Chapter 78 March

For a whole day, Redal and McCann were formulating their respective missions for the guards and militiamen. No one did not pay attention to this expedition.

Time flew by quickly, and it was four o'clock in the morning on the 21st in the blink of an eye.

At this time, in the open space of the outer castle, Ronin, Redal, McCann, Elron and other extraordinary people, twenty-seven guards, and eighty guards all gathered here.

All the castle servants also went out to distribute freshly made bread to everyone, either to eat or to take with them.

As breakfast time passed, everyone got ready to go.

Luo Ning looked at the soldiers standing in front of him. Some of them were holding inferior long swords, some were holding iron and wood spears, and some were holding bone spears or even wooden sticks. As for the armor, they could It would be nice to wear an ironwood chest protector, as most people are basically unarmored.

There was no way, Luo Ning couldn't take out so many weapons at once. However, he only required this group of people to be intimidating in terms of momentum, and did not expect them to have much fighting power.

What's more, not everyone in the savage tribe opposite has weapons and armor.

He slowly drew out the long sword from his waist.

This "Flowing Flame Sword" was the reward on the fifth day of seven-day login. Luo Ning took it out after he entered the intermediate level and was able to release his fighting spirit.

Using it, you can increase your fighting skills, and you can emit flames with just a wave of your hand. It is very powerful and should belong to the category of magic weapons or inscribed weapons.


Luo Ning raised the sword in his hand, and as fighting energy poured into it, red flames surged on the sword, lighting up the square like magma that could evaporate everything. §§

"Set off!"

In the dim light before dawn, this hundred-man march quietly embarked on the journey.

Chahar led his servants up to the tower and looked at the direction where the army was leaving, with blessings and prayers in his eyes.

The maid Bella had tears in her eyes, "Mr. Housekeeper, do you think I can make a triumphant return?"

After such a long time, the servants have adapted to the new environment, new life and this master who is very tolerant to the servants. They have regarded this place as their second home.

And all of this is tied to one person, that is the owner of the castle, Luo Ning. None of them hope that anything unexpected will happen during this expedition.

"There is no doubt about it!"

Chahar said categorically: "My master never fights an unprepared battle. He will definitely triumph!"

The mountain breeze in the early morning is a bit cold and the air is relatively humid.

The soldiers lit all the torches prepared in advance and formed a fire dragon in the fields, walking slowly and slowly towards the north along the planned route.

Everyone was excited and expecting, and some were a little confused, but under the personal leadership of the lord, no one thought about backing down.

Luo Ning, who was walking in front, had already consumed all the attribute points and energy essence accumulated from signing in in the recent period.

Looking at the attribute panel, his level progress has increased a lot compared to when he left Muma City:

[Level]: 2-Intermediate Knight (51/200); 2-Intermediate Magician (300/300)

Now his magician level is all full, and his knight level has reached a quarter. new

Although he is only an intermediate knight, with the two long-range attack magics of wind blade and fireball, his intimidation is no less than that of a high-level knight.

In addition to the improvement in his strength, McCann has increased his cultivation level by two points through his own practice, currently reaching 284/300;

Elrond relies on his own cultivation and energy essence points, and his current level progress has reached 211/300. He can also be regarded as a late-intermediate light attribute magician.

As for Commander Redal, since he is restricted by the master-servant contract with Luo Ning, it is a pity that his strength cannot be further improved before Luo Ning reaches a high level.

In addition to the extra points this time, Luo Ning also brought four wind blade scrolls made during this period, as well as sixteen healing spell scrolls made by Elrond, in case of emergencies.

Marching is boring, especially after entering the mountains and forests, the road is not easy to walk, the voices of everyone communicating are getting lower and lower, and the atmosphere is becoming more solemn.

Fortunately, the sun that rose soon dispelled the darkness in the mountains and forests, and everyone's psychological pressure was also reduced a lot.

Commander Redal walked at the front, leading the team in the direction through the marks on the trees along the way.

Luo Ning felt more and more that Redal was worthy of being the commander of the legendary Flame Expeditionary Army. He did things in an orderly manner. The information he obtained saved a lot of manpower and material resources for this expedition.

Along the way, when it was almost noon, Redal stopped next to a big tree. Luo Ning saw that the marks on the roots of the tree were different from the previous ones.

"Sir, after climbing over this hill and walking about five miles further, you can see the bamboo forest where the Qingzhu tribe is located."

Rydal suggested: "Should we take a rest here and regain our strength?"

Luo Ning nodded, "Everyone is tired after walking all morning. Let's rest here and regain our strength."

He paused and continued: "We just need to arrive at the Qingzhu Tribe before dark, so everyone can rest here for a long time, pay attention to arranging people to guard, and order the soldiers not to walk around and talk loudly."

If he goes too early, all the people in the tribe will go out to work, which makes it inconvenient for Luo Ning to catch them all. He may even miss people and let them go to the Huitu and Ziguo tribes to report the news.

Later, when the working people go home one after another, they will implement the siege policy.

While everyone was looking for a place to rest, Luo Ning came to the top of the mountain and looked into the distance. He didn't know how far to the north he could see the sea in the north.

Looking back, he found that the distance between Shanlin Town and the Savage Tribe was not as far as imagined.

After leaving the town, it is only fifteen or sixteen miles to get here, and adding the next five miles to this point is only twenty miles.

The alliance army led by Wushan did not kill this group of people at the beginning. The relative dispersion may be one of the reasons.

The bigger reason may be that the nobles felt that after killing the fleeing enemy leader and the remaining enemy troops hiding in the mountains and old forests, it would be too much to spend too much energy and money on encirclement and suppression.

The nobles are not very interested in anything that is not profitable or beneficial.

Time passed little by little, everyone ate bread, drank water, and waited for the sun to set before the army of a hundred people set off again.

Compared with before, everyone walked more carefully this time, trying to use trees, grass and terrain to cover their bodies.

Fortunately, the Qingzhu tribe's fields were not distributed here. At the same time, the tribe seemed busy with the autumn harvest, and no one was patrolling. This allowed Luo Ning and his party to arrive outside the bamboo forest without any accidents.

"Jewett, Sim, you take your people along this valley to the east and ambush on the roadside where you are responsible. Your Excellency and we will wait for you here for half an hour."

Rydal took over the command, "In half an hour, we will take the initiative to attack. If there is an accident on your side, have someone run over immediately."

"Don't worry, Commander, even if we meet someone, we will ensure that he won't scream!"

Jewett and Sim made their pledges and then led their respective troops into action.

The sun is setting in the west, and the light in the mountains and forests is gradually dimming, and it will soon be dark. In such a mountainous area, I believe that everyone who works will return home one after another.

Luo Ning's gaze passed through the forest in front, "Jewett and Sim should be arriving soon. It's time for us to take action."

The five extraordinary men stood up first and walked in front, followed by all 70 soldiers. A team of this size marched through the bamboo forest, and there was no other noise except the sound of stepping on the ground.

No one spoke, no one conversed, everyone walked forward in silence. This is the discipline emphasized during training.

Extraordinaries must also be cautious when facing an army of ordinary people who are well-trained and well-equipped with weapons.

An average junior knight can take on seven or eight well-trained ordinary soldiers. They are not invincible.


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