Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 74 74 Life or Death Uncertain

Chapter 74 Life or Death Uncertain

For Shanlin Town, the visit of the son of the Iron Hoof family was a very unexpected thing, and the news brought by the other party was even more unexpected.

"I'm not sure about the specific injuries of Lord Earl."

Rogner shook his head and said: "This is the information from our family chamber of commerce. Lord Wiggins was already in critical condition when he returned to Wushan Castle. As for after entering Wushan Castle, all he knew was that all the knights of the First Knights would be nearby. Everyone was on alert, but the news inside didn’t come out.”

"However, including my father, many nobles in Oshan Territory will leave for Oshan Territory to visit Lord Wiggins in the near future after receiving this news."

Some nobles may simply see a doctor or eat melon, but some may want to confirm Wiggins's life and death so that they can make other preparations.

Luo Ning frowned, "You can actually dispatch two Silver Knights and a Bronze Knight at once. What are the origins of these killers?"

The higher the professional level of the transcendent, the more or less powerful people are behind them, whether it is a noble, a certain chamber of commerce, a wealthy person, etc.

Being able to dispatch such a level and number of professional knights to assassinate Wiggins at once shows that the origin of the opponent is not simple.

Rogner shook his head, how could he know such a thing?

Even if he had his own guess, he didn't dare to say it in front of Luo Ning without evidence.

If Luo Ning informed Wu Shanbao of his suspicions, causing Lord Lulans to be angry and start a war, then he and the Iron Hoof family would be brought to the forefront. ♛♦

Although Luogna didn't say much, Luo Ning had his own guess in his mind.

In this kind of assassination, it depends on who is most beneficial to the death of the person involved, then this person may be the murderer.

In the Wushan family, the Marquis of Rulans is seriously ill and "retired" and it is said that he will not live for a few years. When he dies, his son, now Earl Wiggins of Wushan City, will inherit the position of marquis;

A few years later, when Wiggins dies, who will inherit the position of Marquis of Wushan Territory?

That was definitely not the disinherited Ronin, but his brother Brayton, the grandson of Earl Orson Hyde.

Now that Wiggins is dead, and after Rulans dies in a few years, Brayton will directly ascend to the position of Marquis, which will save at least ten or twenty years compared to surviving Wiggins.

So after such an analysis, it is very obvious who benefits from assassinating Wiggins.

Is it that the Hyde family wants to support their grandson to get the position of marquis as soon as possible, and even wants to kill the seemingly useless son-in-law as soon as possible?

Luo Ning couldn't help but think that if he wasn't afraid of Lu Lansi's stellar strength, I'm afraid Lu Lansi would be the first one to make the move instead of Wiggins.

However, is it really what he imagined?

Luo Ning didn't dare to vouch for it.

After all, he could think of this situation, and so could other nobles, especially Rulans of Wushan Castle.

Under such circumstances, Orson Hyde still wants to assassinate his son-in-law, which only shows that he no longer takes Wushanbao seriously. Does the other party really dare to show off like this before Rulans is dead?

Luo Ning felt that this matter still had to be questioned.

"Luo Ning, when are you going to return to Wushan City?"

Rogner changed the subject, "If you leave now, we can escort you out of the woods to the south. When we get to Wuma City, you can be with my father. This will make the journey there much safer."

Luo Ning came back to his senses and said with some surprise: "Why, you guys are not staying at my place today, and you are planning to go back?"

It was almost noon, and even if the other party left immediately, they would not be able to return to Muma City today. Luo Ning originally thought that the other party would stay overnight in Shanlin Town.

"I'm sorry, it's not that we don't want to rest here for a night, it's just that my father is still waiting for my news in Muma City."

Rogner explained: "If you are willing to come with us, then we will set off from Wuma City together. If you have other plans, I will have to go back and reply to him."

It seems that Marvin Ironhoof wants to leave for Wushanbao as soon as possible.

Luo Ning thought for a while, but did not give an answer immediately, "Please let me think about it."

The two knights Rogner and Kurami met each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They thought Luo Ning would leave immediately, but they didn't expect that the other party would still look unhurried.

Could it be that Luo Ning is still angry about being deprived of his inheritance rights, and even if his father is dying, he is not willing to go back to Wushanbao to visit?

This is too willful. In any case, he, Luoning, is a bloodline of the Wushan family.

Rogna and Kurami thought so in their hearts, but they didn't say much.

They just followed Viscount Marvin's instructions and sent Cloud-Taking Horse over to establish a relationship with Shanlin Town, and then conveyed Wiggins' matter to Luo Ning.

After the luncheon, Luo Ning sent the group from Muma City away. In the end, he decided not to go to Wushanbao for the time being, using the excuse that "the autumn harvest in Shanlin Town was imminent and he couldn't leave without a political officer."

The news and gifts brought by Viscount Marvin may just be pure goodwill, but Wushan Castle is definitely a complicated place now.

In the next few days, nobles of all sizes in Wushan Territory will gather there. Luo Ning went over at this time and undoubtedly joined the vortex on his own initiative.

If someone manipulates it carefully, it may even be pushed to the front.

Luo Ning finally settled down in this remote mountain forest, and finally faded out of the sight of many people. Only then did he have time to grow steadily. He didn't want to be remembered so quickly.

Moreover, Luo Ning believed that Wiggins was most likely saved by Wu Shanbao and did not die.

After all, if he really died, what Rogner would bring would probably be a letter from Wushanbao. If Lulans asked Luo Ning to go back, he would leave immediately.

Now he should stay away from that whirlpool for the time being. When things calm down and the nobles in Wushan City have dispersed, it won't be too late for him to visit Wushan Castle.

In any case, the situation in Wushan collar is getting increasingly grim.

Because only when the dominance is gradually lost to a certain extent, people from outside will attack the feudal monarch so blatantly.

Rulans lived in such a fashionable manner, and when he dies, the group of people below will probably become even more unscrupulous.

Now he can only hope that Rulans can last a little longer, at least with this old man here, no open war will break out.

"I don't have much time left. I have to try my best to improve my strength and power before chaos comes."

Luo Ning originally just tried his best to let Shanlin Town and himself get through the early stage in a stable manner based on the attitude that the enemy will not attack me and I will not attack others, but now it seems that some actions must be put on the agenda sooner.

"McKen, during the recent training of the guards, we must pay attention to keeping them strong. After Redal brings back the news, we will prepare to deal with the savage tribes in the mountains and forests."

"Also, Galen, you go and notify Wilson and ask him to inform each village that everyone has to work overtime and shorten the autumn harvest time. In addition, in the next few days, I will recruit twenty militiamen aged around 30 in each village for training. !”

"Ask Wilson to arrange in advance for these eighty people to come over to observe and familiarize themselves with the training content of the guards."

War means casualties, and Luo Ning needs to consider the issue of manpower replenishment.

But the autumn harvest is equally important. Without food, even people can't feed themselves. How can we go to war?

Thank you all for your monthly votes. There are so many people voting, I’m flattered~

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