Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 79 79 Contact with the Enemy

Chapter 79 Contact with the enemy

The bamboo leaves rustled as the team quickly passed through the bamboo forest. βœŽβ™©

If it were the season for digging winter bamboo shoots, we might encounter a few people, but now they passed without any hindrance.

It can be said that the Qingzhu Tribe has not invested any manpower and material resources in preventing foreign invasion. I don't know if they are confident in their own strength, or if they are more assured of Shanlin Town.

Soon, faint human voices reached everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes were looking through the gaps in the forest, and they could easily see a relatively empty area under the bamboo mountain, where dozens of wooden houses were located unevenly.

Luo Ning also saw many farmers returning to their families carrying farm tools. They seemed to be even thinner and more tired than the farmers in Shanlin Town.

Elrond reminded softly, "Sir, there is someone on the guard tower over there."

Luo Ning looked in the direction. There was a three-story sentry tower standing on a relatively high slope. People could indeed be seen moving on it.

The question is, what is the use of building a sentry tower in a village?

Luo Ning was a little confused. He had already come here and the other party hadn't noticed. What was the point of building a sentry tower?

"Use my fireball technique as a signal. After bombing the guard tower, everyone takes action immediately."

After crossing the bamboo forest, everyone came to the open area. Luo Ning mobilized his spiritual power and mana to concentrate on his palms, drawing the spell lines of the fireball spell.


When the spell lines were successfully drawn, the fire element between heaven and earth surged, gradually condensing into a half-meter-diameter fireball in his palm.

"That is?"

At the same time, the sentry on the sentry tower of the Qingzhu Tribe finally discovered this scene (mainly because it was getting dark, and the sudden appearance of the flames was too distracting).

The sentry's eyes widened, and he could clearly see a large group of people standing behind the fireball.

"Black...the black collar tribe is attacking!!"

The sentry reacted subconsciously, but before he could remember to shout out his thoughts and pass them on, he saw the fireball flying toward his sentry tower at an extremely fast speed. He could even feel the fireball. The hot air waves above.


The fireball with a diameter of half a meter struck the sentry tower in shock, shattering the wooden pillars below into pieces. The platform above lost its support and fell from mid-air.

The sentry also fell from the sky, life or death unknown.

"Come on!"

Redal pulled out his long sword, shouted loudly, and rushed out like an arrow, followed closely by McCann and a group of soldiers.

Tom and David led the remaining people into two teams, outflanking them from the left and right sides.


An unknown person stopped in front of Redal. This person's clothes looked better than the others in the Qingzhu tribe. He didn't know his identity.


Redal didn't even look at the opponent. He just burst out with fighting spirit as he passed by, and the opponent was knocked away like a kite with its string broken. πŸΌπŸΏπšœπš‘πšžπš‘.πšŒπš˜πš–

"Everyone listen!"

Redal jumped up and came to the roof of a house, "You are now surrounded by the Baron's army. If you don't want to die, kneel down and surrender immediately, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!"

In line with his roar, McCann and other guards also responded, "Kneel down and surrender! Kneel down and surrender!"

The same caliber, the same speaking speed, and the roar blessed by fighting spirit can be heard by almost the entire Qingzhu tribe.

Those savages who thought it was a black-collar tribe attacking the stronghold realized that they were not members of the black-collar tribe, but the legendary noble army outside the forest!

It had been many years since they had forgotten the nobles' campaign to exterminate them. Some of them even thought that the nobles would never come.

Until this moment, the frightening memories came to their minds again. Back then, they were chased by the noble coalition and fled in embarrassment into the forest.

At that time, they had no base and could run away at will, allowing the noble coalition to pursue them without a target. But it's different now. They have their own mountain village and base camp, and they are all gathered here.

"I, I surrender!"

Some people knelt on the ground in fear. They had been frightened by the enemy's momentum. At this moment, they were like a lone boat facing a hundred-meter-high wave, without any intention of resisting.

"I, I surrender!"

"I, I surrender!"

All of a sudden, a large number of savages on the road fell to their knees.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ning was in a good mood, "This battle was easier than I imagined."

Elrond, who was following him and did not charge, smiled and said: "Your arrival has brought them dawn and given them a chance to get rid of their savage identity. They should thank you instead of resisting."

"They don't realize that."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "They were just frightened by the strength of the soldiers."

While the two were talking, a ball of flames formed by fire-attributed fighting spirit cut through the void and hit Redal who was standing on the roof.

The commander slashed with his sword, directly cutting the flames into pieces. But the exploding fighting energy turned into a shock wave, and the thatched roof collapsed.

Redal fell to the ground, and he saw a woman in the house holding a child, huddled in the corner and shivering.

"Hide there and don't touch me ladies, I won't hurt you."

He retracted his gaze and looked directly at the group of people rushing towards him. It was obvious that the other party was an extraordinary person from the Qingzhu Tribe.

"Who are you, attacking my Qingzhu Tribe?"

Some of those who knelt on the ground and surrendered immediately showed hope when they saw the visitor, "It's Mr. Willy, it's Mr. Willy!"

"With Master Willy here, we won't lose!"

"Damn the intruder!"

"Noblesse be damned!"

Although some people stood up and prepared to resist, more people still knelt on the ground in a daze, not daring to move.

At this time, the people led by David and Tom had almost surrounded the village area, and any resistance from the other side would be nothing more than a fight between trapped beasts.

"Standing in front of you is the noble Wushan bloodline, the master of Shanlin Town, Baron Luo Ning!"

Redal pointed at Ronin who was walking up and said to the knight on the opposite side.

"The Baron of Hillwood Town?"

Knight Willy frowned and asked coldly, "Isn't the owner of Hillwood Town Prince? When did Baron Ronin come to be?"

But when he looked at the silver-haired man in front of him, he already believed Redal's words. The leader of the coalition that was chasing them had such silver hair, which left a big shadow on him when he was young.

"Being trapped in such mountains and forests for many years has blocked your sight and hearing, Willy Knight."

Luo Ning stepped forward and said, "Wubei Woodland has bound you for half of your life. Do you still want to be trapped in this land for the rest of your life under the title of 'remnant'?"

Willy clenched the sword in his hand, his expression flickering. He really didn't want to be trapped here, but it was very difficult to get out with a legal identity.

"What do you want?"

"Submit to me!"

Luo Ning smiled and said, "I can give you a legal identity and take you out of this forest."


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