【Earth Turtle Tags: Scourge of the World, High Defense, Super Giant, Protection, Floating, Buildings, Residences, Fortresses…]

[Evolutionary gene analysis sac has completed the pair – reverse the analysis of the daughter of death]

[Reversal of the Daughter of Death Label: Three Heads, Sonic Waves, Sound Rhythm, Resuscitation, Healing, Recovery Strengthening…]

Two prompts also pop up one after the other.

“Finally the parsing is complete.”

What Lu Cang was most looking forward to was the analysis of these two bosses.

【You have obtained a new class: Floating Island of Flesh and Blood】

【You have obtained a new class: Shaver】

“Sure enough, two brand new classes were acquired.”

Lu Cang felt that the World Scourge BOSS, this different type, should have a high probability of getting a new class.

Sure enough.

The new class provided by the Earth Xuan Turtle was somewhat unexpected by Lu Cang.

It was thought that the Earth Gentoise would provide a ground class.

And most likely, it is a defensive type of class.

But I didn’t expect that this provided a sky type of class.

Moreover, it is also the Sky Fortress type.

The Tenth Order Technology Side Lord, however, will gain classes similar to those of the Sky Battleship.

This earth turtle, providing a floating island of flesh and blood, seems to be this type.

“Why would a class with Earth in its name eventually provide me with a Sky Class?”

Lu Cang didn’t know what to say.

But it seems reasonable.

The shell of the earth turtle can also be used as a label for “residence” and “architecture”.

Moreover, it is said that it is a land turtle.

But in fact, there is also the ability to float.

If you refine it according to these labels.

It is possible to refine the sky type of troops.

Classes provided by the Daughter of Reversal of Death,

It’s not that outrageous.

It is indeed an auxiliary type of class.

“Secondary type, do I need such a class?”

The recovery ability of flesh and blood creatures is terrifying.

No treatment is needed.

Even without treatment, you can recover quickly.

And the auxiliary, there are also screamers can be added.

There also doesn’t seem to be a particularly large need for assistance.

However, the daughter of the reversal of death.

The very thing is an aid.

Obtaining this type of label is indeed a high probability of such a class.

Subsequently, Lu Cang looked at the specific attributes of these two classes.

But I don’t know.

One look but found.

This auxiliary class has some merit.

【Flesh and Blood Floating Island】

【Grade: Legend】

【Production Grade:Sixth Order】

【Attack Score:10000】

【Defense score: 7 million】

【Production speed:1pcs/day】

【Production unit: Differentiation from Royama】

[Abilities: Station, Adsorb, Float, Fly, Summon Flesh and Blood Chains]

[Special Ability – Diversion: It has both biological and architectural characteristics, and can be built on it. 】

[Special Ability – Floating Force Field: Located near this mob, it can make non-flying creatures have the ability to fly.] 】

[Special Ability – Sky Assimilation: You can assimilate the path you have walked through flesh and blood, turning it into a blood-colored canopy, and friendly units in the canopy can fly freely (affected by the forbidden air ability)]

[Description: Roshan floating in the sky.] 】

[Description 2: Derived from the advanced analysis of Roshan Mountain.] 】

From these tips, Lu Cang discovered Hua Dian.

This thing evolved from Roshan Mountain.

That means that some of the classes that you will analyze in the future may be based on the classes you already have?

Evolutionary gene analysis capsules, but also analyze their existing classes, improve and analyze them.

Become a new class?

This class is like a mountain of meat in the sky.

is a brand new mobile fortress.

“Finally, air supremacy is gradually established.”

Lu Cang now can be regarded as having all the arms of the sea, land and air.

And no longer just one ground development.

Before, the Echo Lord’s troops, when flying high into the air.

Lu Cang was already unable to handle it and could only be beaten passively.

At most, only the Genetic Aberration Tower can attack.

After all, Lu Cang couldn’t fly.

And the only soldiers who can fly are the blood bearers.

Most of the blood-huggers attacked from the ground in the air.

There is basically no means of air supremacy.

Moreover, the Blood Bearer is a relatively low-level class among the Lu Cang classes.

It was simply impossible for him to fight with the Echo Bird of the Holy Order.

That is to say, if you leave Cangcheng, there is no [Gene Aberration Tower]

When encountering sky units, they can basically only be attacked unilaterally.

But after having a floating island of flesh and blood.

Lu Cang can make all classes have the ability to fly.

Those soldiers who could not fly could also fight in the sky.

It is also a solution to Lu Cang’s problem of air superiority.

Although not really getting air-to-air, or surface-to-air classes.

But there are countermeasures.

“If I had built too much, I would have been able to spread floating islands all over the world.”

“In this way, I may be able to completely rule over the sky above this lord world.”


As for the class provided by the Daughter of Reversal of Death.

It’s [Shaver]

A very peculiar class.

