Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 76 76 Redal’s information


After seeing off Rogner and Kurami that day, Ronin stopped paying attention to Wiggins. Of course, he couldn't get information even if he wanted to pay attention. There was no messenger bird in Shanlin Town to communicate with the outside world.

From that day on, Shanlin Town began an intensive autumn harvest movement. The main grain harvested this time was barley, totaling more than 9,300 acres.

With such a large area, even if Wilson recruited everyone over the age of fifteen in Shanlin Town, each person would be responsible for an average of six acres of land, and the workload would still be quite large.

Fortunately, there was enough time, and with the coordination of the village chiefs and team leaders, the overall progress was well controlled, and the wheat should not be left to be wasted in the wheat field.

The training of the guards continued, especially after eighty militiamen were gradually assigned. The training ground to the west of the castle became more lively every day, with slogans shouting one after another.

During this time, various teams composed of hundreds of slaves were also put into production.

Not only were two simple wooden houses built on the mountainous land next to the farm to the east, but several slaves even lived in them.

There are also ironwood workshops, blacksmith shops, etc., which are slowly getting back on track. Even the excrement collection team has reduced a lot of excrement in the town after several days of hard work.

During this process, Wilson and several village chiefs reported the laziness of slaves. Luo Ning was unkind to such people who wanted to be lazy and not work even though they were eating themselves. After a lesson and one or two hungry meals, those people would Much more honest.

They also understood that the lord's kindness was conditional. If you don't work hard, you don't deserve to enjoy this kindness.

During this time, Luo Ning himself was busy learning magic, making scrolls, and discussing with McCann to improve his combat experience. In addition, he also spent more time improving his iron-making technology.

If you want to mass-produce farm tools, you need to increase the temperature to smelt liquid iron.

Generally speaking, the melting point of iron is as high as more than 1,500 degrees. It is a bit difficult to melt it under the existing conditions.

But there is no way to obtain liquid iron.

In a high-temperature furnace, when iron is reduced, it will absorb carbon, and the melting point of the carbon-iron alloy formed will be lowered. The more carbon is absorbed, the lower the melting point will be.

When the absorbed carbon reaches about 4%, the melting iron only needs a temperature of 1200°C. With the help of bellows, high-grade charcoal and blast furnace, this temperature can be reached.

So during this period of time, Luo Ning mainly did three things - designing piston-type bellows, making coking with local methods, and making iron-making blast furnaces.

The piston-type bellows is easier to operate than the small leather bellows used by Carles, and can also save effort. The amount of air sent is relatively larger, which greatly improves the temperature in the furnace.

Homemade coking actually uses tree materials to make high-quality coke, concentrating the energy of the wood.

As for the iron-making blast furnace, it is actually a simple furnace made of loess. It is not very high and is only used for preliminary verification.

Luo Ning has always given the impression to the servants in the castle that he loves cleanliness. They never expected that the master would not only get close to the dung collection team recently, but even play with coke and mud himself!

Luo Ning didn't care about this. After he made the coke and connected the bellows to the furnace, he started trying.

After several experiments, the temperature in the furnace was indeed raised through the action of the bellows. After repeatedly adding charcoal to maintain the high temperature, it seemed that the iron could be melted away.

But a problem arose. Luo Ning had no container to hold the hot molten iron. He wanted to use a pottery cup to hold the iron directly, but found that the pottery cup could not withstand the temperature in the furnace and cracked.

So the problem of making iron was transformed into the problem of making refractory pottery cups.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of clay in Shanlin Town. Luo Ning used several different clays and finally fired a ceramic cup that could withstand high temperatures, which is a crucible in the modern sense.

When the blacksmiths Kallus and Barr watched Ronin pour the molten iron from the pottery cup into the pre-made mold, and soon formed a small dagger, their eyes looked straight.

Kallus did not expect that what the lord said that day "allowing ordinary people to control the temperature of molten iron" was not a joke, but the truth!

