Chapter 88 Offering Strategies

Luo Ning already had a certain understanding of the size of the Ziguo tribe in previous conversations.

Although the population of this tribe was less than 300, it exceeded his expectations - including Jenny's family, the Ziguo tribe had a total of 242 people and cultivated 806 acres of land.

In addition to some vegetables, most of them are barley and wheat.

The reason why the Ziguo tribe has such a large area of ​​​​fields is mainly due to the cultivation of land when the population was large. It is said that at its peak, there were four to five hundred people living here.

Now there are less than 300 people left. Although the food output is not high, there is relatively more food to eat.

According to Jenny's prediction, this year's autumn harvest will yield more than 30,000 kilograms of barley. In addition to the wheat harvested before, as well as the stored wild vegetables, etc., the people in the tribe should have no problem surviving this winter.

Before deciding to change the wheat field into a mulberry field, Luo Ning decided to wait until dawn tomorrow to see the condition of the mulberry forest.

Although he now has silkworm cocoons in hand, it is still very difficult to make silkworm cocoons into silk.

He knew the steps of boiling cocoons and reeling silk, but he did not have a spinning wheel or a loom, so weaving was a difficult task.

However, sheep are raised on the territory and wool is produced every year. Many women do some simple weaving work at home, and there are also tools such as spindles and looms here (albeit relatively simple).

Although these machines and tools cannot be used to weave silk, after all, the latter is more delicate and complex, but sometimes knowledge is more important than tools.

As long as they can understand that silk can also weave cloth, I believe that after a long period of trying, they should be able to weave silk.

Luo Ning remembered that Tom's mother ran a tailor shop. She should be good at weaving. After returning home, she could consider asking him to study silk.

Of course, Ronin will help.

He has a unique understanding of sericulture, and his introduction of cocoon cooking and silk reeling was a leap from zero to one.

That night, Ronin enjoyed a "lavish" dinner at Jenny's home.

Luo Ning, McCann and other extraordinary people all had a plate of ginkgo in front of them. Their subordinates ate it happily, but Luo Ning couldn't eat it.

Mainly because of his preconceived notions, he felt that this thing was too strong in taste, so much so that he felt a sense of discomfort when thinking of the black chrysalis.

However, under Irene's eager gaze, Luo Ning reluctantly took a bite.

I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t know it until I ate it. Once I ate it, I discovered that the fried silkworm chrysalis was crispy, soft and full of flavor.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Erin asked with a smile.

Luo Ning nodded and said with a smile: "Apart from its appearance, fried silkworm chrysalis is indeed a delicacy. I heard that it not only tastes good, but also has high nutritional value."

The subordinates sitting around all nodded while eating. They had never eaten such food before, and this time they came to the Ziguo Tribe and tasted something new.

After having enough wine and food, the two servants cleared away the tableware, and all the extraordinary people gathered in the living room.

The dim candlelight dimly illuminated the blurred faces of everyone, and they knew that the Baron was about to formulate the next battle plan.

It had only been less than two days since they left Shanlin Town, and they had already captured two savage tribes very quickly.

"Our next target is the Gray Earth Tribe."

Luo Ning looked around at everyone, "But you also know that they have built fortifications and have more extraordinary people than the Ziguo and Qingzhu tribes. If we attack by force, we will not suffer any losses like yesterday and today. .”

His eyes finally fell on Jenny, "Ms. Jenny, I remember you said before that there is a way for me to save time and effort to take down the Gray Earth Tribe. What is it?"

Erin, who is 1.42 meters tall, sat next to her mother and listened quietly to everyone's conversation.

Her eyes kept moving around everyone.

Before today, she would never have thought that so many older brothers and uncles, or even her parents, would respect this young man in front of her so much, who seemed not much older than her. For the first time, she could truly feel her original identity and status. Sometimes it has nothing to do with age.

Finally, her eyes rested on Luo Ning. This silver-haired boy was so attractive.

Jenny didn't know what her daughter was thinking about at this moment. What she was thinking about was to provide strategies for this new loyal master, which could be regarded as her pledge of honor.

