sir Tolu Vinal, who protects Count Wiggins, is a golden knight, he can barely hold them back, let alone the other party. There is also a bronze knight and several high-ranking knights!”

Luo Ning had heard of the name Tolu Vinal, who was the leader of the First Knights of Wushan Castle, and Garman Stout, whom he had met before, was his subordinate.

The outside world thinks Tolu is just a silver knight. When did he break through to gold?

Of course, this is not the most important thing. Under the protection of the Golden Knight, Wiggins was still seriously injured and dying. The opponent was obviously well prepared for this assassination.

Ronin couldn't believe it, "Earl father, is he dead?"


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