Chapter 83 Finalize the plan

Luo Ning had already made preparations to capture the Qingzhu Tribe before setting off, so he only brought one meal of rations with him and obtained the remaining supplies directly from the Qingzhu Tribe. new

Call him confident or arrogant, but he never thought that he would lose to the Qingzhu Tribe.

The fact was just as he expected, he not only won, but he won easily.

After dinner, a candle made of unknown oil swayed with pale yellow light.

This weak light couldn't even fully illuminate Willy Knight's house, making the people sitting around the house for the meeting look like villains, planning something shady.

"The black-collar tribe has the largest number of people. Over the years, they have had the upper hand even if they were one against three. They are very strong. Although I am confident that I can defeat him, now is not the time. I will put this slightly difficult bone for the end. .”

On top, Luo Ning was arranging the next battle plan to his subordinates.

At this time, in addition to Ronin, everyone in the house was also Redal, McCann, Elrond, and others. The prisoners outside were left to Zhuweit and Sim to lead the team.

"So next, we will still follow the original plan and give priority to the 'tripartite alliance'."

Ronin took out the simple map that Redal had drawn before, but now based on the information from Wharton and Dandy, he had a better understanding of the surrounding terrain.

"The Ziguo Tribe is located about 20 miles northeast of the Qingzhu Tribe. The distance is relatively close, the population is small, and the defense is very low.

The Gray Earth Tribe is 50 miles away due east, which is far away. Not only does it have six extraordinary people, but it has also built fortifications with certain defensive capabilities. "

Luo Ning pondered for a moment and made a decision: "So the second savage tribe we want to attack is the Ziguo tribe."

Redal listened to Ronin's plan. He agreed very much and suggested:

"Sir, it is not difficult to see from the battle just now that as long as the leader of this group of savage tribes is captured by us, the others will kneel down and surrender.

And the Purple Fruit Tribe only has two extraordinary beings, and probably no ten soldiers with combat training, so I don’t think we need so many people to deal with it. "

"Yes, sir!"

McCann didn't contribute much at all today. He really wanted to show off his strength. When Rydal said this, he immediately agreed:

"I think let me take David and Tom there tomorrow. Your Excellency, you and the commander will take the soldiers to rest here for a day and wait for news of our victory."

David and Tom couldn't agree more.

"If we are just dealing with the two extraordinary beings from the Purple Fruit Tribe, I believe it is enough to let the three of you pass. There are always surprises in battles, and now we have an advantage, so there is no need to take risks."

Luo Ning remembered a sentence and shared it with McCann, "We can despise the enemy strategically, but we must pay attention to the enemy tactically."

Strategically despising the enemy, tactically paying attention to the enemy, it doesn't matter in any world.

After listening to these words, everyone seemed to understand the meaning behind it. McCann also bowed his head and admitted, "Sir, you are right, I was too reckless!"

Luo Ning smiled slightly, "I can't say it's reckless. At least part of your point of view is correct. We really don't need to bring so many people to attack the Ziguo tribe tomorrow."

He said, thought for a moment, and then made a decision.

"Well, tomorrow I will lead McCann, Elrond, Wharton, Dandy, fifteen guards, and forty militiamen to the Purple Fruit Tribe."

"Ruidal, you stay with David and the others at the Green Bamboo Tribe and urge the people here to continue the unfinished autumn harvest and stop wasting the food in the fields."

Although Redal, David and others regretted not participating in the conquest of the Ziguo Tribe, they had no objections to Luo Ning's arrangements.

Although the Qingzhu tribe has been conquered, it is not appropriate to transfer all the extraordinary people in a short period of time. Someone is needed to control the situation.

"In addition, ask Sim to return to Shanlin Town with two guards to notify Wilson, and ask him to come over with materials to register the population of the Qingzhu Tribe and Ziguo Tribe, and have them ride back."

Although Elrond could also read and record, it was more appropriate to leave such tasks to Wilson, who was in charge of government affairs.

After all, the land of the Qingzhu Tribe will still need to be taken care of by someone, so it is necessary to have Wilson come over in advance to get familiar with it.

Having said that, with the addition of these tribes, he would not have enough political officers under his command. After returning this time, Wilson also needs to recruit an assistant first.

As for the Qingzhu Tribe, they can set up a village chief.

Luo Ning pulled back his thoughts. Let's wait until the savage tribe is completely conquered to discuss these matters.

"Okay, everyone, let's find a place to rest. Ruidal, please arrange for the soldiers who will go to the Ziguo tribe tomorrow to have a good rest, and let the remaining guards be responsible for the night duty."

Rilda nodded slightly, "Okay, sir."

The meeting ended and everyone exited the room.

At this moment, the soldiers outside had just finished their meal. Except for those on guard, they were all gathered around the campfire and excitedly recounted their experiences during the day, with many boasting voices.

As for the prisoners, due to Luo Ning's kindness, they have been allowed to rest.

However, half of the prisoners were put into the homes of their companions or neighbors for the night temporarily, so that the beds vacated could be used by the soldiers to rest.

Not to mention the situation outside, Ronin in the house was counting the properties left by Knight Willy.

The leader of a savage tribe actually has very little wealth.

The first is money. After all the loot, there are only 5 gold, 32 silver and 164 copper.

It is said that Willy got this from selling wild beasts and first-level magic beast skins outside, but some of them have been used over the years, and only this much is left.

Although the money was small, Luo Ning didn't mind it at all. He put it all into the space ring.

Apart from money, the most valuable things are probably Willy's ancestral armor and knight's sword. Although there are cracks in the armor and gaps in the knight's sword, they are still usable.

When everyone else had been rewarded with armor and knight swords, Ronin conveniently gave Willy's set to Sim.

"Ten pieces of parchment, a quill pen, a bottle of ordinary ink, 4330 pounds of barley, 2

Luo Ning couldn't help but clicked his tongue, lamenting once again that the famous saying that the wine and meat of the rich family stinks, and the road will freeze to death is true.

He heard that people in the Qingzhu tribe starved to death every winter, but their leader had so much food left at home that he would rather keep it than use it for relief.

In addition to these, Willy also raised eight goats, which was considered a bit of wealth.

"For me, the most rewarding thing about taking down the Qingzhu tribe this time is the more than 900 acres of land and 354 people that have been cultivated."

In this way, he is a little closer to the [population prosperity] requirement of 3,000 people.

"According to the information provided by Wharton and the others, this achievement will be completed when I complete the population registration after taking down the Purple Fruit Tribe and the Gray Earth Tribe."


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