Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 81 81 Surrender and Absorption

Chapter 81 Surrender and Absorption

With the death of Willie Knight, the leader of the Qingzhu tribe, the rest can be left to the guards and militiamen led by Tom and David.

The role of the team composed of ordinary people was also reflected at this moment. Their combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the knights, but they were superior in number and could suppress more ordinary people.

Driven away by loud scoldings by the soldiers, men, women, and children stumbled out of the thatched houses, trembling all over the dirt road. Some timid women and children had already begun to cry.

In the eyes of the people of the Qingzhu tribe, they are already lambs to be slaughtered, and their next fate will either be to be massacred or to be tortured for fun...

In short, what awaits them is basically endless torture and pain.

Luo Ning took advantage of this time to visit the tribe.

Most of the houses here are relatively dilapidated. Even the house of the leader Willy Knight is only slightly larger. He does not have the ability and financial resources to build a castle like a noble.

The scale of the village is not large, and all the houses are basically concentrated in this palm-sized area. Building it this way is easier for Willy to manage and safer at the same time.

After a rough walk around, Ronin returned to the gathering point and asked McCann to lift Willy's two prisoners up to him.

"My lord, have mercy on me! My lord, have mercy on me~"

As soon as the two were brought to Luo Ning, they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Their attitude was more like that of a defeated person, and they were much more aware of current affairs than Willy.

"I am very kind and will not take your lives easily."

Luo Ning had a smile on his face and looked very kind, "Introduce yourselves."

The two captive knights carefully began to introduce themselves. From their mouths, Luo Ning had a better understanding of the Qingzhu tribe. ̶x̶.̶c̶o̶m̶

The leader of this tribe, the ancestor of Knight Willy, is the Fox Baron family under the Orlant Empire.

In a series of disputes, the Fox family and many nobles stood on the opposite side of the Kingdom of Alduin, and then they were surrounded and hunted down by a coalition of nobles led by the Oshan family.

Willy's father died many years ago, and the Green Bamboo Tribe was led by Willy. He himself was very talented in cultivation. He became an intermediate knight at the age of twenty-five and had high prestige in the tribe.

Luo Ning couldn't help but sigh when he heard this. Sure enough, their cognition was still unconsciously low while huddled in the forest.

He only became an intermediate knight at the age of twenty-five. Such talent can only be said to be average, far from the evaluation of "good talent".

As for the two prisoners in front of them, their qualifications are even more average.

Whether it is the 23-year-old Wharton or the 21-year-old Dandy, they both accidentally activated the fighting spirit seeds when they were 19 years old, similar to Jewett from Hillwood Town.

At most, they can only become high-level knights in their forties or fifties, and this can only be achieved by practicing hard. If they slack off a little more, they may not be able to become intermediate knights.

"I heard that your Qingzhu tribe has cultivated fields in the north. How many acres are they about?"

Luo Ning asked, "How is this year's harvest?"

Wharton and Dandy looked at each other, fear flashing in their eyes. They couldn't answer this question.

Dandy replied tentatively: "I'm sorry, sir, we don't know much about this issue. Maybe you can ask Cyrus?"


Luo Ning looked at McCann, who immediately walked into the crowd of prisoners and brought Selys over. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

“Sir, spare my life, my lord!

When Cyrus arrived, he knelt down and begged for mercy like Wharton and Dandy. Ronin noticed that this man was trembling all over.

"Don't be nervous Cyrus."

Luo Ning consoled her nicely: "I heard that you know the food situation of the Qingzhu tribe quite well. Tell me, how many acres of land have you cultivated, and how is this year's harvest?"

Saerys was afraid that he would be beaten if he answered slowly, so he answered almost without thinking, "Sir, the food harvest we have cultivated here is not very good, only more than 70 kilograms per acre, which is completely unable to feed the more than 360 people in the tribe! "

“Every year, every winter, several people here starve to death, and they barely survive by digging wild vegetables and fruits.”

With such a small amount of land and such a low yield per mu, it is indeed very difficult to feed more than 300 people. Most people must be hungry all year round.

But even so, Willy still covets the control of the Qingzhu Tribe and wants to be the king of the mountain. The temptation of power and status is too great.

"Wharton, Dandy, and Celis, you are now my prisoners."

Luo Ning said calmly: "There is only one way before you..."

"We are willing to surrender, sir, we are willing to surrender!"

Before Luo Ning could finish speaking, these three people immediately kowtowed and shouted like pounding garlic.

In Willy's case, they were afraid that if they said one more word, their necks would be cut off by Ronin's terrifying wind blade.

Especially Celis, his tone was the most sincere, "Sir, from now on I will be your slave. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it! Even if you ask me to eat shit, I will not frown!"

Luo Ning was stunned by these words.

"There is an old saying that goes, those who understand the current affairs are heroes. I am very satisfied with your performance."

He stood up, walked a few steps forward, and climbed up the high slope next to him.

On the road below him, more than three hundred prisoners fell to their knees, children crying and women sobbing.

They are prisoners.

When treating prisoners, the nobles will select those who can be used and keep them. If there is no shortage of people in his territory, then these people will be sold to the slave exchange.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no indiscriminate killing, because if word spreads, it will have a bad reputation, and it may be used as a basis for attacks by interested people.

"Everyone listen!"

Luo Ning's voice was clear and clear, and it spread widely in the village as night fell. Those who were crying stopped their voices in unison.

"Although you are now my prisoners, I could have executed you enemies of the Wushan Territory on the spot, or packed you up and sold you to a slave trader!"

The person below raised his head, his eyes revealing despair.

Luo Ning's voice changed, "But I am very kind and willing to give you a chance. Now you just need to work for me honestly and peacefully. I can guarantee in the name of the nobles that not only will I not kill You, if I sell you, I can also guarantee that your life in the future will be better than your life now!"

Luo Ning looked at Selis, "Go and take your Green Bamboo Tribe chefs to move out the food for Knight Willy so that everyone can be fed tonight!"

Sailis was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and knelt on the ground respectfully, "Sir, you are so kind!"

He stood up and greeted the people in the crowd: "Bart, Old John, come on, the respected Baron is willing to give us a full meal, come and help us!"

At Celis's greeting, two people came out of the crowd. While shouting for the Lord Baron's mercy, they walked with Celis towards Knight Willy's house.

Luo Ning gave David a look and asked him to lead others to follow him to prevent accidents.

He looked at the prisoners kneeling on the ground again and said loudly: "Willy is just an incompetent knight. He can't even guarantee your safety, food and clothing, but I can!"

"The most important thing is that you will never have to worry about being hunted down by nobles outside, nor will your descendants have to hide in the dangerous mountains and forests."

"You will be like the slaves in my territory. As long as you can work for me steadily for ten years, I will give you fields."

He paused and emphasized: "That is your own land!"

Luo Ning is not very good at brainwashing people, but he knows what the people of the Qingzhu tribe want.

For this group of people, as long as Luo Ning can provide them with food, clothing and a relatively safe environment, they actually don't have much feeling about whether the person they serve is Willy or Luo Ning. After all, they are all serving others.

But if they could freely choose their clients, anyone with a little bit of brain would choose Luo Ning.

Because Ronin is different from Willy, he is a real nobleman, not a bit better than Willy, a wanted man!

The uneasy mood slowly dissipated among this group of people, and the women and children who were holding back their tears gradually calmed down.

What they feared most was the butcher's knife falling on their heads, but now the butcher's knife did not fall, but instead there was hot, fragrant bread.


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