
In the afternoon, the sun tilted slightly, and young Lauren walked more than thirty miles non-stop with Jenny's handwritten letter, and finally arrived at the edge of the Gray Earth Tribe. ♜♗♦

At this time, his whole body was wet with sweat, and he was stumbling, as if he would fall down at any time.

His face was covered with dust and exhaustion, and his eyes had lost their light, leaving only the pain that the journey was not yet over.

Originally, he didn't need to be so tired, mainly because he ran the last few miles in order to make himself look like he was about to die from exhaustion.

This is Jenny's request.

Only when Lauren ran out of breath could the urgency of the matter and the criticality of the situation be highlighted, and Slain be convinced of what happened to her and Irene.

"finally reached!"

The Gray Earth Tribe is different from the Green Bamboo and Purple Fruit Tribes. There are many people here and it is on the "front line". There will be several patrol teams of two people patrolling the periphery. Lauren happened to see one and hurriedly stumbled over. .


The two patrolmen soon heard the sound and saw Lauren's figure, "Who!"

Lauren quickly took out an autographed letter from her arms, "Purple Fruit Tribe...Magic Jenny, seeking, seeking Lord Slain's help!"

He ran two steps and fell to the ground with a plop.

The two patrolling officers ran over immediately upon seeing this. The Ziguo Tribe knew that they were allies.

They had also heard of the beautiful female magician named Jenny, who was exactly the woman their leader had dreamed of.

"Quickly, help him go to see the leader!"

The two of them didn't dare to delay. They picked up Lauren on the left and right and ran towards the fortress.

The fortress of the Gray Earth Tribe can be regarded as the most primitive noble castle. Many places are made of wooden structures. If Luo Ning saw it, he would definitely think of using fire attacks and use fireball to greet him.

However, the towers and fortresses directly in front were made of stone and looked very thick and solid.

Stones smashed from above and arrows shot down pose a great threat to Luo Ning's soldiers. If they attack by force, there will be certain losses.

At this time, in the fortress hall, the leader of the Gray Earth Tribe, Slayin, was sitting on the main chair. He was tall and rough-looking, but his eyes were small and he looked a little uncoordinated.

At this time, he was staring at a middle-aged man next to him and asked anxiously: "How is it, Mam? What is written in the letter?"

Don't blame Slayin for being anxious, he is really illiterate and can't even write his own name.

The Mamu in front of me was once a member of the Purple Fruit Tribe. Later, he had a good relationship with Slain during the cooperation and joined the Gray Earth Tribe.

Mam is literate, "Sir, this is indeed Jenny's handwriting, and the content is exactly as Lauren said. She and Miss Irene were imprisoned by Horn and were mistreated. I wrote a letter specifically, hoping that you Can take action to save their mother and daughter. As a thank you gift, she will agree to your request."

"Hahaha, okay!"

Slayin laughed heartily, thinking of Jenny's appearance and the appearance of little girl Irene, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

As the leader of the tripartite alliance (self-proclaimed), he did not get the best woman from the tripartite alliance. This was something he couldn't reconcile.

This is a rare opportunity!

"Mam, go tell Babulin and the others to bring a few skilled men with you. We will ride on the horse and go to the Purple Fruit Tribe to save Jenny and Irene!"

"Sir, I think this matter is a bit strange."

Mam frowned slightly, "As far as I know, Horn doesn't seem like someone who would abuse Jenny. His character seems to be very honest and he respects Jenny very much."

"Haha, what do you know? That Horn looks honest, maybe he is full of bad ideas, and he may have been very dissatisfied with Jenny in his heart."

Slaine looked sarcastic and sneered, "Now that he has been promoted to a senior level, he thinks he is great, and his hidden dirty heart is finally exposed, and he wants to regain some face from Jenny and her daughter!"

"But sir, I still feel a little abnormal..."

Slayin took a deep breath. If Mamu was not an intermediate knight and the second master of the Gray Earth Tribe, he would have scolded him long ago. Now he still had to give him some face.

"You don't understand Jenny, a woman. She would not ask me for help unless she was forced to a certain point."

He knew Jenny hated him, but so what? After today, the other person will be her woman, and she will be a mother and daughter together. It is exciting to think about it.

"Don't worry, I won't be carried away by beauty."

Slain said to Mam: "After today, rescuing Jenny and her daughter is the second most important thing, taking over the Purple Fruit Tribe is the most important thing. Once we absorb the Purple Fruit Tribe, Willy of the Green Bamboo Tribe will not be a concern. When we have the same scale as the black-collar tribe, we can also build castles, build tall buildings, and live a life several times better than now!"

"Mam, now go and mobilize the others to follow me to the Ziguo Tribe!"

Slain would not give up this opportunity. "So what if Horn becomes a senior knight? I am also a senior knight, and there are two intermediate knights, you and Bablin, and three junior knights. We don't need to be afraid of him at all." !”

Seeing that the leader had made up his mind, Mam had no choice but to accept it.

Although he felt there was something fishy, ​​it was true as Slain said, even if there was something fishy, ​​they could handle it.

Even if the Purple Fruit Tribe and the Green Bamboo Tribe join forces to harm them, they can still handle it.

As for the black-collar tribes, they had just finished their autumn harvest and were busy distributing and handing over food, so they probably didn't have time to raid them for the time being.

"Okay, sir, I'll get ready now. But we'd better go back and forth within three days, otherwise we'll be in trouble when the black-collar tribe knows about our departure."

"no problem!"

Slayin nodded in agreement. Mamu's mind was still good, which was why he attracted the other party to join the Gray Earth Tribe.

"Lauren, you did a great job!"

He sat on the chair and looked down at the exhausted Lauren. At this time, he regarded the other party as his subject.

"From now on, you can live peacefully in the Gray Earth Tribe with your master. I have asked someone to prepare lunch for you. Now you can go down and have a good meal and have a good rest."

"Thank you for your arrangement!"

Lauren stood up and saluted, "My master Jenny and Miss Eileen are waiting for your rescue in the damp little house of the Purple Fruit Tribe. Please don't let them wait too long!"

"Don't worry, your master and servant will meet again tomorrow afternoon at the latest!"

Si Lei was in a very happy mood at the moment. He could not wait to put on a pair of wings and fly to the Ziguo tribe to kill Horn, and then kick open the dilapidated house in a heroic manner to show Jenny and Irene how powerful he was. .

"Bah, a man who was defeated by his subordinates will forget that he was defeated by my subordinates when he became a high-ranking knight?"

Slain was very disdainful of Horn in his heart and never considered the latter as his opponent. "This time I will show you what a real high-level knight is!"

Soon, Mam had gathered everyone.

In addition to himself, Slain and Bablin, there were three junior knights and five cavalrymen dispatched this time.

These eleven horses were already the entire property of the Gray Earth Tribe. They were obtained through several exchanges of captives with the Black Collar Tribe and purchases from outside.

This is also what Slaine is proud of. After all, he is the only one in the tripartite alliance who has a horse. This is what attracted Mam to join in the first place.

With eleven people, it is possible to defeat the Purple Fruit Tribe, but it is a bit difficult to control the people there.

Fortunately, this time they were going to rescue the leader of the Purple Fruit Tribe. As long as Jenny was rescued, the people of the Purple Fruit Tribe would surrender.

Slain glanced at the team, his eyes bursting with pride, "Let's go!"

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