Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 84 84 Attack on the Purple Fruit Tribe

Chapter 84 Attacking the Purple Fruit Tribe

The next morning, Luo Ning and others had breakfast and lunch, and then, led by Wharton and Dandy, they headed towards the Purple Fruit Tribe along the path.

The reason why he chose this time to set off, instead of going out before dawn like yesterday, was partly because he wanted the guards on this expedition to have more rest;

On the other hand, it was also considered to arrive at the Ziguo tribe as dark as possible, when the working people were returning home one after another, so that it would be easier for him to carry out the siege.

Because there were fewer people and horses this time, the team looked much lighter overall. In addition, this road was often traveled. Although it was not a broad road, it was much better than the desolate forest between Shanlin Town and Qingzhu Tribe.

Because of this, the march this time was much faster and more relaxed than yesterday.

But Luo Ning was not in a hurry.

In order to keep his team strong, he deliberately slowed down the pace. At the same time, Wharton and the two were asked to find a relatively secluded place not far from the Ziguo tribe to stop and rest, waiting for the best time to attack.

Luo Ning looked at the undulating hills in front of him and couldn't help but worry about the future development.

Although he sits on this endless forest and has massive timber resources of all kinds, transportation is always a problem.

Not to mention processing the wood into something and transporting it to other cities for sale, even transporting it from the Qingzhu Tribe to Shanlin Town is a big problem - the carriage cannot go.

If you want to get rich, build roads first, no matter what world you are in.

"The Ziguo tribe has the smallest population and there should not be many cultivated fields. At that time, they can all be moved to Shanlin Town to live. Those who are physically fit will form a road construction team to open the road connecting Shanlin Town and Qingzhu Tribe first. .”

This is Luo Ning's initial plan.

He didn't think about moving all the people of the Qingzhu tribe to Shanlin Town. After all, nearly a thousand acres of land had been reclaimed here, and he didn't want to give it up casually. What's more, the large green bamboo forest is also a resource. There are many places. All can be used.

In addition to the road between Shanlin Town and the Qingzhu Tribe, it will also be connected with the Huitu Tribe in the future. This is a huge project.

And this is not the earth. When workers are building roads between mountains, they must also take into account factors such as wild beasts and monsters. The risks to ordinary people must be reduced by the environment.

"After this war against the savage tribe is over, I am going to form a team of hunters."

Luo Ning looked at his left and right hands, Redal and McCann, "The first task of this hunter team is to clear out the mountain forest between the Mountain Forest Town and the Green Bamboo Tribe, the Purple Fruit Tribe, the Gray Earth Tribe, and even the Black Collar Tribe in the future. It will be especially Kill or drive away dangerous monsters and beasts.”

Beasts, especially monsters, have strong consciousness and certain intelligence.

As such clearings proceed, they will realize that this area is a dangerous zone and will not dare to approach easily. In this way, the lives of the road construction team workers are more secure.

Redal agreed, "Sir, after the end of this war, the number of our knights will increase significantly. If they are still allowed to conduct general training and competition every day, the improvement will not be very big. A truly powerful knight needs to experience fighting. The pleasure is to be tempered on the edge of life and death."

"Yes sir!"

McCann also agreed. In fact, Luo Ning had mentioned this matter as early as the first time he entered the mountain, and he had always kept it in mind.

"I think we can form a team of three extraordinary people and form multiple teams. One part is responsible for sweeping away the beasts in the area, and the other part enters the Wushan Warcraft Mountains from the Black Iron Forest to hunt the warcraft."

After listening to the two people's words, Luo Ning nodded slowly.

Forming a hunter team can not only solve the safety problem of road construction workers, but also allow the extraordinary beings under his command to be tempered. At the same time, the hunted beasts and magical beasts can be sold, which can not only allow the knights to earn some extra money, but also protect Luo Ning. Being a lord can also benefit from it.

This is a one-size-fits-all thing.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you two. But please note that although the hunter team's affairs are important, don't take the defense of the territory lightly."

Luo Ning's eyes flashed with expansion, "After all, there is a Thane Territory in the southeast of our territory that is eyeing us."

Thain Territory, it is said that there is a swamp there, so the town is called "Swamp Town".

Speaking of which, swampland is also a very precious resource, but it is a pity that Baron Leisen does not know how to use it.

Redal and McCann took Luo Ning's advice to heart. As their base camp, Shanlin Town must be well defended.

The reason why Luo Ning came out in full force this time was because on the surface, his relationship with Baron Leisen was not broken, and the possibility of the other party directly attacking him was very small.

After all, what happened to Wiggins has just happened, and Wushan Castle is about to establish its power. It would be too risky for Baron Leisen to attack Shanlin Town.

Once this news is passed on, even if he has connections, he will be used as an example to scare other monkeys.

However, if Rulans passes away in the future, it is uncertain whether Baron Leisen will take the initiative.

Everyone rested for two hours and set off again when it got dark.

After climbing two hills in a row, they finally saw the mountain village below in the valley of the ring at the top of the second hill.

The scale of this village is slightly smaller than that of the Qingzhu tribe, but it is not too small.

The various houses in the village are located in an irregular manner, and their appearance looks similar to that of the Qingzhu tribe. They are very simple.

After all, for a small mountain tribe like this, what they worry about every day is food. They don't have much time to spend on building houses.

For them, as long as there is a place that can shelter from the wind and rain, it will be enough to avoid freezing to death.

Luo Ning observed it himself and found that there were no sentry towers or patrols near the Ziguo tribe. I'm afraid no one would be able to spot him in time even if he walked over in a big way.

"What is that yellow forest?" Luo Ning asked, pointing to the yellow forest on the mountain on the east side.

Originally there should be more pine trees or trees here, but the direction Luo Ning pointed to was a low, red forest.

Wharton and Dandy looked there, and then replied: "Sir, that should be the 'Purple Fruit Tree' where purple fruits grow."

Dandy added: "The purple fruit tree used to have green leaves, but when the leaves fall in September, the color of the leaves turns yellow."

It turns out that this purple fruit tree is a deciduous tree. He would like to take a closer look later.

"We won't attack this time," Luo Ning said.

Both Redal and McCann were stunned for a moment, especially McCann. He was already ready to charge and must defeat the opponent's leader.

But the lord actually said he would not attack?

"Sir, what is your strategy?" Redal asked.

"With just two intermediate extraordinary beings, they can't resist us at all. A large-scale attack will easily cause unnecessary casualties. After all, one more person who survives means one more labor force to serve me."

Luo Ning explained the plan he had thought up along the way.

"When it gets dark later, McCann, lead ten guards and twenty militiamen to guard the hillside. If anyone comes up to scare them away or take them down, the others will follow me around to the valley in front to block the door."

"It will be up to Wharton and Dandy to surrender to the leader of the Purple Fruit Tribe. If the other party is willing to surrender, then we will save time and effort. If the other party is ignorant of current affairs like Willy, it will not be too late for us to take action."

Luo Ning looked at McCann, "If you hear fighting starting at the bottom of the mountain, you can lead people to rush down from the mountain."


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