At this moment, Okuyama also felt the danger of his situation.

At present, the combat effectiveness of its own arms has been greatly reduced.

Originally, it was the weakest of the sounds.

But after losing Ryan.

He became the weakest of all the Holy Order Lords.

However, what made Okuyama unhappy was that it was not good.

As soon as he finished the battle of Cangcheng, he immediately came to support him in a fiery manner.

It is intended to help them solve Beamon, and then attack Cangcheng together.

It can be said that after running the east and running the west head, I have never been idle.

At the same time as the loss was heavy, it was also tired.

As a result, in his opinion, this meteorite lord not only did not appreciate it, but also insulted him with words.

Okuyama’s original calm and relaxed mentality also disappeared with time.

His anger was stirred up again.

In his tone, he said with anger.

“Okay, I’m redundant.”

“Mutsu, this is up to you, you have nothing to lose, you can always fight.”

“I’m relatively weak, my arms can’t play a role, you are strong, then you fight.”

“I went back.”

Those Beamons didn’t mean to chase after them.

For the human beings on the attacking side, it is indeed possible to go as long as you want.

After Okuyama finished speaking, he immediately chanted the teleportation in place.

Wait until Okuyama teleports away.

The Celestial Lord frowned.

“What kind of madness is Okuyama doing with this thing?”

“Did he take gun medicine today?”

“He wasn’t strong in the first place, and he was still angry, and if it weren’t for the fact that the Alliance had a Holy Order prohibiting infighting, I would have killed him long ago.”

“We’re working here, and he’s going straight back to the city to swing?”

“I can’t let you say it yet, can you?”

“Damn, after fighting this battle, you must apply to the alliance to sanction him.”

The three Holy Order Lords had been in a tense state of attack.

I don’t even know what’s going on in the east.

I just think that this Okuyama came over and dumped a face and left, it was simply sick.

The Meteor Lord frowned slightly.

Toward Mutsu asked.

“Mutsu, what’s going on in the East?”

After completing the battle, Lu Cang finally gained a moment of peace.

Of course, it is better to say that Lu Cang is peaceful than that it is to say that the world is at peace.

There is nothing in the world.

Most of the things were actually provoked by Lu Cang himself.

At this moment, Lu Cang finally calmed down.

And people all over the world are still trembling.

I was worried about where Lu Cang would emerge from the next moment.

Make big news.

Yin Luan went back to clean up the territory, and it took some preparation time.

Territorial transfers can be made from the sixth order.

Of course, Lu Cang did not have such an ability.

Because Lu Cang had not shifted this statement in the first place.

Either way, it could be his territory.

And the heart of his nest could have moved its position.

The preparation of the sound luan takes a long time.

Lu Cang did not intend to continue to do things.

Although from the news of the community, saw the battle of Beamon City.

But Lu Cang did not have the idea of mixing in the past.

Go over there and help whom?

Help Beamon fight the Human Order Lord?

Or help the human Holy Order Lord to fight Beamon?

These two seem to be his enemies.

Since they are all enemies, it is not enough to let them kill each other.

However, the other side occupied the city, and it was inevitable to build a teleportation array.

After that, it should be the army pressing.

The main thing, though.

In fact, Lu Cang felt that even if he went, it would be useless.

The combat power of that Meteor Lord, Lu Cang could also see.

Unable to break through the shield’s defenses.

Not to mention yourself.

He is now within the range of Cangcheng and has a strong defensive ability.

But the ability to attack.

But you can only rely on one excellent fiber.

Lu Cang also did not think that it was just a perfect fiber.

Increasing the cutting damage can pose a destructive threat to a huge city.

If this is the case, these Holy Order Lords should also have the material of the Holy Order to some extent.

Throw a sharp steel at the shield can be broken, then what else to hit,

Therefore, Lu Cang planned to rest.

Waiting for things to develop naturally, sometimes actions may not bear fruit.

Time must be buffered.

This short leisure time.

For the other lords, it was tranquility, it was a buffer, and it was a rest that was finally not stimulated by Lu Cang.

It is a period of moderation.

And for Lu Cang.

This period of time, but it is a non-stop rapid improvement.

People are resting, but territorial strength is growing wildly.

The benefits originally obtained in the battle are still being digested.

【Completed analysis of the turtle carapace】

【Special gene obtained: anti-seismic keratin】

[Anti-shock horn: Your stratum corneum becomes incredibly hard, can defend against most physical attacks, and all physical attacks will have a recoil effect when they act on you. 】

[This anti-seismic effect occurs through spatial resonance, anti-seismic damage of the same type, and can be effective across long distances]

“It’s okay, it’s not muscle tissue.”

Lu Cang was afraid of the carapace’s ability to parse muscle tissue.

This is a conflict with the Secret Steel Organization.

Both are defensive types.

But generally one part, only one can be activated.

Blood can be activated multiple times.

Multi-effect blood mix.

But this part of the muscle.

Simultaneous activation has no effect.

Can’t mix lifts.

“Anti-seismic horn is still universal.”