【Shaper Shaper】


【Production Level: Seventh Order (Ascend with the Nest Level, Always One Order Higher Than the Nest Level)】

【Attack Score:0】

【Defense score: 500,000】

【Treatment score: 100,000】

【Production speed:10pcs/min】

【Production unit: produced from blastocyst】

【Production consumption: 10,000 flesh and blood/only】

[Abilities: Range Healing, Battlefield Gain, Orientation, Neural Connections]

[Special Ability – Multi-function Shaping: Your small and medium-sized flesh and blood class can be fused with the Shaper to form a Shaper unit with special functions, and the Shaper will have different effects depending on the class that enters the Shaver. 】

[Special Ability – Multi-Shape: After a single class fuses the shaper, different abilities can be enhanced by deformation. 】

[Special Ability – Multi-Reshaping: Shaper can fuse multiple classes to achieve the effect of using multiple different classes of abilities at the same time. 】

【Special Ability – Change Your Shape: When the class entering the Shaver’s body is lower than the Shaper level/level, the Shaver Grade/Rank is the standard, and when the class entering the Shaper’s body is higher than the Shaper Grade/Level, the Fusion Class Grade/Rank is the standard】

[Description: Special classes that can obtain multiple effects according to different classes, with strong adaptability. 】

[Description 2: If the lord himself enters the shaper, he does not know what kind of abilities he will gain. 】

[Description 3: It seems to be able to merge with enemies and friendly units, has a lot of wonderful effects, and is the most special class.] 】

Lu Cang looked at this introduction.

A very familiar unit came to mind for a moment.

Allied anti-aircraft vehicles inside the Red Alert.

Also known as multi-function loading forced car.

Different classes have different effects when they are put in.

This shaper of his own is very similar to that armored vehicle.

The difference, though, was that armored vehicle that could only go in with one person.

However, the Shaper can accommodate multiple classes at the same time.

“This auxiliary is really special.”

Originally, the screamer, as an auxiliary, was already very versatile.

The role of war singers on the battlefield is no joke.

The screamer acts as the superior substitute for the singer.

Nature is much stronger.

It can already be said that it is an auxiliary class with almost no shortcomings.

Lu Cang hadn’t even thought about how he would surpass this class for a while and a half.

But this shaper gave Lu Cang the perfect answer.

Especially that effect.

Can be raised to a higher level.

Just get into the shaper.

Originally a low-level creature, it can also exert high-level effects.

Lu Cang thought about putting the self-detonating worm into it.

Originally a cannon fodder-level self-detonating worm, it was directly upgraded to the seventh order of the Emperor Level…

That explosive power.

How scary must it be?

A disadvantage of self-detonating worms is that they move very slowly.

It’s a worm after all.

And small size.

Basically, they can only be arranged in advance.

Or let the other classes take it with them.

It’s like a bomb that won’t move.

If you want him to explode in a designated place, you must deploy it in advance.

But now the shaper has appeared.

Spotted bombs?

Sorry, just incarnate as a self-detonating truck.

“There is still some time left to refresh the blessings of flesh and blood.”

“It is reasonable to say that the floating island of flesh and blood should be blessed.”

“But the floating island hasn’t been built yet.”

As a super heavy unit, even if it is a state of birth, it takes a day to complete the construction.

Lu Cang was not in a hurry.

Flesh and blood blessings, or refresh just use it.

You can’t wait a day in vain, that is a waste of CD.

Waiting for 12 hours more was acceptable for Lu Cang.

And before the nest advancement, there is still more than half a day.

Eighteen hours to complete the promotion.

Lu Cang planned to wait quietly for the promotion of the nest to be completed in these eighteen hours.

After ascending to the seventh order.

It should be regarded as the combat effectiveness of the top of the platoon in the world, and it can be regarded as a fearless fighter.

The sixth order can hit the Holy Order, the seventh order…

Should be at least a little invincible.

Of course, Lu Cang didn’t dare to say that he was absolutely invincible at the seventh order.

After all, the realm of the Alliance Lord, he didn’t know yet.

Own a lair of the highest grade.

Lu Cang knew very well how much grade had an impact on combat effectiveness.

The highest level allows him to fight the Holy Order in the sixth order.

That’s because the grades of those holy ranks are legendary.

Not high.

It can also be seen that after the high grade, the impact on the improvement of combat effectiveness is also huge.

But if the other party is super mythical level.

The gap is not so big.

Moreover, what Lu Cang also had to watch out for was the Beamon in the west.

Although Lu Cang did not intend to attack the city of Bimong.

But that didn’t mean that Lu Cang didn’t take the race of Beamon to heart.

On the contrary, Lu Cang believed that this Beamon was likely to be a great threat in the future.

The unknown is what you should be wary of.

In addition to this, there are already active crash zones.

and four other life exclusion zones that were not active.

Under the circumstances that these were still unknown, Lu Cang did not dare to casually say that he was absolutely invincible.

So, just little invincible.

“Maker, shaper.”


Shaper [Figure]

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