Light up this gene.

That means that.

Lu Cang builds small buildings, which can build more numbers.

For example, the Blood Mist Flower.

After lighting up this study, 10,000 blood mist flowers took up only 1 neuron.

As well as the blastocyst, the original 1 occupies 1 point neuron

It also becomes 100 neurons that occupy 1 point.

There is a huge increase in the maximum capacity of the building.

Relieved the problem of nervous nervous cells in Lu Cang.

After all, at this stage, Lu Cang’s actual neuronal capacity seems to be somewhat insufficient.

There are so many buildings that need to be built.

However, at this stage of the small building, only the embryo sac, blood mist flower.

As for the rest.

Both are medium-sized buildings, as well as large buildings.


Lu Cang unlocked these three studies.

This is a must.

Unlocks with these three studies.

Lu Cang’s Nairo River also unlocks the building.

“It just so happens that within Cangcheng, the construction speed is ten times higher.”

The range of Cangcheng is the city pool, and the radius of fifty kilometers extending outward from the city pool.

All belong to the scope of Cangcheng.

Also enjoy the bonus of construction speed.

Lu Cang directly divided the outside of Cangcheng into a circle of territory.

The blood pool does not occupy any neurons.

Therefore, the Nero River does not need any neurons.

Lu Cang built a large number of Blood Mist Flowers.

Also, remove the Blood Mist Flower from the city.

The role of the Blood Mist Flower.

It’s not just about shading a place.

If used properly, it can greatly enhance the ability to defend the city.

A river gradually formed on the outskirts of Cangcheng.

Blood spread from the edge of the city walls toward the outside of the city.

The covered area of the Blood Mist Flower is the boundary of the Nairo River.

Now, the coverage area of the Blood Mist Flower in Cangcheng City is exactly the same as the territorial scope of Cangcheng.

After the Nairo River is built, once the enemy enters the blood curtain.

What awaited them was a foot into the Nairo River.

Directly dissolved on the spot.

The Blood Mist Flower floats on the surface of the river.

These blood mist flowers formed small sheltered areas.

Even if there are units that can resist the corrosion of the Nairo River.

They enter the Nairo River, but they will still lose contact with each other because of the cover of the blood mist flower.

If they want to get in touch with each other.

The distance between them cannot be too far.

But if the distance is too dense…

Lu Cang could only say.

The enemies gathered together are the best targets.

What could be better to attack than a cluster of enemies?

Cangcheng has been transformed by Lu Cang and has become easier to defend.

The original city of Bayer had a trading demand and needed lords to settle in.

But Lu Cang had no need for this.

It is possible to directly transform the city to be more defensive and protective.

The Nairo River is not slow to build.

In Cangcheng, under fifty times the construction speed, there is no such thing as slowness.

Just half an hour.

The river of blood is already fully formed.

The river completely envelops Cangcheng.

Lu Cang also knew the role of this river.

This river is the moving flesh and blood.

Building by yourself can actually be built in the blood.

and move through the blood of the river.

If you want to fix it.

The rivers in that area can also form flesh and blood.

Turns into a flesh-and-blood ground that can be trampled on.

Very convenient.

If Lu Cang built a building on the river, he could move it directly from the north to the south.

Lu Cang in the Far East region, also began to manufacture the Nairobi River

However, the manufacturing speed is much slower than Cangcheng.

The lords outside didn’t know what was happening in the Cangcheng City yet.

They were still waiting for the opportunity to attack Cangcheng.

But what they don’t know is that the more they wait, the more unlikely, the more slim the chance of counterattack.


All kinds of corpses are being analyzed.

Or devour.

Some of the more powerful parts of the tenth rank were sent to the prosthetic transplant workshop.

Processing is carried out.

Transplant the parts of their bodies that are worth using to other classes.

The blood bearer gets an exclusive prosthesis [explosive syringe]

You can change the attack method.

Instead of throwing the blood sac, the blood inside the blood sac is ejected through high pressure.

The single point of attack damage caused is greatly improved.

However, the ability to sputter and explode range has decreased.

Some units of the Creeper have obtained various types of weapons.

These creepers, after possessing strong learning abilities.

Through observation, I learned all kinds of human combat skills and classes, using knives, guns, sticks, and sword meteor hammers.

Thus, the use of weapons was learned.

The Prosthetic Transplant Workshop has tailored various types of weapons for creepers.

As the first reptile test object to use weapons.

I just don’t know how effective it is.

These weapons are completely tailored to creepers and have an additional special bonus effect for creepers.

【Secret steel stone knife】

【Creeper Exclusive Weapon】

[How to use: Suitable for four arms/six arms to grasp at the same time, get a huge strength bonus, greatly enhance the ability to slash.] 】

The creeper has four arms, while the creeper led by Rami has six arms.

This includes phantom limbs.

If it is simply grabbing, clapping, and waving, it is obvious that the full power of the extra arm can no longer be fully exerted.

And custom weapons, let the weapons play the full strength of the creeper.

is a better way out.

