Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 80 80 People who are ignorant of current affairs

Chapter 80 People who don’t understand current affairs

The Qingzhu tribe has a population of less than 400, and its usual defense force is only about 20 people at best. ♡

Among these people, except for the three professional knights headed by Willy, the rest were ordinary people who took up arms and became guards and put down weapons and became farmers. They did not even have formal training, let alone fight against professional knights. Even the guards Luo Ning brought from Wushan Fort were stronger than them.

This battle actually ended when Luo Ning and others arrived at the outskirts of the Qingzhu tribe without any hindrance.

Not only was there no decent resistance here, there was no one to inform the outside world. The two teams of Jewett and Sim that Luo Ning deployed on those two roads out of caution were completely useless.

The reason is that he still didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Facing Luo Ning's recruitment, Willy was very tempted. He hid in this mountain forest with his father, carrying the identity of a remnant of the rebels. Even if he went out to purchase, he could only find some small traders, and even then he had to be careful not to reveal his identity.

Once people outside know his identity, they will definitely report it to the nobles of Wushan Territory, just for the bounty of a few gold coins.

In the past, under the influence of his father's generation, Willy's only concern was to restore the family's past glory. However, after experiencing these years of suffering, especially the rise of the black-collar tribe in recent years, he became more and more eager to escape from this forest.

The young baron in front of him now seems to be able to bring him everything he wants.

"Lord Luo Ning, I am very moved by your proposal!"

Willy's tone softened slightly, "But you know, even if humans want to subdue a monster, the first thing they have to do is defeat it. If you want me to surrender, you should also show your strength first."

Luo Ning was stunned. How else could he show his strength?

The Qingzhu Tribe was surrounded by him, how else could he show off?

"Knight Willy, haven't you figured out the current situation? The Qingzhu tribe has been surrounded by me, and you have become my prey without any resistance. This is enough to prove that I am powerful, at least better than you. powerful."

"No no no."

Willy shook his head quickly, "You just trapped my people, not me. If I want to break out, you may not be able to stop me."

His tone was very confident, "If you want me to surrender to you, you should defeat me from the front alone!"

"I admire your courage, Knight Willy."

Luo Ning's lips curled up slightly, "But at the same time, I also admire your ignorance."

Upon hearing this, Willy's face turned cold, "Lord Luo Ning, please pay attention to your attitude. I have not offended you, but you are slandering me. This is not the quality that a noble should have!"

Is it true that the quality of a noble is to remain humble and respectful at all times, and to politely praise everyone?

"I have no interest in dueling you."

Luo Ning shook his head, "Now you have one minute to consider whether to surrender to me or be killed."

In such a crushing situation, what qualifications does the other party have to negotiate with him?

The tension spread, and Willy glanced at the people around him. At this moment, he was surrounded. Although he sounds confident, he is not 100% sure of breaking through.

And he didn't want to abandon his identity as the leader of the tribe and submit to others, with no one to serve him.

What he wants is the same as Luo Ning, the freedom to be served by someone when he opens his eyes, and to do whatever he wants without having to obey anyone's orders.

The two knights next to Willy were very nervous. The momentum of the group of people across from them was too strong. They were only junior knights. If the negotiation broke down, they would not be able to escape.

One minute passed very quickly, and Willy finally relaxed after another round of fierce fighting in his heart.

"Sir, I can surrender to you."

Willy spoke again, "But I hope you will allow me to continue to be the leader of the Qingzhu Tribe and manage this group of people."

Luo Ning was stunned by the other party's request, and then he actually laughed.

He slowly raised his hand, and the familiar wind blade spell lines were drawn on his palm. With the surge of wind element, a hazy cyan wind blade quietly formed in his palm.

"Luo Ning, you!"

Willy's expression changed drastically. He originally thought that even if the conditions were not met, he could still bargain, but he didn't expect that the other party would take action directly.

Luo Ning was too lazy to say anything more. Under the influence of his mental power, the wind blade came out and cut towards the opponent's neck with a very fast sound of breaking through the air.


Willy, an intermediate knight, was full of fighting spirit. He raised his sword and condensed it into a flame slash to resist the attack of wind blade technique.

But whether it was because the quality of his long sword was too poor or because the flames were not completely condensed, the wind blade directly cut off the opponent's sword body and left a blood line on the opponent's throat.


Willy felt his body become cold quickly, as if his soul was gradually being pulled away, and then he fell to the ground.

"How can a defeated person be qualified to impose so many conditions?"

Luo Ning sneered, "You don't have such a bit of vision, so you don't need to be my subordinate."

In fact, if the other party made other requests, such as asking Luo Ning to give some gold coins or something, he would be more willing.

After all, having an intermediate knight at his disposal was a favorable thing for Luo Ning.

It's a pity that Willy wants too much and actually wants to continue to be the leader of the Qingzhu tribe. Isn't this equivalent to Luo Ning conferring a knighthood on the other party and then allocating a manor?

McCann, who has been with him the longest, and Redal, who has made great contributions, have not been canonized. How can a defeated remnant leader be qualified?

Lord Willy... just died like that?

The two knights who were originally standing next to Willy did not expect such a situation. The strongest man from the Qingzhu tribe could not resist the opponent's move.

At this moment, their ears seemed to still be echoing with the sound of the wind blade breaking through the air just now. It was really the sound made by the undead in hell.

When the farmers who stood up and prepared to resist with Willy saw this, they collapsed on the ground like mourning concubines, and no longer had the courage to resist.

"Those who kneel down and surrender will not be killed!" Luo Ning said lightly.

Rydal and McCann pointed their swords to the sky and shouted loudly, "Those who kneel down and surrender will not be killed!"

After this battle, even Willy's two professional knights were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy. How could anyone dare to resist?

One or two of them all knelt on the ground, shivering, begging for forgiveness from the nobles.

Fortunately, before the expedition, Ronin asked Redal and McCann to do a lot of ideological work on the guards, and finally the rule of strictly prohibiting the killing of prisoners was imprinted on the hearts of the guards.

Even when facing surrenderers, the soldiers were rough at best, but they did not kill anyone indiscriminately or maim anyone.

It is still very necessary to train a team that obeys orders and prohibitions.

"David, Tom, you lead people to gather all the people in the Qingzhu tribe for me."

Luo Ning emphasized: "Remember to search carefully, no matter men, women, old or young, don't miss anyone!"

Thanks to the two masters of Gothic Walking Warrior and Qinghe Sanren for their rewards. Ferrying the present, the remaining traces of time, the scum of combat power five, roses are not easy to grow, tyy Maple Leaf, Xuan Dad, Book Friends 20230405183521 The End of the Proposition, etc. Votes from many gentlemen ~ The recent flu has been a bit severe. The author has been infected. Please pay attention to personal protection.


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