Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 92 The King of 92 Last Strikes

Chapter 92 The King of Last Strikes

Slaine considers himself the leader of the tripartite alliance. He has visited the Qingzhu and Ziguo tribes more than once, and he has long regarded these two allies as his own. πŸ²πŸ΅π˜€π—΅π˜‚π˜….𝗰𝗼𝗺

After getting the news from Lauren, he excitedly led the team and rushed here non-stop, not only to rescue Jenny and Irene, but also to annex the Ziguo tribe.

But he never expected that when he led his men into the cottage, he would see Jenny and Horn walking towards each other. Their loving looks were very dazzling. There was no trace of being imprisoned.

"Is this?" Slain looked stunned.

Mam's expression changed, and he whispered a reminder: "Oh no, Jenny is indeed a liar! Sir, I suggest you withdraw from the stronghold first!"

The three knights and several cavalrymen next to them also changed their expressions, but Slain sneered.

"What are you afraid of? Can they still beat us?"

At this moment, rapid footsteps came from behind them, but it was Ruidal and Tom who led the team and blocked the retreat from the rear.

Slain looked back and felt bad.

He turned back and stared at Jenny with a stern look, "Damn bitch, how dare you lie to me!"

Jenny was not angry about this, but instead wore a faint smile, "I'm sorry Slain, I did lie to you. However, I also brought you an opportunity to get rid of your status as a 'savage'."

She took a step forward, "This is Baron Luo Ning. He is the lord of Shanlin Town and a bloodline of the Wushan family. He has conquered the Qingzhu tribe with his strength and killed Knight Willy. I also led my His followers surrendered to him, now it’s your turn to choose.”

"As a former ally, I kindly remind you that loyalty to Lord Luo Ning is your only choice."

Everyone in the Gray Earth Tribe was shocked by Jenny's introduction, especially Mamu. He had imagined that the Purple Fruit Tribe and the Black Collar Tribe would unite, but he never expected that a noble would suddenly appear in the Wubei Woodland, and This nobleman is a family member of the Lord of Wushan Territory.

"Baron of Shanlin Town? From the Wushan family?"

Slaine turned his angry gaze to Ronin, his brows furrowed.

No wonder, no wonder he felt uncomfortable when he just glanced at the silver-haired boy. Didn't the leader of the noble coalition who originally chased them have silver hair?

However, it was impossible for him to surrender to a noble.

Slaine's greatest wish is to become a noble himself, or, if he is not a noble, to be the leader of a party. This is much happier than being loyal to others.

Even for him, surrendering to the black-collar tribe was more comfortable than being loyal to the nobles.

He slowly pulled out the long sword hanging on Ma Bei, narrowed his small eyes, and said coldly: "Silver-haired brat, you want me to surrender to you, dream!"


Slayin suddenly clamped the horse's belly and launched a direct charge, leaving no chance for Luo Ning to negotiate.

Jenny is right, this person is confident, arrogant, conceited and has no brains.

"Sir, be careful!"

Jenny exclaimed, and the Horn Knight next to him was ready to take action.

Their surrender was true, and they didn't want to see anything happen to Luo Ning.

But there are people who are faster than them.

McCann, who was always guarding Luoning, had already taken action when the opponent started to charge.

He trampled the ground violently, and the surging fighting spirit poured out. The ground shook violently. Halfway through the opponent's charge, the ground suddenly rose up, forming an earth wall barrier.

"Break it for me!"

Slayin roared loudly, and struck the earth wall with a sharp sword light, shattering the earth wall into pieces. At the same time, fighting spirit enveloped his body and the horse's body, forming a huge galloping armor.

With a leap on his horse, Slain stepped over the broken earth wall and broke through.

Luo Ning's eyes lit up. This Slaine's fighting style was very arrogant. If he conquered the opponent, he would be considered to have gained a strong general.

But soon, his idea was extinguished.

McCann was not afraid at all. Even without a war horse, his speed was extremely fast in a short distance. The two sides came towards each other and met each other almost instantly.


Slayin was condescending and stabbed McCann with his sword. He didn't expect that this knight was so unafraid of death that he dared to bring down his sword.

The moment McCann passed by the opponent's horse, he seized the opportunity to attack and faced the opponent with a powerful sword.

The long swords clashed, and Peiran's power exploded on the sword.

McCann was knocked back by the shock, and Slaine was knocked out like a kite with a broken string. He hit the ground heavily and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The war horse he was sitting on was also overturned by the force of the blow. Due to its inertia, it plowed the ground for more than ten meters and stopped a few meters away from Luo Ning.

"Elrond, quickly, go treat this horse!" Ronin ordered quickly.

Elrond has finished making the healing spell scroll in the past two days. In addition to practicing, he will see if there is anyone in the Qingzhu and Ziguo tribes who needs his treatment.

