
Yin Luan looked at the scene of Qingfeng circling in circles, and some of them could not speak.

“If you come in as an enemy, it will be the same result.”

Lu Cang said plainly.

Killing a Saint Order Lord was not difficult.

But trapping him, it’s hard.

Unless this Order intends to commit suicide.

But the consequences of the suicide of the Holy Order were much more serious than the suicide of ordinary lords.

All the lords were jealous of offering sacrifices to that being.

The more advanced and powerful the lord.

The more you can feel the fear that that exists.

Even if you die, you must not sacrifice to revive it.

It’s not about harming anyone, or subverting the world.

This is just a vague concept.

But this concept is like a steel seal of thought.

Deeply engraved in the minds of all lords.

Can’t kill yourself.

No sacrifices can be made.

He cannot be revived.

Even if you want revenge on anyone, even if you want to destroy the whole world, even if you want to take revenge on everything in the world.

He could not be revived for any purpose.

Don’t try to use Him to achieve your crazy ends.

“Come with me.”

“Tell me, by the way, what do you do?”

“You should be able to know that the Holy Order is not very powerful in front of me.”

Yin Luan heard Lu Cang say this.

He subconsciously followed Lu Cang.

It seems that after entering this city, it seems that he has boarded a thief’s ship.

If you want to get off the boat, you can’t get off.

“I’m in possession of confidential information about the Alliance.”

“It can help you deal with the alliance more effectively.”


“That’s really cooperative.”

“Can be elaborated.”

Lu Cang and she chatted as they walked through the streets of Cangcheng.

In Yin Luan’s eyes, what he saw Cangcheng was a shocking scene.

Many of the Tenth Order Lords were wrapped in flesh and blood, suspended in mid-air.

Nor was he killed.

“Oh, these are hostages, used to negotiate with the Alliance.”

“What do you think?”

Seeing these hanging lords, Yin Luan responded lightly.

“The Alliance doesn’t care if these Tenth Order Lords are alive or dead.”

Yin Luan was not frightened by such a sight.

Surviving in the world of lords, she had already seen countless winds and waves.

Although she is a female lord.

But in any case, it is to survive in a chaotic world and ascend to the existence of the Holy Order.

This means of using hostages for negotiations.

It’s not new.

The Alliance really didn’t care about these lords.


It seems that these hostages are not threatening.

At best, he tortured them and killed them.

But what about killing?

Can be resurrected anyway.

The league didn’t care at all.

“I was negligent.”

Lu Cang’s hand lightly closed, and those walls of flesh instantly tightened.

Lords, squeezed, died instantly.

And the items and materials carried by these lords were scattered on the ground.

After the lord dies, some of the contents of the backpack will also fall out.

That’s why lords need warehouses to store things.

Otherwise, it is all stored in the backpack.

Lu Cang’s own backpack basically didn’t have any particularly important items.

Important items are all swallowed up by the nest and kept on their behalf.

If it is used, it can be directly reversed and recorded.

The reverse transcription of the item, exactly the same as before the devouring, will not change at all.

See Lu Cang’s behavior like this.

Yin Luan was not surprised.

Compared to these resurrectable beings who die.

He was still amazed at the magnificence of this city of flesh and blood.

“By the way, how many life exclusion zones are there?”

Lu Cang suddenly remembered something, so he threw out this question and asked Xiang Yinluan.

When Yin Luan heard this question, he didn’t think about it at all.

Instead, he replied.

“Four, the forbidden area of life, the forbidden area of time, the forbidden area of space, and the forbidden area of confusion.”

“What’s wrong?”

After Lu Cang got the answer.

Brief silence.

Then he replied, “It’s all right. ”

“You go on.”

“Lu Cang, I do want to ally with you, and I can also tell you important information about the alliance.”

“But before that, I think the trouble I’m having should be resolved first.”


“My territory, which should soon be besieged by the Allies, will be divided up by them.”

“I hope you can help me.”

“I want to move the territory to this vicinity, and if they attack, we can join forces against the Alliance.”

“I know the internal intelligence of other Holy Order Lords, and even the information of Alliance Lords.”

“These should be the intelligence you need.”

“Of course, there are other things I know, and I’ll tell you all along with them.”

Since Lu Cang wanted to oppose the alliance, he must know this information.

This intelligence is a secret at the heart of the alliance.

Especially about the Allied Lord, it is a complete mystery.

There is no description of him in the world, only rumors and rumors.

Completely unaware of what grade his territory was.

I don’t know what kind of class he has.

Yin Luan made his own request.

Her request was very reasonable.

If she were alone, she would definitely not be able to withstand so many Saint Order Lords to attack together.

She is not Lu Cang.

However, the reason why she looked at Lu Cang was also because of Lu Cang’s strength and potential.