The stratum corneum, to put it bluntly, is a layer of skin.

Most of Lu Cang’s classes have the presence of a stratum corneum.

You can also use it.

The most important thing is the anti-seismic ability.

Let the enemy kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred.

And more importantly…

Lu Cang’s right hand made a slow move.

A pale yellow carapace appeared in Lu Cang’s hand.

【Flesh and blood consumed: 10 million】

【Reverse transcription used】

【You have reversed the article: Genkai carapace】

This pale yellow carapace, not something else, is exactly the item that the boss exploded before, the turtle carapace.

It also has the ability to recoil earthquakes.

And it is able to form a barrier against physical attacks.


Lu Cang thought a little, and then looked at the Blood Giant in front of him.

“Attack me.”

“Do as you are told.”

Without any hesitation.

After receiving Lu Cang’s will.

Tai’s right hand instantly turned into a thin-bladed knife

This huge [Tai] used his own weight to slam down on the ground Lu Cang!

At the same time, weapon combat skills are launched!

【Tyrannical Heavy Split】

[Tai] has been able to master a variety of weapon combat skills, and exert powerful damage far beyond the original power of the weapon.

And the ultimate fiber activation! The same blessing goes up.

Coupled with the powerful force of its own body.


The blow fell from the sky.

Hit Lu Cang’s head accurately!


The huge impact force directly knocked Lu Cang into the earth.

A huge flesh and blood pit was recessed in the ground at Lu Cang’s feet.

The blood and flesh around them all burst out of the blood because of the squeeze.

This scene is like a certain skill of the Hell Blood Demon God in a game in a previous life.


Lu Cang was not purely beaten.

Instead, it activated all its defenses.

Moreover, the flesh and blood on the body were also closely intertwined, forming a round shield towards the sky to resist the attack.

【Secret Steel Organization】

【Anti-seismic keratin】

【Genkai carapace】


Ty this shot fell.

The cutting bonus of the excellent fiber makes the airflow have a strong cutting ability.

Without attacking Lu Cang’s body, the air currents spread to the ground.

The impact alone caused the flesh and blood earth under Lu Cang’s feet to crack into a huge gap.

But Lu Cang’s body was safe and sound.

Above Tai’s body, a thin horizontal line appeared.


That is, a moment of time.

Tai’s upper body actually began to move.

Subsequently, it slides down slowly.


The blow that Tai slashed at Lu Cang’s body was perfectly counter-shocked.

Moreover, it is in the same form of attack.

This hit is a cut damage.

The one that recoils back is also a cut.

If this blow is concussive damage, the countershock is also a concussion.

And, even more frighteningly.

This recoil is not a counter-earthquake.

Instead, [Anti-seismic] performed a counter-seismic reaction.

The Turtle Carapace carried out a second recoil reaction.

You hit me once, I directly counter-shock two attacks.

Moreover, I don’t feel pain myself.

When the enemy hits himself, he can only be described as wounding a hundred enemies and losing ten thousand self-inflicted wounds.

Defensive ability, once again a solid improvement.

And at the same time complete the parsing.

It is a Huitian flute.

Something that exploded with the turtle carapace.

It is also a boss item of the Holy Order.

【Special gene: ditropic vocal cords】

[Two-way vocal cords: Through all the sound waves generated by your vocal cords, the penetration, range, and action of your sound waves have been greatly improved, and when the effect is caused, two opposite effects can be produced at the same time, and the effects are on the friendly side and the enemy respectively. 】

[Friendly Formula: Healing, Awake, Acceleration, Fury, Uplifting…]

[Enemy: Damage, confusion, sluggishness, weakness, depression…]

“It’s not bad, you can greatly enhance the sound wave attack ability of the screamer.”

After all, I don’t have any resistance to sonic defense at all.

If you can crush the sound wave on the other side.

In fact, there is no need to pick the Echo Lord.

As a heavyweight unit on the battlefield, the Screamer is still very strong.

Most importantly.

This unit can add super buffs to its own units.

Just like the Blood Giant, after being strengthened by the Screamer, the combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

If there is no reinforcement of the screamers.

That blow may not be able to really kill the sky giant.

However, that kind of situation is indeed special.

There is a field of vision obscured, and the blood curtain is covered.

The other party was caught off guard.

But the sky giant reacted.

Carry out actions such as parrying, dodging, etc., and it will not be so easy to kill.

At the same time, a flute also appeared in Lu Cang’s hand.

【Huitian Sound Flute】

Like the turtle carapace, this is also reversed.

“This, or for the screamers.”

After all, he does not have any sonic type attack ability.

But…… This stuff is for screamers.

It seems to be quite joyful.

Does the screamer have that shape to use with the flute in its throat?

But as long as the sound passes through the flute, it can work.

Therefore, Lu Cang was not worried about the use of methods, at most, it looked strange.

And with the completion of the analysis of these two special genes.

The parsing capsule has also completed the task of parsing.

【Evolutionary gene analysis sac has completed the pair——Earth turtle analysis】


Creeper [Figure]

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