As the supreme class, it also obtains exclusive weapons.

Mira was given six knives.

However, it is not completely pure secret steel stone.

Instead, it is the fusion of “Absolute Steel” and “Secret Steel Stone”.

It is also a kind of Holy Order level material.

However, unlike the Secret Steel Stone.

This material is not a defensive type of material.

Instead, it is an attack enhancement type of material.

Its material can make the surrounding space tear effect.

All objects that come into contact with it are forcibly torn.

When the cut is caused, a fine space crack will appear.

All matter will fall towards this incision.

This material is extremely dangerous.

Just holding it and shaking it may make your own skin be split.

Even Lu Cang had his arm broken because he grabbed this [Absolute Steel].

It is a powerful material that can deal damage to Saint-level materials.

Of course, because of the scarcity of materials, this thing is generally only used on the blade.

Moreover, the collision strength of this material is not high.

Its effect is not to be in direct contact.

So, Ramy’s knife.

It is made of secret steel stone and this material.

Finally, the mixing forms the blade.

It has the hardness of the secret steel stone and the sharpness of the absolute steel.

This is also the peculiarity of prosthetic transplant workshops.

If it is a special gene, it is impossible to perfectly combine the properties of these two substances.

At most, each plays its own role.

With the blessing of the prosthetic transplant workshop, it can be completely mixed to form a completely new alloy.

【Secret Steel Gold】

Of course, because the essence still belongs to the secret steel stone and the reason for the absolute steel, even if it swallows this alloy.

Nor can you get new special genes.

The materials that Lu Cang obtained from the treasure trove.

That’s not all.

As one of the five capitals of the treasury.

Has a lot of materials of the Holy Order.

The Secret Steel Stone has three hundred units.

In addition to this, there are some element-specific enhanced Sacred Order materials.

Can be used to craft a magician’s staff.

For example, [Cloud Wood]

Can greatly enhance the power of wind elemental magic.

These materials are all very good materials.

They were all taken to the nest by Lu Cang and devoured one by one.

Originally, Lu Cang’s original intention was to devour materials.

Strengthen your own combat effectiveness.

However, since it is necessary to attack the treasure house.

It is better to directly occupy the city.

Now, just the best opportunity.

The Lords of the Holy Order were not available.

If you wait until the Holy Steps are free, then you really have passed through this village, and there will be no shop.

After Lu Cang had taken care of everything.

Look at the special props that Hengyuan gave him.

【Taboo inscription notes】

Among them, there are secrets about the Holy Order.

And, a unique building.

“Forbidden inscriptions.”

Lu Cang stood in the pool of blood, looking at this line.

At the same time, refer to the information sent by Hengyuan.

Interpret your notes.

The words on the notes, and the words used by the lord now, are not at all the same words.

Among the classes, there is another type, called the archaeologist, the decryptor.

It is specialized in this kind of work.

This type of class is generally used in the alliance as an auxiliary class.

Lu Cang and Hengyuan also added friends.

Refer to the text sent by Hengyuan and interpret it accordingly.

“The Holy Order can continuously increase its own strength by expanding its territory.”

“According to the scope of the territory, the Lords of the Holy Order are the three stages of the First Saint, the Most Holy and the Most Holy.”

“Between the Most Holy, there is a distinction between strength and weakness based only on territorial grades.”

“Above the Holy Order, there is a forbidden rank.”

“Lords of this rank can enter the forbidden zone of life without being affected by the laws of the forbidden zone.”

“There are many ways to ascend to the Divine Order, and once you choose one of them, you will not be able to change the promotion route.”

“Subsequent promotions are taboo, and advancement can only be completed in a way corresponding to the promotion of the Holy Rank.”

Lu Cang carefully read this passage.

Each of these words is an explosion of information.

Above the Holy Order, is there even a rank?

But also, there is a distinction between the Holy Orders between the strong and the weak, which has long been known.

Through this taboo inscription.

Lu Cang also probably knew how the strength of the Lords of the Holy Order was judged.

The Lords of the Holy Order, indeed, each of them controlled a large area.

A certain Holy Order Lord, who even directly occupied a third of the northern region, was able to directly fight with the Alliance.

“That is to say, I am now occupying the Far East, in fact, I am also paving the way for the post-Holy Steps.”

“Maybe I’ll wait until I reach the Holy Order.”

“You can become a mortal saint directly, or a supreme saint.”

“However, above the Holy Order, there are still taboos, and it seems that it is far from the end.”

“Let’s see how we get ahead.”

If he was the leader of the Alliance, he knew that Lu Cang was reading these news.

I am afraid that I will directly breathe to vomit blood.

He had spent decades studying.

Only through the research left by Electrolux continued and found a seemingly feasible path.

As for whether it is actually feasible or not, that has not been tried.

But Lu Cang was directly in the hands of the vice president of the Curse Society.

Almost equivalent to the way of white prostitutes, obtained the forbidden inscription.

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