Lu Cang at this stage, just right.

He has the strength to fight against the Holy Order, but he does not completely ignore them.

The alliance with Lu Cang at this stage is also a relatively safe time for the greatest probability of success.

If you wait until Lu Cang is stronger, then choose to form an alliance.

At that time, it was difficult to say whether I had the right to speak.

The strong do not need to ally with the weak.

And if Lu Cang was weak, he would not be able to ally with other Saint Order Lords when he was still unable to resist him.


Do this yourself and wait for death.

The other seven Holy Order Lords would not let themselves go.

At this stage, Lu Cang had the ability to fight against the Holy Order, and he just happened to ally with him, and he could also join forces to fight against the other seven Saint Order Lords.

The most opportune time.

At the same time, Yin Luan also found his own positioning.

She knew that her combat effectiveness might not be taken in by Lu Cang until it was too long.

Therefore, her value lies more in intelligence.

Yin Luan did not deliberately emphasize his combat effectiveness, but emphasized his intelligence value.



The demands made by the other side are indeed reasonable.

If your own survival is not guaranteed, what else will you form an alliance?

What Lu Cang wanted was inside information about the alliance.

In fact, there was another aspect that Lu Cang was worried about, that is, the forbidden area of life.

[Crash Zone] has changed the world’s perception.

Now it seemed that even the Holy Order Lords did not perceive anything abnormal.

This shows that the impact of the exclusion zone is very frightening.

Beyond the Holy Class.

That is, the existence above the Holy Order, at least the influence of the Forbidden Level.

I don’t know if this forbidden area is an enemy or a friend.

What exactly do you want to do.

However, he and the forbidden area have never met, nor have they had any interest exchanges.

The possibility of being friends is unlikely, and the possibility of being an enemy is outrageous.

In the Lord’s World, as long as it is not a friendly army, it can basically be identified as a potential enemy.

For this forbidden area of life, Lu Cang only knew that he was particularly dangerous.

“Well, I have to go back to the territory first and prepare my territory for transfer.”

“Can you leave me the coordinates of a teleportation array?”

“I teleport directly into your city, and it may not be safe outside the city.”

“I’m afraid they’ll be squatting outside on me.”

“Well, yes.”

Lu Cang was not worried about the other side expanding its territory in its vicinity.

Even in the vicinity, it does not pose much of a threat.

After speaking, the pair began to transmit the chant.

Prepare to teleport back to your own territory in situ.

The Holy Order Lords can already return to the city directly in situ, no longer need to pass through the teleportation array.

But only if the chanting process is not disturbed in any way.


Five minutes passed.

The chanting was completed, and the yin luan disappeared from the same place and returned to its own territory.


【Beamon City】

The three Holy Order Lords are still attacking the city of Beamon.

But the defense of Beamon City was impregnable.

Soon, Mutsu and Okuyama joined the support.

“You have finally come over, and Lu Cang has solved it?”

“It’s much trickier than you think.”

“By the way, what about Qingfeng and Yinluan?” Why didn’t they come? ”

“Solve, solve a fart.”

“Qingfeng is lost, Yin Luan has rebelled, and Lu Cang has nothing to do.”

“You can’t take a sixth-order lord?”

“If you fucking can’t take down the sixth order, why don’t you take it down and try it?”

“You don’t know how fierce Lu Cangb is!”

Between Okuyama’s words, one giant after another was released.



Under Okuyama’s roar, these sky giants, their bodies glowed red.

The next moment, they fought with those giant beasts Beamon!


These behemoths were far higher than his sky giants.

At the same time, the body was diffused with a layer of golden light, and the combat power was extremely terrifying.


Hit by these giant beasts Beamon, the skeleton of the Sky Giant shattered directly.

“By … What kind of monster is this? How can it be so fierce? ”

“Don’t rush over and fight hard!”

“They have the bonus of that tree in the city, and it’s very powerful.”

“But that tree has limited coverage, so don’t let them eat it and make it good.”

“If you don’t fight into it, how can you attack the city?”


Boom boom boom!

In the sky, meteorites are constantly falling, erupting into strong attacks towards the city!

The Meteor Lord looked at Okuyama coldly.

Didn’t answer his question.


“Holy Lord, what a stinky fart.”

“Not the Most Holy, but the Most Holy of the Mythical Grade.”

The Meteor Lord, regardless of rank and grade, was one order stronger than Mount O.

In this world, these two aspects are one step stronger, which is an explosive gap.

“Okuyama, what about your Ryan?”

“In such a battle, do you only want to rely on your ordinary sky giants?”

If Ryan is on the scene, it can really make them barely get into the eye.

Okuyama heard this, but did not respond.


Was this meteorite deliberate?

Which pot does not open which pot?

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