"The leader of the Gray Earth Tribe is named 'Slayin'. His parents were just ordinary people who fled together, but he awakened the seeds of fighting spirit, and his strength has grown steadily over the years. He is a thirty-eight-year-old senior knight with more combat power than Horn. Be stronger."

Luo Ning couldn't help but look at the Horn knight. The opponent was only an intermediate knight, but only a little weaker than the high-level knight. It seemed that Horn was either about to break through, or his combat experience and skills were superior to the opponent.

It seems that Horn and Jenny's cultivation talents are not too bad. No wonder their daughter's qualifications are so good.

Jenny continued: "Sir, you should know from Wharton and Dandy that our three tribes formed a tripartite alliance. When it was first established, we fought several times with the black-collar tribe. At that time, the tripartite alliance had more exchanges."

She paused, glanced at her husband, and then continued: "Slayin confessed his love to me more than once during our cooperation and asked me to leave Horn and live in his Gray Earth Tribe, but I refused every time."

Luo Ning couldn't help but touch his nose. Sure enough, things between men and women can happen anywhere, even among savage tribes with poor living conditions.

He couldn't help but look at Jenny again.

Although the other party's appearance was high in her mind, it was not beautiful.

But if you put it in the Wubei forest, it will definitely be at the top.

And don’t forget, Jenny is from a Viscount family. Although the Frank family is now in decline, she comes from a real aristocratic family.

With good looks, aristocratic background, and the fact that she is an intermediate magician, such a woman is very attractive to other people.

It is indeed very reasonable for Slain, the leader of the Gray Earth Tribe, to want to be with Jenny.

The latter disagreed. Maybe it was because she had a very deep relationship with Horn and they had a daughter. Maybe she just didn't like people like Slaine at all.

Luo Ning glanced at Horn. His expression did not change. He obviously knew about this matter. Maybe Horn had even fought with Slaine.

After all, Jenny just said that Slaine is stronger.

Without comparing or fighting, how could we get such a result?

Looking back at Jenny, Luo Ning asked with a smile: "So, are you going to use a honey trap against Slaine?"

Honey trap?

Everyone's ears twitched. This was the first time they heard this word.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir!"

Jenny was a little embarrassed, "Although this is the first time I heard about 'Honey Trap', your meaning should be similar to what I think."

For a moment, Luo Ning didn't understand why the other party was suddenly embarrassed and suddenly thanked himself.

After thinking for a while, he realized that Jenny thought she was praising the other person's beauty.

"Sir, the relationship between Horn and Slain is very bad."

Jenny continued: "Perhaps I can write a letter to Slain, saying that Horn has been promoted to a senior knight and is dissatisfied with being below me and the humiliation he has received from him over the years. His whole person seems to have changed. They imprisoned Irene and I like crazy, hoping that Slaine could send someone over to rescue our mother and daughter."

Horn looked at his wife helplessly. How could he, an honest and honest man who loved his wife and daughter, become a pervert?

However, McCann couldn't help but be secretly shocked after hearing these words. Sure enough, the woman's words should not be taken lightly. Look, this plan is too cunning and cruel.

Luo Ning nodded, he knew what the other party's strategy was.

But he still hesitated, "Will Slain believe it?"

"Will do!"

Jenny was very sure, "Slay Yin has always regarded himself as the leader of the tripartite alliance. He is an arrogant, conceited, and stubborn person. The most important thing is that he not only covets me, but even sets his sights on Irene. "

Her eyes were slightly cold, probably because her daughter's safety was threatened.

"After receiving my letter for help, he will not only be able to kill Horn, annex the Ziguo tribe, but also bring us mother and daughter under his command, he will definitely not be able to bear it."

Luo Ning frowned and couldn't help but look at Irene who shrank into her mother's arms. She didn't expect that there was this layer of story in between.

Thinking about it now, part of the reason why Jenny and his wife surrendered themselves so simply was for the safety of Irene, right?

However, no matter what the reasons and purposes were for them to seek refuge with him, Luo Ning fully recognized the other party's strategy.


Luo Ning expressed his affirmation, "According to the strategy you mentioned, we can give it a try."


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