Chapter 86 Negotiation

Compared with Willy Knight of the Green Bamboo Tribe, Jenny and Horn, the leaders of the Purple Fruit Tribe, are obviously much wiser. ♡♢

They did not show any hostility or resistance, especially after Irene returned to them safe and sound, they even warmly invited Luo Ning into the cottage.

When Luo Ning saw this scene, he knew that this time the Ziguo tribe might be able to surrender without the use of force.

This method of subduing others without fighting is the most time-saving and labor-saving.

As the leaders, Jenny and his wife live in a relatively spacious residence. Although it is simple, it is well-equipped with a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and two servants.

After a conversation, they all had a certain understanding of each other's backgrounds.

Jenny Frank, whose father was a viscount of the Orlant Empire, later became loyal to the Tricia family after the empire split, but unexpectedly fell on the wrong side, and the north was occupied by the Alduin family.

The Oshan family was ordered to launch a siege against the hostile nobles, and Jenny's father, Gervite Frank, was forced to hide in the northern woods during the battle.

In fact, most of the backgrounds of the savage tribes are like this.

Over the years, many nobles who fled have died, and there are almost no leaders like Jenny who come from the Viscount family.

Knight Horne was originally a professional knight who followed the Frank family. During his escapes, he fell in love with Jenny, and then they became husband and wife and gave birth to their daughter Irene.

In order to continue the Frank family lineage, both of them agreed to let Eileen use Frank as her surname.

If one day they die in the annexation between tribes, Irene can continue the inheritance of the Frank family (even though it has become dispensable).

"I heard from Wharton and Dandy that you hope that Horn and I will lead the Purple Fruit Tribe to surrender to you."

In the simple living room, Jenny's family and Luo Ning sat opposite each other. It could be seen that although Knight Horn was the husband of the other party, the person in charge of the Purple Fruit Tribe's conversation was still the lady in front of him.

"If we surrender, I wonder how you will arrange for us?"

Jenny's performance is generous and her behavior is natural and appropriate. She is worthy of being educated by the Viscount family, and her temperament and conversation are indeed different.

Luo Ning said straight to the point: "I will give you legal status. From the moment you are loyal to me, you will not have to worry about being arrested and thrown into prison on the grounds of being a 'remnant', or sold into slavery."

He said, looking at the girl Irene who was sitting next to her with her big eyes blinking, "I heard from you guys that Irene awakened the mana space on her birthday three months ago and became a junior magician."

"It would be a pity for a junior magician who has just turned thirteen with such a talent to be trapped in this wilderness."

A junior magician who has just turned thirteen, Erin has great potential.

Although she is still young now, she has already attracted Ronin's attention. His polite attitude towards Jenny and Horn is actually partly from Eileen, a little girl with great talent.

"You have obtained legal status, and Erin can go out and have a look. If she is allowed to follow me, she will definitely become a powerful magician in the future."

Jenny and Horn looked at each other, and both saw the throbbing in each other's eyes.

For so many years, they have wanted to live in the outside world, but they have never been able to do so.

Even if you can sneak out for a walk once in a while, you should be careful and try to avoid too many interactions with people.

Especially in the past two years, the conflicts between the savage tribes have become more and more intense, and they are no longer able to support the development of the Ziguo tribe.

If nothing unexpected happens, their tribe will be annexed by the Gray Earth Tribe or the Black Collar Tribe before long, and the two of them will be even more passive at that time.

Now Luo Ning's appearance has undoubtedly given them a second choice, and it is the best choice.

From Jenny and Horn's perspective, this young nobleman has already annexed the Green Bamboo Tribe and is about to annex the Ziguo Tribe. He will definitely attack the Huitu and Black Collar Tribes in the future, and he has a high chance of success.

Moreover, the opponent is still a bloodline of the Wushan family and belongs to the highest level noble of the Wushan Territory.

Following him now is undoubtedly a good choice.

Jenny suppressed her thoughts and continued to ask, "So Lord Luo Ning, I wonder what you need us to do for you?"

Luo Ning smiled slightly, and it was obvious that the other party basically agreed.

"I need you to do a lot, I don't have to hide that."

He said: "The management, construction, defense, and expansion of the territory require your efforts for me in many places. And as intermediate professionals, you have considerable combat effectiveness. When necessary, you, especially the Horn Knights, I I need you to charge into battle for me.”

Horn nodded secretly, that's how knights should be.

"In addition, the other people in the Ziguo tribe will respect me as their master, and you have no right to dominate them anymore."

"For these people, although they are equivalent to my captives and slaves at the beginning, I can guarantee that they will not be sold to outsiders, and as long as they work for me for ten years, I will not only give them a piece of land, but also improve their status. For serfs, free tenants.”

Jenny frowned slightly, "What about our identities?"

If they were also slaves, Jenny would not be able to accept this identity. After all, she was from a viscount family.

Luo Ning smiled slightly and said: "You, Knight Horn and Irene are naturally not included in this list. I will treat you as free citizens and pay you a salary commensurate with your strength."

Hearing this, Jenny and Horn looked at each other, nodded slightly, and they agreed to this arrangement.

The two of them stood up with smiles, walked to Luo Ning, and knelt down on one knee, "Dear Lord Baron, please accept our allegiance."

Eileen next to her was immediately panicked when she saw this scene.

She is still a little unresponsive. She originally wanted to give the other party ginkgo to eat, but why are her parents using such a formal etiquette now?

In desperation, she could only kneel down on one knee and said, "Please accept my allegiance~"


Ronin laughed, "I accept your allegiance, Ms. Jenny, Knight Horn, and Irene."

He stepped forward and helped the three of them up.

"Lord Luo Ning, I'll ask Aunt Moya to make ginkgo for you."

After all, Eileen is still a thirteen-year-old child. After being restrained and serious, when the atmosphere returned to joy, he could not help but show his true nature.

"I'm very curious about what 'Ginkgo' looks like. If possible, please show it to me."

"Of course, I'll get it right away~"

Erin hurried towards the other room.

Seeing their daughter running out happily, Jenny and Horn couldn't help but smile with relief. From now on, they can go out openly and live outside.

"grown ups!"

Jenny looked at Luo Ning with a very serious expression, "If you want to capture the Gray Earth Tribe, I have a way, which may help you save a lot of energy."

Luo Ning was startled and looked at the ordinary-looking lady in front of him with the temperament of a leader. "Please tell me!"

Jenny glanced at Horn, who nodded slightly as if he knew something.

But just when she was about to tell her own solution, Irene came back jumping and handed Luo Ning a white fruit.

"Sir, this is the ginkgo. If you peel it first and then fry the core inside, it will be very delicious~"

Luo Ning couldn't help but look at the white "fruit" in his hand, and was stunned.

"This is!"

What kind of fruit is this? This is clearly...


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