Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 82 82The origin of the name

Chapter 82 The origin of the name

Knight Willy's house has been requisitioned by Ronin. He sat on the bench and continued to question Wharton and Dandy, getting more information from them.

"I'm curious, where did your tribe of savages get their names?"

Luo Ning asked: "The Qingzhu tribe is located in the bamboo forest. I can understand using Qingzhu as its name. So what do the purple fruits, gray soil, and black collars represent respectively?"

"Sir, as far as I know, the reason why the Purple Fruit Tribe is called this is because their tribe produces purple-black and purple-red fruits around June every year."

Wharton replied: "I was lucky enough to eat it once. The taste of purple fruit is different from grapes and plums. It is sour, sweet and juicy, and it is very thirsty. Unfortunately, it is September now, and you may not be able to enjoy it in the past."

Purple-black fruit?

Luo Ning searched for information about this fruit in his mind, but found nothing. It seemed like it was a specialty of the mountainous area?

He had already decided in his mind that when he captured the Purple Fruit Tribe, he would ask for detailed information about the Purple Fruit.

"What about Huitu and Black Collar?"

"I know this."

Dandy rushed to answer, "The Gray Earth Tribe is called this name because there is a kind of gray-white soil in their tribe. It can be seen everywhere, so they called it this name."

"The Black Collar tribe is also very similar. Their soil is darker, so they are called 'Black Collar'."

Luo Ning nodded slowly. It turned out that the names of these two tribes were related to soil.

"Do you know what the functions of these two soils are?" Luo Ning asked.

Regarding this question, Dandy shook his head, "It doesn't seem to have any special effect, it's just a bit special and can attract people's attention."

is that so?

Luo Ning tried to remember.

He didn't have a deep impression of the gray-white soil, but he knew the black soil.

"Could it be the Black Earth?"

He has always felt that the soil quality here in Shanlin Town is still good, otherwise he would not be able to achieve such a yield with such sloppy planting techniques.

If this black soil is black soil, then he will occupy the black-collar tribe, and the issue of food in the subsequent territory will not be a problem.

"Okay, I've asked you almost everything you need to ask. Now that you have surrendered to me and are willing to dedicate your loyalty, I will give you two a chance."

Luo Ning looked at the two knights in front of him, "Today is the 21st, and by the end of this month you will all be within my probation period. If you pass the probation, I will accept your allegiance and give you every reward according to the standards of the probation period. A personโ€™s salary is 20 copper coins per day.โ€

"If you have no objections in the next three months and perform the tasks assigned by me or the commander and the guard officer well, then I will allow you to become a regular employee. At that time, you will receive a daily salary of 30 copper coins per day."


30 copper coins per day?

Wharton and Dandyโ€™s eyes straightened!

Although they have lived in the Qingzhu Tribe these years, they would go out every once in a while to secretly purchase some daily necessities such as salt.

Money is no stranger to them.

It's just that money has always been in the hands of Willy Knight, and they have no chance to touch it.

But now Luo Ning will actually pay them a salary, and it is still twenty copper coins, which is enough for them to buy a pound of Gaza salt!

More importantly, these twenty copper coins are only a daily salary. How much is it per month?

They subconsciously clasped their fingers and found that they couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Luo Ning's voice interrupted their chaotic thoughts.

"You don't have to suspect that I lied to you."

He pointed to Tom aside, "His name is Tom. When I defeated his former loyalist, he chose to surrender. At the beginning, his daily salary was also 20 copper coins, but in view of his excellent performance, I made him a regular employee in advance. , and now the daily salary has reached 30 copper coins."

Concrete examples are more convincing.

Of course, Ronin will not let Walton and Dandy become regular players early. They are not as good as Tom.

But this sounded different to the other two, and they couldn't help but look at Tom, as if seeking confirmation.

Tom puffed out his chest and said, "Yes, your Excellency not only forgave me for my crimes, but also gave me everything I have now. If you can serve your Excellency sincerely, I think you will be like me."

After Tom's confirmation, Wharton and Dandy were completely relieved.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir. I, Dandy (Wharton), will be your loyal follower from now on!"

They have made up their minds to work hard and strive to become regular employees as soon as possible.

Luo Ning smiled and motioned for the two of them to stand up.

At this time, Elrond, who had been busy for a long time, walked in from outside.

"Sir, I have calculated the accurate number of people and casualties of the Qingzhu tribe."

Luo Ning adjusted his sitting position and said, "Say."

