Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 87 87 An unexpected surprise

Chapter 87 An unexpected surprise

Luo Ning stared at the white oval "Ginkgo" in his hand, and fell into a state of complete astonishment for a moment. ↤↤↤↤↤↦↦↦↦↦

If his guess was correct, the so-called ginkgo was none other than something that Luo Ning had often seen in his hometown on Earth and had participated in raising when he was a child - silkworm cocoons.

"What's wrong?"

Irene blinked and stared at Luo Ning. She didn't understand why the other party was so surprised. Could it be that she thought the ginkgo was too delicious and couldn't help it?

Luo Ning came back to his senses and asked quickly: "Is the ginkgo you mentioned made from a worm? Also, when you said you peeled it open, did you eat the pupa inside?"

"Is that thing called a 'chrysalis'? We always call it a 'nucleus'."

Knight Horn spoke. Compared to Jenny, who didn't work much, he often traveled outside and knew more about Ginkgo.

"Sir, as you said, ginkgo is indeed made from insects. I don't know if the insects exist elsewhere, but there are quite a few of them here in the purple fruit tribe."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up, "Quick, tell us."

Knight Horn said: "When Jenny and I led the team here, we discovered the purple fruit forest outside. I saw a lot of gray fat insects under the leaves. I named them 'Big Gray' insect'."

"Later we settled here, and I observed them for a while and found that these bugs feed on the leaves of purple fruit trees. When they grow up, they will spit out this white pulp and wrap themselves in it. One day, out of curiosity, I picked up the white slurry. The shell was peeled off and the core was found."

Speaking of this, he chuckled, "It was too difficult when I first settled here and there was nothing to eat, so I tried to cook and eat this thing. I found that it was not only non-toxic, but could also replenish the body, so this thing became It has become the special food of my purple fruit tribe.”

Luo Ning finally confirmed that the so-called ginkgo was a silkworm cocoon.

The "big gray worm" that Horn Knight calls is probably a silkworm, but it is different from the domestic silkworm, which grows outside.

As for the so-called purple fruit trees and purple fruits, Luo Ning guessed that they should be mulberry trees and mulberries.

The yellow forest he saw on the top of the crater should be the mulberry forest, and the fallen mulberry leaves happened to be yellow.

Ronin's heart pounded.

Silkworms are a good thing. The cocoons they spin can be used to spin silk threads to make silk.

Silk is even better.

In ancient China, the price of this item was so high that only high-ranking families could wear it. When sold outside, it was even more expensive.

In this world, Luo Ning does not have any memory related to sericulture.

There are generally only three materials used to make clothes here: wool, leather and cloth.

The fabrics are basically coarse linen, fine linen, etc. made of linen as the main material.

Ordinary people usually wear coarse linen clothes, while nobles wear clothes made of fine linen, wool, and precious furs to show their status.

It is said that cotton cloth is still available in the south, but it has not been widely cultivated and is also very rare.

As for silk, I had never heard of it.

Luo Ning never expected that there would be sericulture in the Ziguo Tribe. If he could make these cocoons into silk, it would become the signature industry of Shanlin Town in the future, much more reliable than the black iron tree.

"How many more of these ginkgo do you have?" Luo Ning asked.

"There are many more!"

Erin gestured exaggeratedly, "There are still several more boxes!"

"Come on, take me to see you."

As Luo Ning said that, he took Eileen's hand and hurried towards the house where the other party just entered.

Jenny and Horn looked at each other, and the latter was confused, "Why is the Baron so interested in Ginkgo? He didn't even hear about your plan for the Gray Earth Tribe."

Jenny shook her head, "I don't know, but I feel that adults should know Ginkgo better than us. Let's go and have a look."

This room is more like a warehouse, with many wooden boxes placed inside.

Erin opened all four wooden boxes, which were filled with silkworm cocoons.

"My father would leave a box of seeds every year. By next spring, the ginkgo would sprout and produce more offspring!" she said.

so many!

Luo Ning squatted beside the box and observed carefully.

A few of the cocoons here are grayish-yellow, but most of them are white, and there is no dirt like broken leaves on them. They must have been cleaned by Horn.

These cocoons are at least half a circle larger than the cocoons formed by silkworms in Luo Ning's impression. According to Horn, they are gray bugs and should be different from ordinary silkworms.

"Horn, do you know how to breed?" Luo Ning turned to look at the following knight.

"You know...a little bit, right?"

Horn scratched his head, "Sir, you also know that life in the mountains is very boring. I study them when I have nothing to do. Those big gray worms form shells and hide themselves in them for the winter, and wait until next summer It will come out from inside!"

Speaking of this, Horn seemed to be getting excited.

"Sir, you may not know that those bugs turn into moths when they come out! Although the moth exists for a very short time and dies after laying eggs. But it leaves behind dense eggs, and they will grow into more Lots of big gray worms.”

He said, pointing to a box in the house, "You only need to keep a small part of the box every year, and it will be enough to harvest several boxes of ginkgo the next year!"

Luo Ning listened and thought.

He has determined that these are silkworm cocoons, and what they eat is the silkworm chrysalis inside.

But the silkworms here were different from what he knew.

The silkworms he is familiar with usually live in spring and autumn and overwinter in the form of silkworm eggs.

But this is not the case for the silkworms of the Purple Fruit Tribe. It turns into a cocoon in autumn, pupates inside, spends the winter in the form of a pupa, and does not emerge from the pupa until the following summer.

The reason why there is such a difference, Luo Ning guessed, is caused by the temperature.

Shanlin Town is located in the northernmost part of Wushan Territory, where the climate has four distinct seasons.

The temperature in spring and autumn is about 5~15℃, which is not suitable for silkworm growth;

Only summer temperatures of 20 to 30°C are suitable for silkworm hatching and growth.

Since September, Luo Ning has felt the temperature drop, but as an intermediate knight, the feeling is not so obvious.

Having said that, here in the Ziguo Tribe, under natural conditions, only one season of silkworms can be raised every year.

Unless the ambient temperature can be changed and a suitable environment is created in spring or autumn, breeding can be done for multiple seasons.

But this is obviously unattainable.

Luo Ning squatted next to the box, picked up a few silkworm cocoons, played with them, and asked, "Horn, how many silkworm seeds, uh, do you leave as seeds every year?"

Horn pondered slightly, "About a dozen, not more than twenty."

"Why not leave more?"

Horn spread his hands and said, "Sir, I also thought about leaving more, but there are not enough purple fruit trees on the mountain. If you add more, you won't be able to survive."

Luo Ning nodded slowly, forgetting about this.

He held up a silkworm cocoon and introduced it to Horn and the others: "The ginkgo you are talking about is actually called a silkworm cocoon, and the core inside is called a silkworm chrysalis. The silkworm chrysalis can be eaten, but the silkworm cocoon has other wonderful uses."

"Oh, by the way, the purple fruit tree should be a mulberry tree, and the purple fruit is a mulberry."

Jenny and Horn couldn't help but look at each other. Their guess was indeed correct. The baron in front of them knew a lot about purple fruit.

"We are deeply impressed by your erudition, my lord!"

Jenny smiled: “Starting today, we will revise these titles.”

Erin blinked at the side, a little surprised, "Then should we be called the 'Mulberry Tribe'?"

Luo Ning couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

"Actually, it doesn't matter what it's called."

He said: "Originally, I was planning to move all of you to Shanlin Town, but now I have changed my mind. Since the Ziguo Tribe has silkworms and mulberry trees, we must make good use of these resources!"

Luo Ning has already thought about it. He wants to change wheat to mulberry in the Ziguo tribe.


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