Chapter 75 Dialogue

Wushan Castle has been very lively in recent days. Nobles of all sizes in Wushan Territory have come here one after another. Even Earl Orson Hyde, who just celebrated his seventieth birthday, was also present in person.

However, the nobles who came here were in a heavy mood and were not as smiling as they usually were when attending banquets and celebrations. After entering the castle, they either clamored to see Lord Rulans, or they wanted to go to Wiggins' room to see each other's injuries.

However, Lulans has already told the outside world that Wiggins has just woken up and is recovering and should not be disturbed. He will wait two days to arrange a meeting with everyone.

At first, some people doubted the authenticity of this statement and worried that the Marquis was unwilling to disclose the news of Wiggins' death for some reason.

Some followers of Rulans, such as Sir Kabir Pedersen, the deputy city lord of Brilliant City, directly clamored to duel with Count Orson and help Lord Rulans eliminate the murderer of his son-in-law.

Count Orson angrily stated that this was not his fault and that there was no need for him to do this.

Soon, the nobles in Wushan Fort were divided into three factions: the Ossen faction, the Ossen-killing faction, and the neutral mediator faction, and they were quarreling with each other.

After two days like this, there were more and more nobles in Wushan Castle, and Lulans had no choice but to hold a thank you banquet to express his gratitude to all the visiting nobles.

At the banquet, Wiggins, who had never been seen, was wheeled out in a wheelchair. His face was pale and his spirit was very depressed.

Everyone discovered that although Wiggins was not dead, his right leg was missing and he could only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Wiggins's mood is also unstable. He has been laughed at by many people, and now he is disabled. This has a huge physical and psychological impact on him. It is good that he did not go crazy directly.

While everyone expressed their greetings and concern, they also felt sorry for Wiggins' experience. Zai Huang was so seriously injured that he was able to escape back to Wushanbao and still survive. It was really a fate.

After some inquiring, everyone learned that Wiggins carried a powerful healing spell scroll with him, which could immediately stop the bleeding and save his life when his leg was cut off.

At the same time, it was all thanks to the bloody breakout of the Tolu Knights that he was able to rush back to Wushan Castle as quickly as possible, and used another powerful healing spell scroll to stop the chest injury.

Powerful healing, this is a spell that only level six light attribute magicians can use. Light magicians are already very rare, which only highlights the preciousness of this spell scroll.

Sixth-level spell scrolls generally range from one thousand gold coins to more than two thousand gold coins, but powerful healing spell scrolls sell for at least five thousand gold coins, and they are difficult to buy.

Wiggins can carry such a spell scroll with him, which shows Wushanbao's heritage, and also shows how much Rulans attaches importance to Wiggins, his incompetent son.

Wiggins was not dead, and the nobles who were originally excited dispersed one after another after visiting him. But the anger of the Osan family and some loyalists has not gone away.

The first heir had one leg cut off, which was a provocation to Wushan Leader.

Since the incident occurred at the border of the Hyde family's territory, Lulans issued an order to the Hyde family at the banquet that day, requiring Black Python City to do its best to give Wushanbao an explanation!

At the same time, Sir Kabir Pedersen, the leader of the Second Knights and the deputy lord of Brilliant City, was also arranged to assist in the investigation.

Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with the Hyde family or not, facing the many nobles of the Wushan Territory at the banquet, Earl Orson, as a vassal, accepted Rulans's order very solemnly and firmly, and released a weapon against the assassin. Anger and curses.

The Wushan Territory, which many people thought would start a war, calmed down for a short time, but everyone knew that the undercurrent was still surging.

In the study in the back courtyard of Wushanbao, Lu Lansi was talking to a man.

This man had black hair and a crew cut, and a tall and straight body. His eyes that should have been serious and sharp now revealed full respect, and it was for no other reason than that the person sitting opposite him was the person he admired most when he was young.

Lu Lansi's expression was much more relaxed than usual, "Come to see me today. You should be preparing to leave, right?"

"Yes, sir. The main reason for coming to Wushanbao this time is to visit Wiggins and Tolu, and to inspect the caravan on the way. Now that the matter is over, it is time to leave for the return journey."

