Lu Cang directly obtained the complete promotion method.

Among them, not even any effort was made.

Most importantly, no time was wasted.

This comparison between the high and low judgments.

If the allies of the Alliance knew about it.

I really can’t sleep well for three days and three nights.

However, if it had to be said, Lu Cang was not completely without any effort.

If it weren’t for Lu Cang’s accumulation of so much prestige.

So many miracles have been created.

Vice President Heng Yuan would not decide to hand over the taboo inscription to Lu Cang.

It can even be said.

If Lu Cang hadn’t taken down the city of Bayer.

Hengyuan’s disposal of this taboo inscription must be considered for a period of time.

Just to rescue Porto’s words.

Far from being a hope of truly opposing the alliance.

The vice president was clear.

What a behemoth the League is.

But after taking the city of Bayer, everything became clear.

The bet was directly pressed on Lu Cang’s body.

Hengyuan, for Lu Cang, can be said to be a direct stud.

“Route 1, Sacrifice the Recipient, sacrifice ten different styles of Recipient Territory Core during the Red Moon, and complete the necessary promotion requirements for other Ten Order Territories to complete the promotion.”

“The way of sacrifice … As shown in the figure. ”

“The ritual destruction method that extracts the core of one of the cursed people can make it suffer the worst of reactions.”

“Other means of destruction, any way of undermining the integrity of the ritual, can be effective.”

“There are ways to destroy it.”

However, Lu Cang wrote down this destructive method.

Maybe you’ll use it.

“However, I already know this promotion method.”

“Route two, de-core, complete the ceremony with the core of your own territory as the medium, and complete the necessary requirements for the promotion of other Holy Order territories, and carry out promotion.”

“After the success of the ceremony, he was promoted to the rank of Holy Order Lord, and he himself was the core of the territory, unable to be resurrected and lost all territory.”

“The combat effectiveness is far beyond that of the same rank of Saint Rank troops, and the follow-up cannot be promoted to the Forbidden Route.”

“Is the negative impact that big?”

“Can’t be promoted taboo.”

“If there is no negative impact in the back, Lu Cang still wants to try this route.”

“But think about it.”

As a lord, the greatest advantage is its own territory.

And if you lose this advantage, you can only say that you picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

Shepherd is at the end.

“The third promotion route.”

“The greedy route.”

“Before promotion, expand the territorial scope as much as possible, the larger the territorial scope, the higher the success rate.”

“The territorial core of the Holy Order Lords is needed as a medium, at least one, up to ten.”

“The more you have, the higher the success rate and the stronger the effect.”

“In this way, after promotion, all classes of the army, the lowest rank is at least the Holy Rank.”

“The strength of the flesh is equal to the intensity of the renunciation of territory.”

This is strong.

Lu Cang saw this prompt.

The heart is all cheerful.

After all, giants can have all the advantages of both ways of promotion.

Most importantly, all classes are holy orders.

That’s a bit outrageous.

Although it is said that Lu Cang’s current class, after evolving to the highest, can reach a grade equivalent to the nest level.

But the question is.

This also requires devouring evolution.

And, the lowest holy order, does this include the ascension of the territory itself?

If it is a basic holy level, then evolve and ascend later.

What level of existence does each class have?

Can it reach the taboo?

Or is it the difference between the First Holy and the Most Holy within the Holy Order?

For the division of classes above the Holy Order.

Lu Cang was not clear.

Only to know, at least in the eyes of those below the Holy Order.

Of the Holy Order classes you see, there is only one rank of the Holy Order.

Obviously, however, there is also a difference between the Holy Orders.

There are 250-meter sky giants and there are also 450-meter sky giants.

Both are imperial grades, but they are the difference between cloud and mud.

“There are only three ways to get promoted.”

“It seems that if you can’t find a fourth way to promote, you can only choose from these three.”

“But it doesn’t seem like I have a choice.”

Because Lu Cang saw the promotion route of the cursed person.

Cursed people are promoted in the form of a way.

Requires 1000 number of Cursed Core to complete the same ritual and be promoted to [Taboo]

And the second route cannot be promoted to taboo.

The only option is the third route.

After completing the exploration of a forbidden area of life and achieving certain results, it can be promoted to taboo.

This result is very vague.

But Lu Cang believes that this should be the route that is most likely to be completed.

After all, all the cursed people now add up to no one thousand.

Even if you want to kill the cursed person, it seems that killing all of them is not enough.

“It’s too early to think about that, though.”

He was only a sixth-order territory now.

Just thinking about how to promote taboo things.

This is also too far ahead.

“The Nairo River has been built.”

“Just right, see which buildings are unlocked.”

“After building the derivatives, you can advance to the seventh level of territory.”

This promotion speed can indeed be said to be a rocket promotion.


Hengyuan returned to its own territory.

After leaving Cangcheng.

He also got a reminder from Lu Cang.

Get a reminder from Lu Cang.

Hengyuan also began to pay attention to the actions of Dark Jun.