If there is any, he will throw in a healing spell, which can not only make the injured people get up and do something, but also spread the kindness of the lord.

Now I didn't expect that his healing skills were actually used on horses.

Well, horses do cost a bit.

"As you wish, sir!" The light magician accepted the order happily.

When they started to save the horse, Slain climbed up from the dust. His face was frightened and his expression changed drastically. This baron was a bit strong.

"Mam, attack, let's all go together and kill this nobleman. We will still be the king of the forest!"

The roar woke up Mamu, who was shocked by the battle just now, and his mind changed rapidly.

For him, surrender is also not a good option because he betrayed Jenny.

Now that Jenny surrendered to Luo Ning first and offered such a good strategy, she must have won the favor of the baron. If he surrenders now, he will most likely be executed at the request of Jenny.

At that time, the young baron would most likely agree to the request.

"Slayin is dead. As long as I lead people to break out of the encirclement, I can become the leader myself when I return to the Gray Earth Tribe! Then I can cooperate with the Black Collar Tribe and rely on the power behind the other party. I don't have to be afraid of this baron."

In an instant, Mam thought of an escape route, "Babulin, and everyone else, Slaine is no longer alive, rush out with me if you want to survive, the only thing left behind is death! That Baron and Jenny are I won’t let everyone go!”

Without any hesitation, he immediately turned the horse's head and rushed out instead of complying with Slaine's words and charging towards Ronin.

Bablin, three other junior knights, and five cavalrymen were stunned for a moment, then without hesitation, they turned their horses and followed Mam to charge outside.

Many things in the Gray Earth Tribe were arranged by Mam, and they trusted each other's judgment.

"Betrayal, damn it, how dare you betray me!"

Slain roared angrily, his eyes turned red, and the fighting spirit in his body became extremely manic, "Kill!"

He couldn't control that much now. He only had a chance to survive by breaking through McCann's defense and seizing Luo Ning as a hostage.

However, no matter how he charged or changed his offensive, he was tightly defended by McCann and could not move forward at all.

On the other side, Ma Mu and others were about to rush out, but they were greeted by a large fire cloud.

The fire cloud was like a red cloth covering the sky, covering them!

The war horse neighed in fear and immediately faltered.

The cavalryman on the horse was unsteady and fell to the ground immediately. Mamuti's sword, which was slightly faster in reaction, slashed with fighting spirit, but was thrown away by the impact of the fire cloud and fell off the horse.

Redal waved his sword and said, "Take them down!"

Tom, Wharton, Dandy and others led the guards and militia to immediately surround them.

The battle ended quickly. Under the leadership of Redal, none of the ten people including Mamu escaped. They were all taken out and pushed to their knees on the ground. Two swords were placed on their necks, and they did not dare to move. .

At the same time, Slayin, who had been completely beaten by McCann, was beaten to the ground and could not stand up.

Jenny and Horn looked at the battle in front of them in shock. They didn't expect that Luo Ning could win so easily against these people from the Gray Earth Tribe.

Their eyes flickered to McCann and Redal.

The fighting power these two people just showed is so strong. They definitely have high-level peak strength, and can even rival bronze-level knights.

On the other hand, Luo Ning never made a single move from beginning to end. This calm and composed state shows that he is very aware of and trusts the strength of his subordinates.

Jenny and Horn were very fortunate that they surrendered voluntarily that night.

Ronin walked up to McCann, "How do you feel about letting you use your fists and kicks this time?"

McCann smiled and said: "Thank you for this opportunity, sir. It's just that this guy is too weak. I'm afraid I can defeat him when I am an intermediate knight."

Si Lain, who was next to him, heard Luo Ning approaching and turned around to stare at Luo Ning.

A few hours ago, he was still enjoying the service of others and the leader who could decide the lives and deaths of hundreds of people. Now he became someone else's prisoner.

And the initiator of all this was the silver-haired guy in front of him.

"I am going to kill you!"

Slayin clenched the sword on the ground. His extreme hatred prevented him from letting go of his obsession. If he hadn't been unable to stand up, he would have definitely pounced on Luo Ning.

"Should I praise you for being a real man, or should I say that you don't understand current affairs?"

Ronin took the sword from McCann's hand.

Originally, he wanted to try to see if he could use the other party for his own purposes, but it was no longer necessary now.

First of all, the opponent is not strong, just careless;

Secondly, and most importantly, Slaine's extremely hateful look just now made Luoning feel very uncomfortable. This kind of hatred cannot be eliminated by restoring his status as a free citizen.

All things considered, even if such a person stays, he is likely to become a disaster in the future.


Luo Ning pierced the opponent's throat with a sword, ending Slaine's life.

["King of Slaughter" achievement achieved, attribute points +80, energy essence +160]

"Please call me the king of last hits." Luo Ning thought to himself.

New πŸ…‡.πŸ„²πŸ„ΎπŸ„Ό

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