The black-haired man with a crew cut is none other than Viscount Marvin Ironhoof, the owner of Horse Wrangling City. In the past, when the Marquis' eldest son Grimes was around, the two of them were very good friends.

Young Marvin followed Rulans and Grimes, and it was not until his father and Grimes were buried in the battlefield that he inherited the title.

Over the years, even though Wushanpu's situation has become more and more embarrassing, Marvin's attitude towards Wushanpu has never changed.

"Before leaving, I still want to know more about your thoughts."

Marvin said: "There must be a conspiracy about Wiggins this time. No matter how Orson defends it, I feel that I have more or less connection with him."

His eyes were genuine, "Sir, although it is not appropriate for you to use force now, as long as you have your support, no matter whether it is the Black Gold Brotherhood, the Polish Thieves, or Orson of Black Python City, I believe that the Wushan Territory Most of the nobles will be at your disposal."

Lu Lansi shook his head with a smile, "You have better qualifications than your father, but you don't see things as comprehensively as your father."

"They may obey my request, but they will be hesitant during the implementation process. After all, no one knows what state the Wushan Council will be in after my death."

"What about Wiggins' hatred?" Marvin frowned.

Lulans said: "The assassin who assassinated Wiggins came from an assassin organization called the Skull and Bones Society. I don't know if this organization has anything to do with Orson, but even if it did, Orson would not allow him to be in the earldom." I'll take action against Wiggins."

As Wushanbao's dominance declines, some strange organizations will always appear in Wushan Territory.

For example, the Black Gold Brotherhood and the Polish Thieves Group are troublesome organizations that have appeared one after another in recent years and gradually become stronger, occupying large areas in the southeast.

Now that these two have not been resolved, another Skull and Bones killer organization has emerged.

Rulans sighed, "Speaking of the Skull and Bones Society, I heard that Marina and Malik of the Green family were also attacked by Skull and Bones killers on their way home from Oshan College. Sir Noel of the Lake Castle was also attacked because of this. Lose your life."

Marvin nodded, "I have also heard about this matter. It seems that many families in the Wushan Territory know the existence of the Skull and Bones Society and use them to achieve some ulterior purposes."

At this point, Marvin suddenly remembered something, "Speaking of which, the reason why Hermann's son and daughter were lucky enough to survive was because of the help of Luo Ning. If he hadn't happened to pass by, Baron Hermann would probably have died. I have to experience the pain of losing a son and a daughter again.”

Marvin looked at Lu Lans, "Sir, what do you think of Ronin?"

"This child..."

Lulans leaned back, as if he was huddled in the soft sofa, "I had already given up on him, but I didn't expect that he would bring me some surprises. From what Herman said, Ronin seemed to have already given up on him." Have you become a junior knight?"

"Indeed." Marvin nodded, "It's really surprising. When he was allowed to practice well, he spent a lot of time, drank too much and learned nothing. You deprived him of his inheritance rights, and he successfully awakened the seeds of fighting spirit and mastered the extraordinary power. The strength is really the same as when Wiggins was young, rebellious and giving people a headache.”


I don’t know which sentence touched Lu Lansi’s smiling face, and his long-lost laughter echoed in the room.

"He only awakened when he was almost eighteen years old. With his temperament, I'm afraid he can only be a high-level knight like his father, and his achievements will be limited after all."

Lulans put away his smile and did not continue speaking. He didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Marvin told what happened when he left Muma City.

"I asked Rogner to bring the news of Wiggins' injury to Luoning. It's been eight or nine days, and this kid hasn't come to Wushanpu yet."

Marvin shook his head helplessly, "Isn't this guy as paranoid as his father and unwilling to come back?"

Lulans thought of Luo Ning's actions when he left Wushanbao twice. The latter's temperament seemed to have changed a lot, and he seemed not as paranoid as before.

But when a son learns that his father's life or death is uncertain, he doesn't rush back. How can he explain it?

"He won't be of much help if he comes back. If he doesn't come back, he won't come back. It saves me the trouble of arranging people to protect him."

Lulans sighed, "If he encounters any danger or urgent matter and needs your help, then you can take care of it for me."

Marvin's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "I will, sir!"


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