In the Curse Society, there may be Alliance spies.

In fact, Hengyuan did not think of it.

Especially those who, under siege by the Alliance, have survived miraculously.

There is a problem no matter how you think about it.

Lu Cang’s counterattack was completely crushed, but it was an exception among exceptions.


【Simon City】

The teleportation array is being built one by one.

King Bimon sent a message to [Binulu].

“Binulu, your exploits, we have all seen.”

“The human world is indeed rich in resources.”

“The Terran Lords are indeed weak and are good targets for invasion.”

“You are our hero of the Bimon people.”

“When the teleportation array is built, more troops will teleport over.”

“Crush the human lord with the force of destruction and decay.”

“This world is already Beamon’s.”

King Beamon was in a very happy mood.

After he learned that there were only eight Holy Order Lords in the human race.

He couldn’t close his mouth with a smile.

There are only eight Lords of the Holy Order?

What can be done?

Isn’t this the cabbage that was delivered to Beamon for killing?

Isn’t this just waiting for them to harvest the resource baby?

For the disappearance of this east side fog.

King Beamon can only say one word, thanking nature for its gifts.

Use this to express your deep gratitude.

This human world is really an oasis in the middle of the desert.


【Corpse Purification Plant】

【Underground Blood Spring】

【Diversion – Nairobi River】

【Blood mesoderm sac】

With the completion of the construction of the Nairo River.

Three derivative buildings also appeared.

A corpse purification plant that can dispose of corpses in large quantities.

Dump the remains into the Nairo River.

In the purification plant, [Flesh and Blood Essence] will be generated.

Direct analysis of [flesh and blood essence] can allow the parsing capsule to parse out multiple results at once.

Directly devouring the essence of flesh and blood can directly obtain all the special genes that can be unlocked.

Rather than dragging the corpses and letting the nests swallow one by one.

This is much more convenient.

However, for resources or items, if they are materials that cannot be dissolved, they still need to be swallowed one by one.

For example, the Secret Steel Stone.

The Nero River cannot dissolve.

Of course, if it is a material that can be dissolved, it is still a matter of throwing it into the river.

[Underground Blood Spring], it is matched with meat tubes.

All the meat tubes were infused with blood by the Nairo River.

The speed of the flesh and blood units in the meat tube has once again been greatly improved.

Originally, it took ten seconds to get from the nest to Cangcheng.

Now, it only takes a second.

Moreover, the Nero River has all the effects of the blood pool on its own units.

It can recover from all injuries and remove all abnormal states.

As for the [diversion – Nairo River]

It gives the Nairo River the ability to extend.

More and smaller tributaries can be formed continuously, spreading far and wide.

Expand your impact.

The area covered by the Nairo River is also counted as the territory of Lu Cang.

It also has an assimilating effect.

It greatly improved Lu Cang’s territorial expansion ability.

Larger expansions are possible.

As for the Blood Mesoderm Sac

It is a completely unique new building.

This building is used to create classes in liquids.

That is, the equivalent of other lords’ [navy]

After the completion of the construction of the moat.

Lu Cang was also about to have a class of troops fighting in the water.

The world is big, except for the Endless Sea.

There are other seas.

However, the sea in the human world is a normal sea area.

There is no air-forbidden characteristic, nor is it strongly corrosive.

It’s just ordinary seawater.

And there are some lords, whose territories are on islands, or even, in the sea.

They have a powerful underwater combat class.

Lu Cang’s current troops, if they were fighting in the sea, would indeed be a little inadequate.

At least the blood-bearer has completely lost its effect.

Throwing blood sacs from the sky can be used for farts.

As for the creepers, maybe they can swim, but the fighting power in the water…

I haven’t seen it, and I don’t know if it’s strong or not.

But from the point of view, it is not much stronger.

And the Blood Giant is in the water…

The Blood Giant was full of high-density muscles, afraid that it would sink faster.

Moreover, the Blood Giant’s use of fighting skills in the water is afraid that the power is greatly reduced.

As for Roshan…

I am afraid that if I sink directly into the depths of the ocean, it will be of no use.

In any case, the troops on land are basically not suitable for fighting in the water.


These derivative buildings are more like functional modules of the Nairo River than they are buildings.

Some things, which are not classified as inside the building, simply add new functions to the Nairo River.

However, this is also normal.

After all, it is a derivative entry.

These buildings have nothing to worry about in terms of flesh and blood and speed of construction.

Lu Cang’s current flesh and blood volume is calculated in hundreds of billions.

At home, Roshan is like a bulldozer transforming the secret steel stone.

Lu Cang was not worried about what was all transformed into a waste of flesh and blood.

As long as Lu Cang was willing, he could transform his flesh and blood into secret steel stones at any time.

After all, the study of [reverse transcription] has been unlocked.

Subsequently, Lu Cang looked at the unique building recorded in the Forbidden Inscription.

This building has a name that sounds quite awesome both in past lives and in this life.

【World Tree-Template】

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