Chapter 91 Opening Cotton

Purple Fruit Tribe, Jenny’s kitchen. ஜ۩۞۩ஜஜ۩۞۩ஜ

Luo Ning and Horn began to try to cook cocoons.

At first, Luo Ning did not think about spinning, but chose to go in the direction of "opening cotton".

To open the cotton, you need to put soda ash or baking soda into the pot during the cocoon cooking process, but he didn't have these things at the moment.

So I had to make some plant ash on site. This stuff is also an alkaline substance. Although it looks a bit darker, it will adhere to the silkworm cocoons after being added to the pot.

However, during the cooking process, plant ash will react with the sericin and debris on the cocoons, and can eventually be washed away without staining.

Since it was the first time to cook cocoons, Luo Ning only selected a dozen cocoons to try.

He first removed the floating threads around the cocoon, then threw it into a small pot, added water and plant ash, and started cooking it over high heat.

After cooking for more than half an hour, Luo Ning saw that it was almost done, so he picked up the cooked yellow silkworm cocoons and washed them with clean water.

The moment it came into contact with clear water, the yellow silkworm cocoons turned white at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, which aroused Horn's amazement.

Next, in his disbelief, Luo Ning peeled off the silkworm cocoon, removed the dead silkworm chrysalis inside, then opened it with his hands and put it on the cotton ring made of a bamboo strip found in advance.

Despite a few failures, practice makes perfect and Luo Ning soon mastered the routine.

At first nothing could be seen from the thin layer of silk, but after Luo Ning folded seven or eight pieces, a piece of "cloth" appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"This step is called 'opening'. Stacking these dozen cocoons together can form a silk pocket."

Luo Ning introduced: "Make a few more silk pockets like this, then take them out, wash them twice, and dry them in the sun. Then you can cut, stretch, spread them, and stack them together to get a The bed is covered in silk quilt."

Horn carefully took the silk bag handed over by Luo Ning, his eyes full of disbelief.

He always thought that boiling cocoons was another way to eat silkworm chrysalises, but he never expected that what was in front of him was a special piece of cloth.

Jenny on the side also looked at this scene in shock.

At this moment, they finally understand why the lord is interested in sericulture. It turns out that it has such a wonderful effect!

"Sir, I am deeply impressed by your profound knowledge!"

Jenny bowed deeply to express her admiration, "Although I don't know what silk quilt you are talking about yet, I may have expected that that thing is definitely worth a lot of money!"

"That's natural." Luo Ning smiled.

Although there is fighting magic in this world, food, clothing, housing and transportation are also indispensable. There will always be people who need good things, especially things that represent noble status are extremely valuable.

"Horn, since you are interested in sericulture, you can try more, but you have to be careful to keep the silkworm seeds and don't try them all."

“Also, this is just one of the ways the cocoon can be used, we can also spin silk,” he suggested.

"Snatching?" Horn was very curious and listened with his ears straightened up.

"You can think of a silkworm cocoon as a ball surrounded by a thread. All we have to do is find out the thread ends, and then condense seven or eight silk threads together to form a thread."

Luo Ning gestured and said, "Then we can use these silk threads to weave cloth and make clothes."

His description was still too abstract, and both Horn and Jenny were in a state of being like scumbags listening to the teacher's math class.

But this did not prevent the two of them from admiring and marveling at Luo Ning. Just like Horn said - although I don't understand it, I feel it is amazing.

Horn looked at the silk bag in his hand and thought of eating so many silkworm chrysalis and throwing away so many cocoons. He suddenly felt like a waste of resources.

While the two were talking, McCann came in from outside, "Sir, Redal and Tom are already here."


Luo Ning introduced to Jenny and Horn: "Redal is my commander, I'm going to meet him. Horn, if you are interested, you can try to open the cotton first, and we will study how to draw silk later." .”

After saying that, he left the kitchen,

Horn and Jenny were not aware of Ronin's intention of calling Redal over. They just thought it was to deal with Slain.

After the two of them withdrew their gaze, they began to lower their heads and carefully observe the silk bags in their hands.

"This thing is so light!"

