Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 89 89 Inspection of Mulberry Land

Chapter 89 Inspection of Mulberry Land

After Luo Ning confirmed Jenny's plan, the next step was to arrange who would deliver the letter. ☜

First of all, this person must be from the Purple Fruit Tribe, and secondly, it is best for this person to be recognized by Slain as a confidant of Jenny, so as to increase the credibility of the other party's request for help.

Jenny recommended a suitable candidate, which was Lauren, a descendant of the housekeeper who had followed the Frank family since the previous generation. She had always been loyal to Frank and now served as both a servant and a political officer in the Purple Fruit Tribe.

Lauren has good loyalty and is quite clever. Apart from Horn and Jenny, he is the most suitable person to deliver messages in the Purple Fruit Tribe.

After the meeting ended, Luo Ning was arranged to rest in a clean and temporarily cleaned room.

It is said that there are several such empty houses in the Ziguo tribe that are still well preserved, and they were all left by those who once belonged to the Ziguo tribe and now live in the Huitu tribe.

"You will arrange a few guards later and ask them to rush to the Qingzhu Tribe at dawn tomorrow and notify Redal and Tom to come over."

In the room, Luo Ning ordered McCann.

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to defeat that Slaine?"

McCann couldn't help but puff up his chest, "Sir, although I always lose to Commander Redal in the competition, that's because Redal is strong, not because I'm weak."

"I can guarantee that this Slaine is definitely no match for me. To deal with him, there is no need for the commander to take action!"

Luo Ning smiled, "Of course I know your strength, but be careful when sailing. If the Gray Earth Tribe hides its strength and several high-level knights come out at once, then we will be very passive."

McCann was stunned for a moment, and then he understood Luo Ning's intention, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away to ensure that Redal and the others can arrive at the Purple Fruit Tribe before tomorrow evening."

"Remember to keep it a secret."

After watching McCann leave, Luo Ning stretched and lay down on the bed to rest.

In fact, the reason just mentioned was only one aspect. He was also worried about Jenny and Horn from the Purple Fruit Tribe.

Although both of them expressed their allegiance to him, after all, they had only known each other for less than a day, and Luo Ning still understood the principle of knowing people but not knowing their hearts.

Jenny's strategy is very good. It can lure Slaine and his men out of the Gray Earth Tribe's defenses, saving Ronin the trouble of attacking the city, and can definitely reduce losses.

But one thing needs to be noted. If Jenny and Horn are only superficially loyal, after Slayin brings people over, and both parties cooperate inside and outside, it will be Luo Ning himself who will be in a passive situation.

Although this possibility is very low, who can guarantee that this possibility will not happen?

Luo Ning would certainly choose to avoid it when he could avoid falling into a passive situation. As he said, be careful and sail the ship for ten thousand years.

The night passed quietly, and early the next morning, the three guards arranged by McCann left the Ziguo Tribe and headed for the Qingzhu Tribe at dawn.

At the same time, Jenny asked her housekeeper Lauren to take her letters and embark on the road to the Ash Tribe.

Even though Lauren would rush there as quickly as possible, it would probably already be afternoon before arriving at the Gray Earth Tribe.

Even if Nasrein immediately dispatched people to the Purple Fruit Tribe, they would only be able to arrive around dusk.

This period of time was enough for Ruidal and Tom to come from the Qingzhu Tribe. After all, compared with the distance between the two sides, Luo Ning was much closer.

After breakfast, Knight Horn gathered all the people from the Purple Fruit Tribe, introduced Luo Ning's identity, and stated that in the future this group of people would serve the young noble in front of them.

After the people of the Ziguo tribe learned that the leaders had surrendered to Luo Ning, they had no objections. They immediately knelt on the ground and offered their loyalty to the new lord.

The benefits of taking the initiative to recruit Jenny and others are revealed.

Luo Ning does not need to spend time and effort to implant his identity and image into the hearts of these people. He only needs to give instructions to Jenny and Horn to arrange things, and they will make arrangements.

However, the people of the Purple Fruit Tribe have recognized Jenny and Horn as their leaders for so many years, and this phenomenon still needs to change.

After the siege of the savage tribe is over, Luo Ning needs to relocate and exchange the populations of several tribes to weaken their recognition of the old leader and at the same time establish the image of Hillwood Castle and him.

“Jenny, I hope you can help me make a census of the Purple Fruit Tribe.”

After the meeting with the tribe members, Luo Ning, accompanied by Jenny and her family, went to the mulberry field to check on the condition of the mulberry trees.


Jenny wondered: “What do you need to know.”

"It's very simple. It is to collect information on the name, gender, age, and marital status of all members by family, and at the same time, specially mark out some craftsmen with special skills, such as carpenters, masons, and blacksmiths."

The reason why Luo Ning asked Jenny to do this was that she was from a Viscount family and must be much more knowledgeable than Wilson to be able to complete this task;

Second, he also saved some time for Wilson so that the population registration could be completed as soon as possible.

At this time, Irene jumped out, "Lord Luo Ning, let me help you with this matter!"


Luo Ning glanced at the little girl in surprise, "Are you sure you can do it well? Can you write?"

