Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 93 93 Unexpected Information


The last time the King of Killing achievement was triggered was when he killed the Skull and Bones magician Pedro on the way to Hillwood Town for the first time. new

Today, Luo Ning also happened to take the opportunity to kill Slaine to complete the requirement of [Killing Level 3 Extraordinary Units].

He checked the achievement interface and saw that the King of Slaughter achievement had been updated.

[King of Killing]: Kill any level 4 extraordinary unit, reward: attribute points +200, energy essence +400

Although the rewards this time are much higher than the previous three times, if the fourth-level extraordinary unit is a human, it will be a bronze-level knight or a great magician.

Extraordinaries of this level generally have some status and background, and it is not an easy task to kill them.

For example, if a certain family has a bronze-level knight, even if he and Luo Ning have a dispute and are killed, if the dispute is not serious enough to cost his life, then Luo Ning may face serious accountability from the family.

However, if it were a Warcraft, that would be easier to say.

Anyway, the achievement can be completed with just one last hit. Luo Ning will enter Wushan a few times when the time comes. He should be able to encounter level 4 monsters, right?

"Sir, what should we do with these people?"

Redal came over and asked, pointing at the people of the Gray Earth Tribe who were being controlled and kneeling on the ground.

Luo Ning walked over and scanned the group of people, "Which ones are professional knights?"

"I, I am!"

"Me too!"

"Me too……"

A total of five professional knights, including Mam, rushed to respond.

In this world, professional knights are more popular than ordinary people even if they are defeated. Even if the victors do not need their allegiance, they can be sold to the slave exchange, so that they can still survive.

Luo Ning nodded slightly and looked at the remaining five cavalrymen, "Are you willing to be loyal to me, or do you want to be like Slaine and would rather die than surrender?"

These prisoners all rushed to say "I do". At this moment, they had no other thoughts.

Even Mam, who had just escaped, was like this. Since he couldn't escape, he could only kneel down and beg for mercy. If Jenny pursues him, he will risk his life and beg for forgiveness, all just to survive.

"I accept your allegiance, but I don't like traitors."

Luo Ning finally looked at Mamu. This person reminded him of a legendary figure - Lu Bu, a slave with the third surname.

But after all, Lu Bu has real abilities, but this Mam is far from it.

Luo Ning conquered the savage tribe too easily this time. The image he showed on the outside was that of a kind person who was willing to forgive others, and was not too harsh.

Kindness is indeed a good quality, but being kind blindly will have the opposite effect, making people think that he is too talkative.

Now, all the existing extraordinary beings from these three tribes are present, which is just the right time for these surrendered people to know what can be done and what must not be done.

"Jenny, I heard you say that this Mamu was originally from your Ziguo tribe, right?"

Luo Ning looked back at Jenny, only to find that as the battle ended, many people from the Purple Fruit Tribe gathered around to watch the fun, and the timid Erin also stood beside her parents.

Facing this question, Jenny didn’t know how to answer it for a while.

Saying just kill him seems to be too stingy;

When it comes to sparing Mam's life, I don't know what Luo Ning is thinking.

However, considering that the other party just said "I don't like traitors", she pondered slightly and replied: "Mamu betrayed the Ziguo tribe first, and betrayed Srein second. I'm afraid the word betrayal has been imprinted on him. on the soul."

"My lord, since you don't like traitors, then sell him to the slave exchange." She gave her answer.

Mam, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately defended, "Jenny, I had no choice but to join the Gray Earth Tribe. The Black Collar Tribe is very strong and has a backer. If the Gray Earth Tribe cannot stop it, our three-party alliance will soon be hacked." Lead and devour!”

Mamu's tone was firm, as if he had done nothing wrong, "I am thinking about the tripartite alliance and our three tribes. Joining the Gray Earth Tribe is to make the tripartite alliance stronger and to enable us all to survive. ! This is not betrayal!”

Jenny snorted coldly, "It's not betrayal, then why do you come here to persuade me again and again, and even threaten that if you don't join Huitu, my family will be ruined sooner or later?"

Luo Ning raised his hand and stopped the two of them from talking.