But Luo Ning knew that this kind of cast dagger couldn't be used for fighting, it was too brittle. The method of casting with molten iron can at most make use of the hardness and wear-resistant properties of pig iron to make agricultural tools, and it is best to undergo high-temperature decarburization treatment.

Of course, this way of loading the crucible also has big drawbacks. It would be great if the blast furnace for ironmaking could be moved all the way.

But this would require him to spend more time studying.

Although this method is too crude at present, it is also a core secret. Ronin asked Kallus and Barr to observe, and at the same time asked the other party to keep this secret for him.

In this era when ironmaking was still being made using local methods, both bellows and later blast furnace ironmaking were core technologies.

So Ronin asked Kallus and Barr to sign a confidentiality contract. If the secret was leaked, they would pay with their lives.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to September 15th, and Ruidal, who had disappeared for nearly ten days, finally returned to Shanlin Town.

When he left, the other party was still a handsome young man, but when he came back, Ruidal had become an embarrassed middle-aged uncle.

Luo Ning asked him to go back to his room and take a shower before calling McCann and others to the hall of the fortress for a meeting.

"The woodland to the north and east of the town is very large. At first, I was just searching aimlessly. It wasn't until I left the town and walked about ten miles north that I found traces of human activities."

In the fortress of Hillwood Castle, Redal spoke out what he saw and heard in a leisurely manner.

After finding traces of human activities, he searched for a day or two and finally found a village in a bamboo forest due north.

The dense bamboo forest hid Redal's figure, and the rustling of bamboo leaves concealed his footsteps.

After detailed observation, Ruidal found that the village had only a hundred or so houses and was not very large. There are cultivated fields in the north of the village. I wonder if the food grown there can be self-sufficient.

After Ruidal marked the village, he walked along the trail northeast of the village and happened to meet three hunters while climbing over the mountain.

There was nothing to say. Redal took action almost as soon as he saw the opponent, killing two of them immediately and leaving one behind. He successfully learned the news about all the savage tribes in the forest from the hunter.

According to the hunter's account, there were once a maximum of eight tribes in this woodland. However, after years of natural extinction and annexation, there are currently only four tribes left, namely: the Black Collar Tribe, the Gray Earth Tribe, the Green Bamboo Tribe, and the Purple Fruit Tribe.

Among them, the Black Collar Tribe has developed very rapidly in recent years, launching many attacks on the other three tribes and absorbing many people.

In order to prevent being annexed by the black-collar tribe, the remaining three savage tribes formed a tripartite alliance in a stand-alone manner.

When Luo Ning heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

No wonder this savage tribe didn't invade Shanlin Town. It turned out that they themselves were also engaged in civil war.

"These three hunters are from the Ziguo tribe. According to their account, their tribe has the smallest population, with less than three hundred people left."

"In their tripartite alliance, the Gray Earth Tribe is the strongest, but its population is only over 400. As for the extraordinary ones, there are very few of them, and the strongest ones are just high-level knights."

After Ruidal finished speaking, he picked up the cup next to him and took a sip of water. "After I disposed of their bodies, I searched for them for two days based on the route they told me. Now I have determined the locations of these three tribes."

"The black-collar tribe mentioned by the other party is located on a relatively flat plain. The houses and fields there are the most numerous and widely distributed among them. The autumn harvest is currently in progress."

After hearing that Redal had finished telling the information he had obtained, everyone sitting at the long table in the fortress showed admiration.

Luo Ning was no exception. He admired Redal's courage, determination, patience and resilience.

Luo Ning couldn't help but praise loudly, "Ruidal, you are the bravest person I have ever seen! Your information will be of great help to our next operations, and you deserve my applause!"

Following his lead, everyone else in the hall also applauded, praising Redal's spirit and achievements.

Redal nodded to everyone with a smile. After the applause stopped, he looked at Luo Ning, "Sir, the strength of the savage tribe is not strong. I think it is time for us to consider taking action against them!"


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