"A total of 354 people, including Willy Knight, died here during the Battle of Savage 3. In the end, all the remaining 354 people became your prisoners and are now under centralized supervision."

Or eight died?

Luo Ning didn't expect that so many people would die. He thought that at most only Willy and the sentry that he blasted down would die.

Sure enough, once a battle begins, many things that will happen during the process are uncontrollable and unpredictable.

"Where are our casualties?" Luo Ning asked.

Elrond smiled, "Congratulations, sir, no one of us was seriously injured in this battle, and no one was killed. The only regret is that four militiamen were slightly injured, and two of them still couldn't see the road clearly. He fell while stepping on the air."

He added: "This battle against the Qingzhu Tribe can be described as a complete victory!"

Ruidal on the side also laughed, but he seemed to be a bit unsatisfied, "It's a pity that I didn't put much effort from the beginning to the end. I only used up some fighting spirit and roared twice."

"You managed to get into a fight with that Willy, what about me?"

McCann spread his hands helplessly, "I didn't even have time to contribute, and the other side had already surrendered. I feel like I'm just here to make up for the numbers with you."

"Me too, hahaha, I didn't even use any healing skills."

Listening to his subordinates complaining to each other, Luo Ning also laughed.

It seems that he took the most shots in this battle, a fireball technique and a wind blade technique, each taking away one person.

"There will be a time in the future when you take action."

Luo Ning smiled and interrupted everyone's complaints, "Wharton and Dandy have just told us the details about the Purple Fruit Tribe and the Gray Earth Tribe. Since we have almost no losses in this battle, we will attack these two savage tribes in one go." Take it too!"

The Green Bamboo Tribe, the Purple Fruit Tribe, and the Gray Earth Tribe are a tripartite alliance that jointly fight against the Black Collar Tribe.

As one of the few extraordinary beings in the tripartite alliance, Wharton and Dandy have naturally entered the core level. They definitely know more than the hunter Redal captured.

According to the accounts of the two people, the Ziguo tribe has the smallest number of extraordinary beings, only two. They are a couple, in which the woman is an intermediate water attribute magician and the man is an intermediate knight.

Such a tribe has no ability to resist in Luo Ning's eyes. I'm afraid he can win here at a very small price.

As long as these two people are taken down, the group of savages living in the Ziguo tribe will definitely surrender.

"Magician, I didn't expect that a magician would be born in the savage tribe."

Luo Ning was looking forward to it.

Although the female magician named "Jenny Frank" is already thirty-six years old, which is a bit old, if you adopt a magician as your own, the benefits will be great.

If the other party can have a relatively high production success rate like Elrond in making spell scrolls, then the spell scroll industry in Shanlin Town will reach a higher level.

However, Luo Ning did not have high expectations for this matter.

Jenny Frank is only an intermediate magician at the age of thirty-six, and her level is probably about the same as Pedro's. It is not very likely that she can make spell scrolls.

In addition to the details of the Purple Fruit Tribe, Luo Ning also has a relatively clear grasp of the situation of the Gray Earth Tribe.

The Gray Earth Tribe, as the most powerful entity in the tripartite alliance, while fighting against the Black Collar Tribe, also absorbed some extraordinary beings and ordinary people who should have belonged to the Purple Fruit Tribe and the Green Bamboo Tribe.

Yes, it absorbs the population of its allies.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Gray Earth Tribe to have one senior knight, two intermediate knights and three junior knights as it does now, for a total of six professional knights.

It is definitely more difficult to take down the Gray Earth Tribe than it is to take down the Green Bamboo Tribe. But once they are taken down, plus the two Extraordinaries from the Purple Fruit Tribe, the number of Extraordinaries under Luo Ning's command is likely to exceed twelve. !

By then, he will be able to form his own team of knights like a normal baron.

The only thing that is not easy to handle is that these conquered subordinates are not as loyal as David, Jewett, and Sim, and they cannot compare with Tom who surrendered on his own initiative. It will take a long time to make them sincerely surrender.

But Luo Ning is not worried about this. Apart from the three followers he summoned, McCann, Elrond, and Redal, who of the remaining followers in the world doesn't have their own little thoughts?

Tom wants to restore the glory of his ancestors, David, Jewett and others want to make achievements and even rise in class, Chahar wants to become the steward of the nobles, etc.

Everyone has small thoughts.

So as long as Luo Ning is strong enough and lets these people know that following him can realize their own little ideas, they will be willing to be driven by Luo Ning.

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