"You just said that the black-collar tribe has a backer?"

Luo Ning caught this word. He was curious, what kind of backing would a savage tribe have? Could it be that in addition to these four tribes, there is another big tribe?

"Dear Lord Baron, the Black Collar Tribe does have a backer!"

Mam's fierce rebuttal to Jenny immediately turned into a respectful tone for Ronin, "Baron Leisen of the Thain Territory is his backer. If it weren't for the support of the Thain Territory, the black-collar tribe would not have developed so much. Quick, you can challenge the three of us."

Luo Ning was surprised and wanted to laugh.

Well, after going round and round, Thain Ling was actually involved.

"Is that so?" Luo Ning confirmed again with some suspicion.

"Such an adult!"

Beads of sweat broke out on Mam's forehead. He was under great pressure now, and he only hoped that this useful information could change the Baron's attitude towards him.

"This is what Slaine told me. He said that the leader of the Black Collar Tribe, Joffrey, once used this excuse to win over him. Unfortunately, Slaine wanted to be the leader himself, so he refused."

He pointed at Bablin beside him and said, "I had not joined the Gray Earth Tribe at that time, but Babulin was present and he knew it."

Luo Ning looked at the middle-aged prisoner who was also kneeling on the ground, "Really?"

"Yes sir!"

Bablin lowered his head and did not dare to look directly into Ronin's eyes, "I was indeed present at the time and heard it with my own ears."

Luo Ning nodded slowly, convinced of the information.

It seems that Baron Leisen not only wants to get involved in Shanlin Town, but also wants to annex all the savage tribes in Wubei Woodland.

Perhaps the other party had the same idea as Luo Ning, and wanted to absorb the entire northern part of Wushan Territory into his own territory and become the strongest ruler in the north.

"Although you made up a somewhat convincing reason for betraying the Ziguo Tribe, you escaped from the battlefield and ignored your master. The fact that you betrayed Slaine is obvious to all."

The topic returned to dealing with Mam, "I don't like to use betrayal people, and I don't want to be betrayed by my own men one day. I will not accept your plea for mercy, and I am not prepared to sell you to the slave exchange."

"No, you can't!"

Mamu trembled all over, "Sir, although my strength is not the strongest, my management ability and wisdom are stronger than them! As long as you are willing to let me live, I will follow your footsteps until death."

manage? wisdom?

Luo Ning really didn't see it.

He waved his hand, "It would be better for the betrayer to die."


Mam's eyes widened and he tried to struggle to resist, but his throat was cut open by the cold sword. He only felt weak all over, and then fell softly to the ground.

The smell of blood wafted through the Ziguo tribe's stronghold, and Mamu's body lying on the ground drew a red line to those who surrendered to Ronin in recent days, letting them know that some things were not allowed to be done.

"McCann, I'll leave these prisoners to you. Use them if you can. You guys who are dishonest can do what you want."

Luo Ning ordered: "Ruidal, you go ahead and take them to take over the Gray Earth Tribe tomorrow. Oh, by the way, if Wilson has completed the census of the Green Bamboo Tribe, take him there too."

This time he did not go to the Gray Earth Tribe in person, but chose to let Redal take over. He still had some things to deal with here.

After the place is settled, he will go over and show his face for inspection.

Since the Black Collar Tribe has the Thain Territory intervening, they cannot simply deal with it.

If the other party reported his annexation of the savage tribe to the authorities and arranged for a pioneer knight or a small baron to take over the land, there would be unnecessary trouble.

It would be better to maintain the status quo for a while and wait for the right time before Luo Ning legally takes over all the land north of Shanlin Town as his own.

He should be a viscount by then, right?

Viscount of Wubei Territory.

"Jenny, Horn, I'll leave the cleaning up to you."

Luo Ning ordered the two of them easily.

"No problem, sir!"

Luo Ning chuckled and looked at Eileen aside, but found that there was some fear and avoidance in the other person's eyes. Could it be that what just happened made this little guy feel scared?

It is indeed easy for people to feel fear when one word can decide a person's life or death.

Ronin smiled and touched Eileen's head, then walked towards the house, "Elrond, come with me."


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