Jenny stroked it, "If it can be made into a quilt as Master Luo Ning said, it must be very light."

"In addition to quilts, it can also be made into clothes. The adults said that more than a thousand cocoons can make a silk dress."

Horn emphasized: "My lord also said that in the future, we will recruit dyers to make colorful silk. The dresses made from it will be much rarer than ordinary noble dresses!"

He looked at his wife seriously, "I must make a dress like this for you and Irene!"

Jenny was very moved, "I believe you can do it!"

In Luoning's temporary room, he met Ruidal and Tom who came from the Qingzhu tribe.

"Sir, Wilson arrived safely at the Qingzhu Tribe yesterday and has started the census today."

Redal reported on the situation there, "With the assistance of Zhuweite and Sim, the people of the Qingzhu tribe are more cooperative. According to Wilson, he can complete the registration work today."

Luo Ning nodded. There were only more than 300 people in the Qingzhu tribe, and their residences were relatively concentrated. It was indeed not difficult.

Back to topic.

"Jenny and Horn should be fine, but it's necessary for you to come over."

Luo Ning said: "If things progress as Jenny expected, then the people from the Gray Earth Tribe will probably arrive here later. Reddale Tom, you take people to hide in the mountains and forests on both sides, and wait until they come in before breaking up." There is no way out."

The Ziguo tribe is like a crater with an indentation. If you block the way back, you will be invited to enter the urn, close the door and beat the dog.

"Don't worry, leave it to us!"

Redal smiled and said, "I heard from the political officer that the savage tribe in the forest has existed for twenty years. I didn't expect you to have solved most of them so quickly. If the outside world hears it, I'm afraid they will be amazed at your ability!"

"They just don't want to put in the effort."

Luo Ning shook his head. If the nobles were determined to get rid of the savage tribe, they could still do it, but they didn't have the motivation, let alone bear the losses.

The reason why he was able to conquer so quickly was because, on the one hand, it was a blitzkrieg. The Qingzhu tribe did not react at all and formed a strong resistance, while the Ziguo tribe surrendered without any resistance.

It was getting late, and Jenny had arranged for the servants to prepare dinner. In the warehouse, Horn followed the method taught by Luo Ning to select better silkworm cocoons to keep as silkworm seeds. This time, the number of silkworm seeds was larger, and hundreds of them were prepared. .

Redal, Tom and others went out early to ambush, but McCann stayed by Luoning's side, acting as a personal guard.

"How was the statistics today?"

Luo Ning was sitting on the chair in the living room, looking at several pieces of parchment handed over by Eileen, which recorded the other party's statistical information.

Erin stuck out her tongue, a little embarrassed, "It's not finished yet. Give me another morning and I will definitely finish it!"

Ronin checked with a smile.

There are almost no special craftsmen in the savage tribe. A few people have the words mason and carpenter after their names, but the specific level is not clear.

But for Luo Ning, anyone with some basic knowledge in these directions can use it.

"Your handwriting is good, much better than Wilson's."


Little girl Erin was so happy when she heard this compliment that she even jumped a little.

Luo Ning didn't understand why the other party was so excited, but he still nodded, "Of course, I never tell lies."

He was indeed telling no lies. Eileen's writing was neat and her comfort while browsing was indeed better than Wilson's.

I didn’t finish registration today, probably because I was unfamiliar with it at first.

Luo Ning handed the parchment back to the other party, "Come on, but your magic talent is good, don't forget to practice. To me, the value of a powerful magician is much greater than that of a political officer!"

Administrative officers can be trained in batches, but magicians cannot.

What Luo Ning likes about Irene has always been her magic talent.

"grown ups!"

While they were talking, a guard ran over from outside, "There are horses coming in the distance. The commander asked me to inform you that they may be people from the Gray Earth Tribe."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows and asked, "How many people are here?"

"There seem to be more than a dozen of them. It's too far to see them clearly."

"Okay, let's go and inform Jenny and Horn that we are open to welcome guests."

Thanks to book friend 157310 for the reward, and thanks to more than a dozen readers for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets this month~ I’m a little busy at the end of the year, so I don’t have time to read and comment on some interactive information. Please forgive me.


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