"I can!"

Erin patted her chest and was very confident, "My mother taught me to read and write when I was six or seven years old. I know a lot of things!"

This is quite rare.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "If you do well, I will reward you. Well, just call me Brother Luo Ning."

He originally wanted to reward him with a silver or gold coin, but he felt that it was not appropriate to give money to a child, so he might as well do something gimmick.


Irene agreed, turned around, and ran home to get pens and paper to get started, not planning to accompany her to inspect the mulberry forest.

"Ms. Jenny, I didn't expect that in this deep mountain, your cultivation of Erin has not diminished at all."

Luo Ning turned around and said, "Maybe when she grows up a little bit, I can get her help in many places."

“It’s our honor and Erin’s honor to serve you.”

Jenny smiled and said, "This child has a lively personality and loves to learn. He should gain a lot of knowledge following you."

"Then let her follow me from now on."

Luo Ning said: "You two can also live in Shanlin Town, but I still hope that, Knight Horn, you can help me manage the sericulture industry, so I hope you will continue to stay in the Ziguo Tribe."

"Maybe I can rename this place 'Purple Fruit Village'."

Luo Ning looked up towards the mountain, and many mulberry trees came into view.

Autumn has officially entered for nearly a month, and the leaves of some mulberry trees are still a little green, but more of them have turned yellow.

Obviously, these mulberry leaves were enough for Horn to expand the breeding scale. The reason why he did not breed more silkworms was probably because of insufficient manpower.

"When we conquer the Gray Earth Tribe and the Black Collar Tribe, these villages will be opened up. Although I will let you stay here, you can go elsewhere at any time."

"Everything must be obeyed, sir."

Horn smiled. When people reach middle age, they will always have some strange hobbies. Although he is a knight, besides charging, his biggest hobby is this.

"Actually, I quite like studying these things here. I just didn't expect you to be interested in these things, sir."

"Silk cocoons can be used to make silk, and silk can be used to make fine fabrics and comfortable clothes."

Luo Ning told his knowledge about sericulture, which made Horn and Jenny confused. They really couldn't think of any connection between ginkgo and cloth.

They really can't understand, otherwise they wouldn't just eat the pupae in the cocoons.

Several people walked into Mulberry Forest while talking.

According to Horn's introduction, Luo Ning knew that the current mulberry trees of the Ziguo tribe were scattered across several acres of land, with one tree here and one there, without any planning at all.

Most of these mulberry trees grow naturally, and only a few of them grow from mulberry seeds. They are not very tall yet.

Luo Ning made some calculations in his mind. Based on the calculation that one mulberry tree can support 20 silkworms, the current 345 mulberry trees in the Ziguo tribe can support 6,900 silkworms.

Theoretically, it is only enough to make four or five silk dresses.

"There are still too few trees."

After the inspection, Luo Ning said to Horn: "Our first step is to expand the planting of mulberry trees. I suggest you plan ten acres of land to plant mulberry trees to increase the yield of mulberry leaves."

"It's okay, but sir, what about the food in Ziguo Village?"

Jenny was worried. The food of the Ziguo tribe was not enough, and it would be even worse if there was less land.

"Don't worry, I will bring food from Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning said: "The people who live in Ziguo Village serve me just like the Qingzhu Tribe, so I will naturally provide them with food."

In the past, Shanlin Town sold grain to Sain Ling every year. Now there is no need to sell it. There is no problem in transferring some of it to feed the more than 200 people of the Ziguo tribe.

"That's no problem!"

Horn agreed to the matter, "But sir, we don't have mulberries now. If we want to expand our planting, we have to wait until June or July next year."


Luo Ning was stunned for a moment. Do we have to wait until next year to expand planting?

Suddenly he understood. It seemed that the other party had not mastered the cultivation method of mulberry trees.

“You can expand your crops without using mulberries.”

Luo Ning walked aside and drew out McCann's long sword and cut off a mulberry branch. "When the mulberry trees grow green leaves next spring, pick strong branches like me, and control the length of each branch to a few dozen centimeters. At the same time, Leave two or three leaves on the top, insert them into the soil and keep the soil moist, and the mulberry branches will grow into mulberry trees."

Horn scratched his head. The meaning was obvious. Is this okay?

Jenny knew little about planting, and asked in disbelief: "Is this really... possible?"


Luo Ning smiled and said, "This method is called the 'cutting method' and can be used in the cultivation of many plants. When the time comes, you should plan the land. The distance between each mulberry tree should not be too close, but also not too far apart. , one acre of land would probably be enough to plant a thousand mulberry trees.”

Horn exclaimed: "Sir, you know so much!"

Jenny couldn't help but sigh, "My lord, you are worthy of being a member of the noble Wushan family. Your knowledge impresses us!"

Luo Ning laughed and said modestly: "The more you read, the more you will know a little bit about everything. But many people only know a little bit about it, and we still need everyone to work together."

"Come on, Knight Horn, I'll take you to cook cocoons."

"Cocoon cooking?"

Horn followed Luo Ning, "Is it a new way of eating?"


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